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Everything posted by Nupremal

  1. Thanks! Yes I had to do what I could. Another thing that would help for future would be to allow cut and paste on maps? It is horrible if you make a mistake on some area and have to move it... So far play seems good into 1941 for Rambo and I - fixed some minor bugs - also considering at some point need to re-do east africa again make it much smaller.
  2. Has anyone considered this: 1) My first idea - increasing damage for amphibious transport back to the old level, so long range is hard (i.e. you need the islands more to leapfrog with so the amphibs dont get trashed) 2) I also notice that Carriers do not get upgrades to Bomb attack or defense - this makes their fighters ineffective against land-based bombers compared to land-based fighters, which get a bonus in bomb attack & defense!
  3. I tried to do the following on my mod: 1) Documentation - Excel spreadsheet shows diplomacy 2) Pop-Ups 3) Under Decisions, shown in the decision, so you have time to view it, whenever that applies, for instance, if you annex baltics what must be garrisoned? 4) If there is an activation, a pop-up that says something like "Soviet troop maneuvers on Polish border" are the warning
  4. - check the newest one because there are some errors - for instance when you sign neutrality pact russian siberia activates instead of NOT activating - I fixed. I rather intended that there by no port for game play purposes. It is too easy for axis to swing ships through channel via ports, and also makes it a bit too easy for allies - here they need a port and they also want Caen as that is their supply center if they can take it. The ship will be able to move once USA and CAN are both active
  5. Ok it still crashes - there is no Pacific patch, is there? NEVER MIND - I am a dumbass, found it!
  6. Ok I will send it when I get home tonight. Do you need the scenario?
  7. Oh and another thing, perhaps you would like to test it with me as it is only human vs. human play right now? you can email me
  8. It does have some bugs, but I am confident they will be worked out. However I can't promise it is playable as-is. I will get a working update hopefully later today. I have to find out what this bug is first - I may need to delete the forced surrender script until it is patched, which will mean France will not surrender as quickly as it should (since it is classified as a minor).
  9. Thanks - needs work to fix bugs - some are mine, and I have found a couple that could be with the game: 1) The territory issue, which is known and will be patched 2) A new one when I used forced surrender for France.
  10. I have a bug when I force france to surrender: [02/04/2009 10:22:28; 5.1.2600; 1280x768x32(1); v1.00] FAILED(handle_surrender_2_scripts): Segmentation violation do you know why, or if I need to show you anything else?
  11. Guys very simple solution to start with: You notice in Pacific % damage to amphibs went down from 50% to 20% send it back to 50% now you need short hops or your amphibs get creamed in bad weather
  12. I have uploaded my new Pacific World War Campaign (using the new rules) to CMMODS. It is currently human vs human only (no ai) documentation is in the folder
  13. do you know when the patch is coming out for pacific?
  14. In PDE, when I used this to have the USSR annex Eastern Poland following surrender, it worked. In the Pacific version, it sort of works. What happens is that it becomes Russia as per borders - but the land still is German Occupied (USSR). Then the Russians have to move in to take the territory. The Germans can't move in - so it sort of works - but this is not, I think, intended. It could be a bug?
  15. 1 - watch the diplomacy for Russia carefully 2 - use your engineer to build fortifications 3 - fill them as best you can over time. Hopefully get experienced units there by rotating out inexperienced ones along the way that get to chop up on the crappy Chinese for awhile getting nice XP
  16. I got this too but then the games worked fine, so I didn't worry about it.
  17. Ok thanks - I did not test the script - I guess I will try it. Would save a lot of time, in fact I would prefer an "all countries" option. Understand the fail delay now.
  18. Is it possible to have more than one Country in a script? For example would this script allow both the US and UK to use the loop or do I need more scripts? I also never understood what the hell "failed delay" means or what it does or what it is for, can anyone explain? { #NAME= Gulf of Alaska to Pacific Northwest #POPUP= #IMAGE= #SOUND= #FLAG= 1 #TYPE= 2 #AI= 0 #LEVEL= 0 #GV= 1[1,100] #LINK= 0[0] #COUNTRY_ID= 1 #COUNTRY_ID= 3 #TRIGGER= 100 #DELAY= 0 #FAILED_DELAY= 5 #START_POSITION= 254,15 #START_POSITION= 254,16 #START_POSITION= 254,17 #START_POSITION= 254,18 #START_POSITION= 254,19 #START_POSITION= 254,20 #FINISH_POSITION= 1,15 #FINISH_POSITION= 1,16 #FINISH_POSITION= 1,17 #FINISH_POSITION= 1,18 #FINISH_POSITION= 1,19 #FINISH_POSITION= 1,20 }
  19. Alarick, thanks for the interest. One thing is that while that mod was not completed, I do have a newer version. However the reason it was not finished is that I switched the platform to the new Pacific game. One reason was for the carriers, but if it were just that I would not have switched. The main reason is I want to do the map differently. While that one had the whole world, the problem was the combat areas got small. Instead I have cut those off and also discovered how the scale works. With the isometric perspective, if you look at the coordinates, the X coordinate (vertical) is 2x the Y, so using coordinates you have say 50 miles per X, 25 per Y. This is why the map guide suggests reduce map vertically by 50% (or it is the same as increasing the horizontal by 200%). Now that said, of course, its hard to find a map the size I need, nor is the scale correct because of the projection (North too big). So here is what I am doing: Top of Map = European Theatre, scale 50/25 Bottom of Map = Pacific Theatre, scale = 70/35 I set a coordinate in Europe = London and then measure distance to each city. This is the direct distance = hypotenuse of a triangle, and using the latitude where 1 degree = 69.2 miles, I triangulate every coordinate city based on a central city (London in this case) so I get the exact coordinates, then fill in the details by eye. In any case, the various map sections are linked w/loops, plus instead of full maps the USA is an off-map "mini-map" since no combat will take place there. I will also have an off-map area for East Africa (Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya), South Africa, and Australia (to the South - the top will be on the map). Plus I added in a little section for South America for convoys to the UK. There has to be a generic "neutral" nation which by various means territory can be annexed from (for instance, I use that for baltics, for siberia...) In any case that map is about 60% done now. To answer your question - the reason I did not have them all is there is a limited number of builds that exceeds the number of JG units, so I had to pick some and leave others out. I suppose I could just allow more builds but keep the build limit, - will consider that.
  20. fair enough - I was researching the ships they had and noticed it.
  21. Kawachi listed as a BB for Japan blew up in 1918 and Settsu was a target ship: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kawachi_class_battleship
  22. On a side note - IF you end up with any cities and decide to add a port by way of the islands - the problem is if you could NOT attack that the port could not be captured or attacked even if you take the city (I think)... I also have a super small note - check your icons for Pacific - the icon for the US Fighter in Winter does not match the other icons (it is the old style)
  23. I noticed something that may be a bug. If you have a port, it can be attacked by land, but usually only if the tile has a land connection to the port - this works! However - if you have an island - put a port on it - the land tiles next to that port CAN attack it! Is this a bug? Perhaps should be fixed? I also suggest that the "capture territory" that happens when you move a unit NOT extend across water.
  24. aha - so if I move my carrier, I can't intercept, yet if I move it I can still launch a tactical attack - that is interesting.
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