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Everything posted by Clavicula_Nox

  1. I'm cool with that, too. Bring on X-COMbat Mission!
  2. That's one of the things I loved about Close Combat.
  3. I have no idea what the process is. I would assume they first strip the paint, then prime, and then apply the paint. That is simply a guess, but I personally would not want to paint over paint.
  4. Yeah, I know about the UCP-D vs Multicam tests. What I don't understand is how they're even justifying the test. UCP-D looks like someone took the regular UCP and randomly smeared dog **** over it. It looks -ok- on a swatch, but the whole uniform looks terrible. It's actually worse, in my opinion, than regular UCP. I say go with Multicam. ****, go with tan jumpsuits for all I care, they'd still be better than what they have now!
  5. Dude, I wish they would get rid of the damn ACUs. I long for the days of BDUs/DCUs. Well, they can't say "It was ****ed up by some insurgents" because that would imply we were fighting a war and not an "overseas contingency operation" responding to a "Man-made disaster".
  6. I guess so, but it's not like they're the first tan vehicles in Afghanistan. I know the article quotes "survivability" as a motivator behind the paint job, but I assumed that "uniformity" was the actual driving force. Everyone else is tan. We must also be tan to fit in. Hooah Big Army. etc.
  7. This is it. We maintain a 24 hour op tempo in theatre. Due to training and technology, we can fight better at night. That doesn't mean we should only fight at night.
  8. I was deployed when that happened and remember it. The soldier in question was a medic who ended up treating the sniper who shot him. Yeah, definitely agree with the last bit. I would have, personally, been more receptive if it wasn't some blanket mandate that we MUST at ALL TIMES wear armor NO MATTER WHAT. I am pretty much of the opinion that the armor is just to satisfy the press and Mom Back Home.
  9. I don't think age, MOS, or AO would have any bearing. Everyone was 11b in my AO, and I did not have the youthful feeling of immortality. I'm just presenting a differing opinion, that's all. I don't necessarily think my way is the right way. The personal armor has been very successful in saving the lives of many troopers, my own experience with the armor hasn't been that great. It was useful for some fragmentation, but not direct small arms fire. I don't see the point in uparmoring vehicles when the bad guys are simply going to build bigger bombs, and now we're left with a vehicle that has a hard time manoeuvring and wears out very quickly due to too much stress on the suspension.
  10. You and I are completely opposite. I remember the days of rolling around with no doors, canvas doors, those POS scrap metal doors, and finally, the varying stages of armor doors and always preferred the lightest possible armor. Whether that meant no doors and a some protection for the gunner (re: front plate and maybe some side panels), or something "slightly" uparmored. I spent a lot of time either driving my humvee, or dismounting to fight bad guys, and always, always, always, hated the armor (vehicle and personal). I recognize that I am fully in the minority, and that's okay. I recognize that the personal armor has done a world of good, and I am thankful for those who it has helped. I would rather move and be able to breath without some damn plate stabbing me in the back of the neck and rubbing against my esophagus.
  11. With WW2 games, I hardly bat an eye when my pixeltruppen eat lead. With modern games, I always hesitate before sending in the troops. I have noticed no difference in how I use vehicles, except that maybe I am more aggressive in Modern games.
  12. Yeah, it's neat, but the pattern of continual uparmoring isn't new. I'm glad for the post, though, it's something to look out for.
  13. That dude missed, and it was on tv? How embarrassing. To the gulag!
  14. Michael got it right. Islam has some restrictions on food, similar to Judaism, and it prevents some well-meaning, but unknowing soldier from offending someone by offering him a great big piece of ham, or something. And yes, the bit about the women is very unfortunate, but it's just as much for their protection as ours. Arab males tend to be an extremely immature bunch, and consider males and females speaking to each other to constitute sex, or in their words "Freaky freaky". Get soldiers talking to females, and suddenly that female has had "premarital freaky freaky", ruins any chance of a dowry, her family's honor is ruined, and now someone has to just come along and "take care" of her. For us, the worst thing you can do for unit cohesion is drop a female in the mix. One female shows up and suddenly, brothers who fought and bled together, become bitter rivals over some chick who doesn't even give a ****, but enjoys the entertainment. Nothing gets done, weapons go unclean, the company gets ambushed, and everybody dies. Chaos. Still, Arab women can be very beautiful, and tend to be 100x more mature than their males. Very sad.
  15. General Order Number 1 from wikipedia: It all makes sense, and there's a good reason behind it, but sometimes it's nice to have a damn drink. And GNO 1 never actually stopped us from drinking, anyway.
  16. That is the funniest thing ever. I'm sorry that it's banned. We have to deal with damned General Order Number 1, too.
  17. Sergei, you had me laughing with this post. I'm sorry that the alcohol is taxed so heavily for you guys. Do you know why that is?
  18. Do you really think video games can act as "terrorist training programs"? I think we have a bigger problem than video game violence here.
  19. I'm not sure, but what are we talking about in this thread? GK being accurate? COIN effectiveness? Realities of war?
  20. Phased plasma guns, I should think. Why can't the Syrians have those?
  21. These are probably the same pilots who run CAS missions in Shock Force and over/under shoot their targets all the time.
  22. They probably also didn't have an overly politicized procurement system that rejected the results of testing. I'm aware of what soldiers look like after getting dirty.
  23. Man, I love that Tropentarn uniform. Why the hell couldn't we make a smart uniform like that?
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