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Posts posted by crispy131313

  1. I have not yet played a human opponent with WW1, so my statement reflects solely against an AI opponent. I can say however, I have found this to be the case on the Eastern and both Western Fronts.

    In previous SC2 games these mass attacks were just as effective but not as widespread across the map, you had to really focus your forces to overwhelm a target or objective. In WWI this type of strategy can be used against nearly every front line unit.

  2. I couldn't agree more with xwormwood! Playing the campaign I have found all of the games extra features such as diplomacy, air battles, research etc. to be totally unneccessary and is a deterent from victory. The best strategy is the rotation, and the best strategy is mass corps. Diplomacy etc. enhances replay value, but it's hard to go in that direction when essentially you are only artificially making the game last longer vs. the AI by doing so.

    Therefore I give my support to killing the 8x rotation gimic.

  3. Another player has reported to Hubert about the German's AI poor play behind their Western-France front lines (defending Belgium with HQ's). Perhaps the hole you blew through with the Entente won't lead to game over in the first patch.

    In the meantime however, I do think that ground attack upgrades on aircraft is the effective counter. If you find artillery is getting too strong as the game progresses it is likely from major experience (+3 experience artillery is lethal). Use your air units to harrass the HA's experience and morale.

  4. In my limited experience I have poured alot of money into keeping Serbia alive. I am playing +1, 100% vs the Central Powers and have kept Serbia in the fight, and the money seems well spent as I am now in Fall, 1916. The amount of Hungarian/Bulgarian troops tied up in this theatre will become a turnng point as Romania is near ready to open the back door for the Russians to offer assistance.

  5. Supplies could be airlifted in (e.g. Stalingrad, Chindits), airdropped (e.g. Market, Budapest) or delivered by clandestine naval operations (eg Subs). Patrols (eg. LRDG, Fernkampftrupps) could simply exfiltrate back to their own lines to replenish, then return on patrol. In the case of the Russian front, partisan groups would often find large enough gaps in the front to simply walk (ride) over to friendly lines and resupply.

    On a map of tiles it is hard to recreate unconventional supply lines, but it is not impossible.

  6. September 1916, Major Victory for the Central Powers!

    A few suggestions:

    1. Tighten up Eastern France early game.

    2. Russians could put a bit more pressure (more units) on Austria-Hungary at the beginning. They required no German help and reached nearly to Odessa.

    3. Stalemate at the Suez is way too easy to accomplish for the Ottoman Empire, I'm not sure what could change it.

    4. Naval blockade's on German's supplies could have a much larger impact on German morale. As I see it now keeping Germany's ships in harbour has a more positive impact on morale (from the unneccessary loss of life) then trying to break the blockade.

    5. Unit placement is fantastic in France, however the Russians sometimes operate their special units into garrisons/harms way, when they have 40+ Corps available.

    That's all I can think of for now. Awesome game! I think I need to try +1, Intermediate experience next time.

  7. Bringing up difficulty settings again.

    I took Snowstorm's advice and played netural settings, its currently October 1915, and Russia is below 50% and France 52%. In France I have the option now too attack Paris dead on, or flank the remaining entrenched lines near Amiens. Infact the French have only 14 land troops remaining,withoug lifting the FOW i can see they have 3 HQ's 2 Arties, so that means less than 10 Corps remain.

    The Russians are also in trouble, as the the Austrians have now brought the fight past the Russian borders. Warsaw and it's surroundings are German garrisoned. In fact the vast FOW areas of Russia have proven scarier than the Russian army itself.

    Is this match (not the game itself) a lost cause for the AI? It's hard to guage with the new rules, but I'd like to restart if I'm cake walking the game without adjusting the AI settings.

    Advice playtesters/Hubert?

  8. I would also like to see adjusting the difficulty level of different nations in the future.

    In the meantime however the editor could mimic alot of those difficulty adjustments, such as increasing +1 soft attack for German, English Corps, while lowering Russia's Corps -1. Industrial modifier would increase Russia's Resources, or you could swith some towns to cities etc.

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