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Posts posted by crispy131313

  1. I am currently playing version 1.7 and one thing I decided to change in the editor was Spain's axis Parent to Italy. While not sure if that would be historical, but I found it has made the game way more enjoyable for a number of reasons.

    First of all, it has created the feel of Spain as an independant nation from Germany because of their limited resources being shared with Italy. As well, Spain's African territory creates a feel of Africa being solely an Italian campaign, as Italy will then hold territory in all regions (North, East, South, and West)

    Spain's strategic position on the map can not be ignored: France, Portugal, and Gibraltar are all within striking distance, and the Spanish can become activated long before Paris is captured resulting in a very experienced Spanish military. As a result I see the Spanish being a very useful ally, rather than a garrison army like Austria and the Czech's usually tend to be for myself.

    The extra MPP's definitley help build the Italian armies, something that I found always took way too long, and it often left me without a built up navy to play with in the mediteranean.

    I'm not sure if this is something you would like to incorporate into your future version's as It can be simply edited without effecting any scripts. But it has been certainly fun on my side.

  2. So it sounds like a few units/script changes are in order.


    1) Garrison Ottawa/Halifax

    2) Garrison Amman


    1) War on Yugoslavia before the German-Russian non Agression pact activates USSR

    2) Axis occupation of any Canadian city forces USA to fully mobilize for war (unit scripts + Activation)

    By Garrisoning Amman, it is unlikely that the tiny Italian forces will succeed in forcing Trans Jordan to surrender, they more than likely will just become misplaced, and trapped in the sand.

    By Garrisoning a few key Canadian cities, and by adding a script that will result in the USA releasing the fury in retaliation, that should definitley deter any trickery moves in North America.

    The early attack on Yugoslavia before the German-Russian non agression pact that would result in Russia entering the war would be suicidal. While it is possible Germany could have done it, it's just a huge hamper on the mod and how the war is suppose to play out.

    Russia's tactics should be more than fine with the USA forcing the German's to divide it's forces once the USA decides it is ready.

    Italy can be very useful, you just have to surrender a minor or so to Germany's little sister, and invest some early chits in Industrial technology.

  3. I'm in a pretty critical stage of the game right now, Summer of 1941. (V1.6) The game is awesome (playing as the axis 50% + .5 EX.) It's very challenging, to say the least. Luckily I had a plan to make Italy a playable faction from the very beginning, and they are finally starting to support the axis cause. Without Italy growing stronger, I am pretty confident Germany would collapse in this mod.

  4. I would also like to see an advanced Diplomacy model, where as even once a country is at war (100%) they can still be affected by diplomacy. For example Hungary could continue to be a diplomatic target of the Allies even after they are at War and if the Allies can successfully bring them back down to 0% they would surrender/accept a peace treaty, or possibly even switch sides (All units outside of their country would obviously surrender to the Germans). This type of stuff is real, and once again opens door to many more what ifs.

  5. I am not one of the constant contributors here, however I have followed the forum every day for months, and the notion of removing Tanks (as a stand alone unit) from the game is really unappealing. Panzer Groups to my knowledge were more than just a sprinkling amongst an army, and were major aspects of the war. I would like to see these groups as standalone targets to attack (especially when defending as the soviets).

    I do agree with elminating some of the specialty units (Anti Tank, Anti Air) but limiting the game to only 4 units seems a little dull. Rather than changing the major mechanics of how corps sizes and armies are mobilized and with which amount and levels of weaponry the receive I would much more enjoy a more detailed account of the second world war. Brazil for example while not a significant contributor to the war did mobilze an army and sent it to Eurpoe to fight the Italians, the REF (I belive), pilots and navy fought for the allies. While their troops did not mass large numbers I would like to see countries such as Brazil become involved (ex. Strength 1 Corps, Strength 1 Cruiser, Strength 1 Fighters) join the war and leave the what ifs in our hands. (If we could decide to invest resources to build up a Southern American Country like Brazil to the point they could make an impact on a Global scale.)

    The many what ifs is what excites me the most about the second world war. What if after abandoning Sealion the Germans decided they had enough time to conquer Switzerland? What If the Germans did not declare war on the Soviets until much later? Would they have gained enough ground to gain the support of more beligerents? What if Vichy France was never an option and the French nations continued to battle?

    I can not speak for everyone, and I am certainly not speaking for the "hardcore" but rather than playing the same game over and over again, the replay value of this upcomign release is what I am really crossing my fingers for, not less units + more complications. Basically I'm just tossing my 2 cents out there hoping that I will never play the same game twice, and that there will be atleast an option for the timeline and or minor counrtries to be able to be altered by chance, or consequence.

  6. The Dutch sub could have infact been unlucky. If you can recall if once the sub was attacked a pop up read "Enemy Contact" then your sub was just accidently spotted by one of the Japan's very active fleets when your paths crossed and a battle commenced. If there was no pop up, you were spotted by the Japanese and they knew you there. Bombers can spot submarines a long distance away for example.

  7. As a general rule of thumb you can expect a submarine to reduce a convoy's shipments by about 40%. Multiple submarines could see the route reduced to about 20% efficientcy. In the case of Malaya it is only worth 8 MPP (See War Map Convoy Routes in game) and it is such a small supplier the sub reduced it to 0. Some of the routes are woth 60-70 MPP such as Manchuko and a sub sabotage would result in major MPP losses for the Japanese. Hope this helps.

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