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Everything posted by Nupremal

  1. way too complicated an idea - try to stick to tweaks that make more sense within the game system. Some examples for me that would make the game better: 1) Moddable units - so we can create our own 2) A less linear combat system, for example where defense is more like actual "armor" so that higher defense takes lower casualties 3) A less random research system, where there is a random effect but where you slowly gain the technology anyway, so bad luck doesnt accumulate into a loss - can be optional 4) More flexible convoys - so you can have convoys from any nation to any other - for example can start with russian convoys to germans, and when russia reaches enough activation towards allies it is cut off (ie oil/resources deal they had). Also - multiple convoys and routes (example - usa can have LL all over - australia, uk, russia via murmansk, persia, siberia... Would like some that can be adjusted, others cannot be (say a min/max) - this is to show some that can't be adjusted as they represent a weakness = trade that if cut causes economy damage. of course more than enough Minors and Majors - up to 10 Major and 100 Minor say.
  2. You are not talking about mine are you? Reason is that I gave different weather areas and accounted for north-south of equator. It is moddable as is so is not game-specific but is scenario-specific
  3. really? all you need to use is "home builds" as per mine and that is not an issue - can only build in home territory. That is already in the game.
  4. Let me know how the AI works - it is not finished but a good portion of it is done (for allied AI that is).
  5. I tried it the AI seemed fine - first of all: 1) When did the error take place? 2) Are you SURE you are using the Patch for 1.02 for Pacific? It just came out.
  6. well I didnt test it with the ai because my ai isnt finished but I have been playing it human to human and it works. I had to make changes to it for the 1.02 version as there is a new "friendly position" added to the loop script. It may have something to do with that. I will see if I can figure it out or may Hubert can tell us. I may have made a mistake in the script that somehow only affects the AI, though that seems unlikely.
  7. have you upgraded to version 1.02 yet of the game?
  8. Note - in 1.03 the French Units and Navy in Med/NAF don't appear until Italy activates. However I forgot to remove the pop-up that tells you to garrison NAF - just ignore it.
  9. YES I agree they should be able to be motorized! I also hate it when they get stuck - even had some that could never move - But I think movement would be valuable
  10. They can't leave the box - i.e. use the loops
  11. I just uploaded (still to CMMODS while they are there) 1.03 version, which has a lot of updates and is compatable with 1.02 version of the game.
  12. It is until Canada and USA are allies - anyway the us ships cannot leave until they are at war in any case.
  13. excellent - when I get a chance to test it will let you know but since I am adding some offensive plans I hope it works - it will be interesting to see if it is possible to build an AI for this. However I have a lot on my plate so not sure how much can get done.
  14. what did the patch change? If it changed some campaign features that won't do anything - but what hard coded changes took place?
  15. If you have more than one Industrial Centers - does the AI ALWAYS build in the home IC even if there are ICs available to build in areas not connected to the capital city? For instance, if the AI is trying to build up for an offensive, and it could put new builds - for instance in India vs. UK - will it do so, or would it only ever build in UK (if possible)? If it does not, I will need transport missions even if AI could build
  16. what does that mean? As far as I know, there is no such thing - the game won't change in the middle - if you start a new game, it will use the new scripts, and the old game will continue the same way
  17. I have experienced these bugs: 1) This one may have worked before so its possible it was caused by the 1.01 patch. If I set a neutral country resource to activate, it does not work. Essentially, if you get any convoy the resource counts at its 50% value (which is normal since it can't be connected), and if it activates by either diplomacy or dow, it is also at that same level. I have checked the scripts a number of times and they are perfectly correct. The script simply does not work for any nation that is not active at the start of the scenario. 2) This one I am not sure I can duplicate - but essentially a sub from Italy which was in silent mode "disappeared" from the map! Italy was neutral at the time. I think it got "run over" by another unit from france or UK somehow and the unit ended up on the sub, and it just didn't know what to do so the unit disappeared.
  18. - allies have advantage as it is, so decided not to - uploaded version 1.02 look at readme and documentation
  19. I confirmed - read the excel file "diplomacy" under documents and the stats are there for the garrison requirements
  20. I have some pop-ups for that. Germans need to have depending on if they said yes to the pact - lets say they did, they need to garrison east prussia, warsaw, krakow, and lodz. Russia needs to garrison Lvov, Brest-Litovsk, and Vilna. They also need to garrison Minsk, Kiev, Odessa (plus possibly Kishinev), Leningrad, Riga, Tallin (in Baltics) and there is another I think too near Polish border - look at scripts (activation on position) or my documentation - diplomacy - may have more details too
  21. I would ask that in the future there be some option to detail your entire economy so you can see what you are getting and why! As it is, it is very hard to figure out sometimes when things don't match.
  22. I made a cool atom bomb unit. Used a rocket with 10 attack in most stats, 10-20 strike range, 8 de-entrench, 100% morale loss. USA gets one in 45 at some point (10% chance per turn starting in 45) if they fund the manhattan project (one mine resource does not activate)
  23. Iceland has not been in the game for a long time - previous versions were not 1.0 they were all betas. I only just now started giving them versions. Iceland was deleted because the sub warfare didn't have enough room. If I had to do it over I would make East Africa much much smaller and give more room in Atlantic - problem is you cannot move chunks of the map around.
  24. here is what happens - they get TONS of XP and so have 3 to 5 stars - then 12-15 strength, and so when attacking their fire does like 4-5 damage instead of like a point or so... I also deleted their air defense (which I had added to a lot of units) so they are more vulnerable to air attacks. Oh also I have changed tech to 8-7-6-5-4 for each level so you will notice more hits
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