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Everything posted by Nupremal

  1. Hubert, I just tested this and it is not working. Maybe you can help: 1) I moved a carrier set to CAP forward, and did nothing with it. It was within strike range. Now, it was set to auto, which may mean it does NOT escort? I thought it did. Or, is range lower for fighters? Or, is it a bug? because 2) I moved another one, with Tac, and attacked - got escort from a fighter, but second attack NO escort from the carrier!
  2. You set decision events up by creating a yes/no question and giving it a number. The event itself does nothing, but defines itself as a set - i.e. decision set 1 would be 1(1) or 1(0) for decision 1 = yes or no. Then, you create other events based on that decision, under the decision variable, so for instance if you choose yes to annex baltic states, the annex baltic states event is triggered.
  3. I notice that Ports - which in previous SC2 games offered almost immunity - now seem to do almost nothing at all. How does it work when a naval ship makes a direct attack vs. a port? Here is what I have seen: 1 - The attack on resource is similar to before 2 - The collateral damage, which is now base 50%, seems to cause the defender more than 1 point, I have seen as much as 4 points of collateral damage. 3 - The defender does not appear to counter attack at all, just the port. Can you clarify the mechanics of this? Carrier Air - I am not sure, but I thought if I set one carrier to fighter and another to Tac, the first would escort the attack of the second, but that did not appear to happen. Is that correct and I just had it wrong in one instance or was I incorrect? I set the carrier to fighters and auto - so they should have intercepted, right?
  4. I think +50% and +.5 experience is pretty reasonable, vet or not there is a learning curve...
  5. I am available for a game too - contact me by email or by windows messenger: vypuero@netscape.net
  6. It gives us an appreciation of how hard it is to make scenarios, but just to let you know we will both have some very excellent ones eventually...
  7. awesome, thanks and I am glad I finally decided to jump in to guess! I have looked at demo but wanted the game for sure.
  8. never mind that, I can figure it out. I read through the manual so have a good idea what is changed. Noticed some things like the chance of a hit when bombarding has increased from base 10% to 50%, the new sub rules, a few things like that. Just wondered if there was anything else more subtle that I happened to miss.
  9. Never mind - does the supply center basically do what an industrial center does except you can't build there?
  10. Supply Center - what does this do? Is this like what a Major Capital does so anything connected is at full strength, or does it do something else? also, in addition to the new carrier rules, are there any changes in say convoys? (multiple - or being able to set them up in different ways?) or anything else of interest?
  11. My guess is that as the first article said - their goal was to prevent shipments to China via that port, and by holding the port or mining/making it useless, they were at able to do that and didn't need to really bother with it otherwise. Wikipedia is NOT bad, there are in fact great articles on the whole war in china I was never able to find before.
  12. Look at this old Time article: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,766045,00.html
  13. well I am going by a WW II atlas - will see if I can find more.
  14. Foochow was taken by the Japanese in 1939 so should already be occupied by 1941
  15. did you put it in the \campaigns sub-folder?
  16. it is a cool sub, but a total waste of resources and effort. Would not have had any appreciable effect.
  17. speaking of which I could not figure out how to use it. what is the difference between file title, description, short description? what does blank license mean? what is file version? what do file home page and icon do? I tried and failed to upload something. Don't know why.
  18. what time zone are you in? I can upload it to you by windowslive - or various other means. email me at vypuero@netscape.net or you can add me as friend in windows live IM
  19. I would like to play some human vs human games of my World Campaign mod - email or PM me
  20. I would like to play some human vs human games of my World Campaign mod - email or PM me
  21. hmmm... well in my tests it seemed to be #1 but I was hoping for verification that I had not made some other type of mistake. If I do any further testing will let you know. Another comment: It appears that the "capture territory" function works across water - I would suggest that be eliminated if possible. What I mean is if you say take a tile or city and an opponent has a water tile with some land edge, it gets captured too. Small thing. second comment: When I get territory annexed, it appears to start at strength 10, even if it should be strength 5, and then goes down 1/turn to match say being unconnected, but it was never conected to begin with. That seems odd.
  22. Can a convoy destination port be: 1) Only a Port owned originally (or annexed) by the transfer Nation 2) Be a Port captured by the transfer Nation 3) Be a Port allied to the transfer Nation? I think it is 1) but I am not sure.
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