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Everything posted by Arzok

  1. When I do that, and when I open the editor, MYMAPPYWAPPY does not appear in the list !!! It works when I do this with the "clear_" maps. But not with the original maps, I don't understand why...
  2. I have a quite similar problem : I want to modify an existing map (I need to remove the bridge). If i save the modification, it affects the original map. So I need to change the name. But if i change the name of the folder, I can't load the map with the editor (the map does not appear). Is it possible ? Sure "save as" would be something very appreciate...
  3. I made a small campaign In several missions of this campaign, you can choose your reinforcement among the reserve units : The general idea is that light tanks are avalaible at the begining of the mission. medium tanks will arrive in the middle of the mission, and heavy tanks for the last strike. So with this system, you can choose your reinforcement, and the reinforcement is made from the reserve units !
  4. I have tried this instruction. CameraMove ( POINT , "Point_1" , 10 , POINT , "Point_2" , 10 , 5000 ) It works quite well, but I need a precision. What represents the numbers 10 ?
  5. I have checked on severals missions, but I have not seens such triggers. Effectively, it is easy to make a trigger that do this type of things. But I think (if it is the case) that it concerns only few missions. It is not a problem of patch, it is a problem of triggers. You can make your own mission with the freedom you want. You just have to try... and let us to try your mission
  6. I have never noticed that. Usually, I kept 80% of my infantry alive, with no fore, lay and hide.
  7. If you use the battle generator, it is implanted. There is a trigger (retreat trigger). When the IA'soldiers are less than 30% of the initial number, the IA retreats. It is very simple to change the proportion (one parameter) and quite easy to make the same trigger for the player. So your dream is in TOW 1...
  8. All is possible with the editor. You just have to try instead of complain. But to make a campaign, that take into account the fact that you may retreat and "replay" the day after, with more units, it takes much more time to create this. For exemple, for 4 missions, you will have to create 16 missions to deal with each case. It is not possible !!! and it does not worth for the creator of the campaign. And also, why should the IA retreat after a bloddy combat ? The player never does that... The player plays until the last man...
  9. Of course ! I tried twice to use array. First time, it was with tanks and with an array of points. No problem, except if a tank is destroyed on a point, it blocks the following tanks. So second time, I tried with rectangle and trucks (to simulate a convoy). And I discover that sometime, the trucks forget the order and switch to "defend" order.
  10. Arzok

    Map size?

    For me too, it is the perfect level. Bigger maps mean more time to play a mission, and most of the map will not be used.
  11. I try this, and it seems to work quite well. But it is still too complicated It is for a truck. Every 15s, I send again the command. And each time the truck reachs a rectangle of the array, I send the new move command for the next rectangle of the array. -------------------------- set @i1 = 0 set @unit = 404 set @array = "Array01" set @rect2 = "Rect_3" set @long = ArrayLen ( @array ) sub ( @long , 1 ) set @compteur = 0 setworkarmy ( army , 3 ) label boucle delay ( 1500 ) add ( @compteur , 1 ) if @compteur > 10 then set @compteur = 0 endif set @rect = ArrayGetElementName ( @array , @i1 ) set @a = GetNUnitsInArea ( unit , @unit , car , @rect ) if @a > 0 then add ( @i1 , 1 ) set @rect2 = ArrayGetElementName ( @array , @i1 ) runcommand ( unit , @unit , move , rect , @rect2 ) endif if ( @@depart_camion > 0 and @compteur = 5 ) then runcommand ( unit , @unit , move , rect , @rect ) endif set @a = GetNUnits ( group , "convoi01" , car ) if a = 0 then halt endif goto boucle
  12. When I order a unit to move from A to B (by move, attack or storm). If this unit sees an enemy, it will move toward this unit to fight. It is a problem when you want to coordinate an attack by several side. Have you solve this ?
  13. I am surprising that it taks a lot of memory ? It is very simple trigger. The most important thing is probably the "delay" command inside each trigger. If you use 10s of delay, it will not take a lot of CPU.
  14. Why ? "halt" command in a trigger is the same as "destroytriggerinstance itself" in this case ?
  15. It is possible to retire units in a battle and selecting this same unit for the next battle, in a campaign, in TOW 1 That depends how the campaign is made, but it is the normal way.
  16. One possibility I have tried is to choose a squad from an other nation, and to change each soldier in french (name, arms...) A bit long, but it works. Except for campaign, for the next mission, the squas recover is former nationality :mad:
  17. Thank you for the answear. I tried for an other map with points and tanks (and attack) It worked fine, except the fact that when a tank is destroyed just at a point, the others will stay blocked just before. So I tried this time with rectangle, but with truck and move. And sometimes, the truck stops (with no apparent reason, like trees...), and return "defend" order instead of move. I use a delay of 30 seconds between trucks.
  18. I have checked with getcurrentcommand Strangely, when the truck stops, getcurrentcommand replies "defend". It explains why the truck stops, but I don't send this order "defend", and it appears randomly
  19. I want to move 5 trucks to make a convoy The player has to protect this convoy. I use runcommand ( unit , 404 , move , array , "Array01" ) for the first truck. Array is made of rectangles. I have try with points, but when a truck is destroyed at the point, it blocks all others trucks. But with rectangle, 50% of the trucks stops without reason in a rectangle (not the first, not always the same) I think rectangle are wide enough Have you some idea ?
  20. Is the scouting ability important for tankmens ? If yes, for each member is it more important (gunner to detect enemies, driver to find the best way, officer ? ) ? Same questions for artillery mens ?
  21. Thank you very much ! I will adjust the exp for my future campaign...
  22. Can you explain the function "GetPower ( GROUP , @group_enemy )" It is not in the trigger manuel. How the power of a group is calculated ? (tanks, infantry...) Another question : For campaign, you can give EXPerience for each mission . How it is modified with the intelligence of the soldier ? Have you a formula ?
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