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Everything posted by Brille

  1. Usually it is an indication for other enemy units still around in close proximity. I had the same instance recently with my germans in CMRT. Two of my soldiers were raising there hands and the soviets were standing so close that they could have given them a high five. But one of my fireteams that was like 30m away kept them from totally giving into the soviets. Just as that fire team crawled further away and was out of sight, those 2 fellows finally started their long march to siberia. So you need to clear the surroundings first to really get them. And always keeping an eye on those prisoners in spe...these bastards tend to pick up their weapons again if you keep them unchecked.
  2. It seems like I must correct myself there, sorry. I was always under the impression that the .50cal snipers could only use their specialized ammo for their rifles and I would have sworn that I´ve read it somewhere too. Anyways... I´ve tested it just now to be 100% sure and I was wrong. I got myself a Humvee, which has some loaded rounds of 12,7mm rounds (50cal API) in them that can be aquired by anyone. So I did it with snipers with their M107 .50cal rifles and they actually shoot them. Just only the "50cal MK211" bullets don´t seem to be found anywhere. After reading a bit in the WWW it doesn´t seem to be that special of a round at all in the end. It is "just" a multi-purpose type of bullet, which, because of the more complex build up and therefor higher pricing, is more often used for sniper rifles than machine guns. In fact even the M2-heavy weapons team have a few of these rounds as well. The MK211-bullets (Raufoss MK211) have armor penetrating capabilities with better after penetration effects due to the small amount of explosive filling. Their destructive force is compared with a standard 20mm round (wikipedia). The more you know.
  3. Well I would not call it a bug. Its just like the game functions, limited as it is. When buddy aiding, the unit only picks up ammo it can actually use (plus high priority equipment). Anything else will be discarded from the game entirely. And since in this case the buddy aiding infantry had No PAK40 in their pockets they just threw that away. Pak Crew(5m away):"hey guys we still need that !" Buddy aiders: "Sorry there Leutnant, Mülltrennung (waste Separation) comes before all else in the german military !"
  4. Ay ok, thank you for the heads up. But I guess since it isn´t mentioned in any way in the "annual look 2023"-thread I suppose it will come later. Who knows ? Amen to that ! I don´t quite understand that either. And CMFB even was the first CMx2 game I bought back then. I always thought BFC wanted to handle it like the old series: West-, East- and Southfront and build them up with modules from there.
  5. In both cases: You just can´t. You have 2 sorts of ammo on a combat vehicle: Integral ammo that can only be obtained and used by the vehicle itself and loaded ammo that can be aquired by anybody inside it. If you look in the ammo inventory of a vehicle you can see 2 shades of green, one brighter than the other. That is the integral ammo that the vehicle needs for combat. You cannot share or load it up with anyone else. The rest (the darker green items) is free to go for everyone and can even be used by the vehicle crew itself, if they have the right weapons for it. (not just talking about AAV here). For the snipers: Note that .50cal M2 machine gun rounds are not the same as .50cal sniper rounds. Look in the ammo inventory of your sniper team. Probably you will find something like ".50cal Mk211" or such. You need exactly that type of ammo for that sniper rifle. And I might be wrong at that but I suppose those rounds are not loaded on any vehicle. Probably if a scenario designer put some in a vehicle for his scenario, yes, but in a common quick battle I guess there is no way.
  6. The most practical use of this feature you can see with organic mortars. They usually come with their own Trucks (on map) and some extra ammo in them. If you then setup your mortar and drive one of these trucks beside him, He will use the loaded ammo too. This works with all ammo types as far as I know. You just need a unit "in need" next to it. It can also be used with MANPADS for example. So instead of loading your soldiers with all the spare rockets, just keep the vehicles that has them close to the operator with the launcherunit. They will grab another once they are out of ammo. A thing that I Just discovered recently for myself is that ammo sharing between infantry doesnt need both parties to be alive. I had a PAK 40 and their ammo bearer team next to it. The latter got whiped Out by a stray direct hit of a 85mm shell. Then I saw that the Pak still got access to the spare AP and HE rounds they were carrying. But once they got Buddy aided the rounds also vanished. So even dead/incapacitaded soldiers can work as some sort of ammo dump.
  7. Can you point out on where he said that ? I re-read the Initial post in the "annual look" thread and roughly flew over the 30pages where I could not find such statement. I only stumbled uppon a post that mentioned "there will be more info soon" (this is not a quote) regarding the CMFB Module. But as it seems they didnt follow up on that. Have I missed something ?
  8. Well November isn´t even over yet and it is set for December or January 2024. And since BFC delivered on schedule for the last games I guess it will be the same with CMFB. So maybe wait till then ? For battlepacks and other content there hasn´t been a time frame actually. Just somewhat of "what to expect next" kind of statement. So probably coming 2024/2025 (if we are lucky).
  9. It is definetely the case. Smg rounds often are deflected or absorbed by building walls. It is comparable the same with 5.56 or 5.45mm rounds. They still pin the infantry inside but usually not much damage is done. If the enemy infantry is prone inside a house you usually need a lot of bullets to get rid of them if you want to fight it out from a distance. But usually (If No heavier weapons are available) you want to pin them from a far and get in for the kill from up close. Larger and heavier rounds have it easier there. Thats why .50cal snipers or machine guns are sometimes a godsend in urban environment. With those it seems that the walls aren't even there. But even 7,62mm Sniper or machinegun rounds are an important factor here.
  10. Green troops with no soft factors applied should have a lower base moral than regulars for example. They are easier to pin and easier to break. Plus their accuracy is lower. They tend to take longer to Spot something and probably are easier detected. I dont know if it also affects the rate of fire. I only saw that Tank Crews are faster on the reload when more experienced but with infantry it might be not that impactful... I dont know. The soft factors shift those base values in one direction or the other. So If you give them +2 morale they could probably hold their ground like standard regulars or even veterans on the morale side. A -1 or -2 Green squad on the other hand might be even as low or lower than conscripts,making them in no way ideal for frontline assaults. I had one oponent recently with such low quality troops. They often cowered, got panicked and fled with only light counter fire of mine.
  11. @PEB14 Was it this one ? I have the version from 06.12.2015.
  12. Not a silly thing at all. At this moment I doubt that my oponent knew I had a Panther in there. His second T34 simply tried to avoid the foes to it´s front, which were some Panzer IV and one ATG with narrow LOF. I guess that shot that was deflected at the beginning came from said PAK40 (some 800m away). So while repositioning he just happens to run into the Panther there. ^^ I played this scenario too via PBEM but as far as I recall those were JS1 tanks, not T34. Roughly the same gun but better front armor. But I agree, those were a pain in the ***. My oponent placed one of them behind some trees and most of my shots were absorbed by them. The shots that came through bounced of... If I remember correctly I lost 2 Panzer IV and 1 or 2 Panther to him. Only a flanking maneuvre of 2 Panthers silenced him finally. (I guess I have a video of that somewhere too) The reinforcements of some heavy soviet SPG came very surprising too. Most of the shots were deflected but I guess the volume of fire they took did enough damage to came out on top. This was the scenario where the accompanying Stuka had the bright idea to drop his 1000lb bomb on a lone truck. So much for the air support.
  13. @Vacillator @Phantom Captain Thank you both for the kind words. It was a battle some while ago. But it was in this one that I learnt to really respect the T34/85. Though I won this battle in the end I had some difficulties there. The 75mm canon of the Panzer IV often deflected of the armor or had shown no effect on the T´s. And even shots of the Panther bounced of more regularily than I have anticipated. Truth be told those were mostly hits with odd angles on the turretsides but it gave me the creeps none the less.
  14. Well that I call very unlucky. But it shows that even the 76mm T34 can do something in the right place. I remember a game back in CMBB where one of my early T34 got a lucky shot into the side of a Tiger while in full reverse. My oponent was a bit upset after that to say the least.
  15. That is the scenario Im currently in. I thought the Cat is refering to the Panther in the title. But the more Panthers I loose (or almost loose) I have the feeling that the roles are reversed now. Usually those JS2 take at least 1 to 2 ranging shots to be actually on target. In 2 Cases now the Panther commanders only could See the muzzle flash and a short sight of the behemoth before they got taken apart. @PEB14 Then you must have been very unlucky in this instance. Most of my Stug loses and kills were one shot penetrations. If the vehicles itself wasnt destroyed the Crew was most likely vaporized because of the cramped interior. Its the same with all the turretless tanks actually.
  16. Usually they spot worse,especially those tank series prior 1944. But they are Not that far behind in my experience. I had multiple good results with them and also got kicked around by them when my opponents had these. In one of my current games those IS2 even proved as good snipers in contrary to my usual encounters with them. They took 2 Panthers out with only one shot each at around 1200-1400m.(No ranging Shots beforehand) Shots at other Panthers that missed were still so close that I made them run rather than fight back. Those must be some Elite tankers I believe. I said "almost" there didnt I ? Im quite aware of the brits and they are one of my favorite factions to be honest. The downer here is that they are only in CMBN at their full potential, speaking of their own vehicles and tanks. Im very excited to finally see them in CMFB in the next module. I love the Cromwells. Sure they cannot do much in a brawl with Panthers and Tigers but they are good enough for Stugs and Panzer IV. You Just need to utilize their speed. Combined with their low sillhouette it makes them good flankers or stealthy hit and runners. The later versions trade their speed with a little bit more armor though. But even that little extra protection wont hold against a Pak 40 at any range. So they give away one of their standout properties for almost no gain.
  17. I like playing the soviets as well,especially because of the huge variety of their vehicle Pool. And while it is T34 most of the time I like to drive and encounter different tanks once in a while. At the (latewar) Western allies you have almost only Shermans or look alikes of his. In Reallife it is probably the best way to go especially on logistics but in game it sometimes feels kind of sterile. A unit that is probably overlooked by many is the T34/76. While he is outclassed in anti Tank Work by many Tanks at the late war, he probably is the best infantry support you can find or at least the most durable in saturation of fire. Spending all of his ridiculous amount of 70 He rounds in a medium sized match may be a challenge in itself. He just can keep firing. Though his weeknesses are translated into the game as well: overworked Commander and bad visibility. But that would be not that important as a sole demolisher unit.
  18. That is wrong. Close or direct Hits can damage or destroy tank tracks. Those have to be pretty close though. It depends I would say. For maximum casualties I find airbursts more effective. Those trees will absorb some effect regardless if you take a general or personnel fire Mission. But with airbursts it can reach further (in my experience) and if the enemy Infantry is entrenched you can reach them better too. General fire missions I sometimes use on woodlines to cut a few of those trees down for better visibility and to carve up a few holes that my infantry could use as cover later. But keep in mind that the enemy infantry can use that too if they get the chance to swarm back in. To the topic if the armor target Option makes any difference: Well I gave it a small test yesterday and I could not find any difference to a General fire mission. I used 155mm Paladin batteries on houses and on Abrams Tanks. The armor firemissions exploded on the houses directly without any noticable delay,just like with General fire missions. The Tanks were unimpressed either. I only got system damage and a lost track here and there. The spread of the rounds seemed to be comparable to each other. Maybe at a stage of development there were more ammunition types planned and this is what is left of it ? Are there more options in the Professional(military) Version of combat Mission?
  19. Never used the helpdesk myself but folks mentioned that they were rather quick at initially answering them. Maybe @BFCElvis can help ?
  20. Yeah I find them a bit of hit and miss too. Atgm capable aircrafts or helicopters in the modern era may have an impact on the battlefield but anything else can be achieved by artillery more effectively and with a cheaper price. Not to mention that aircrafts are under the constant threat of being shot down. The ww2 stuff, in addition, is most of the time pretty inaccurate (as it should be). And if the plane drops it's heavy payload on some questionable targets it doesn't even pay back. I had a Stuka once in CMRT that had the bright idea of hammering it's 1000lb bomb on a lone soviet truck. Well yeah.... Why not? In one CMBS US vs US game the airpower was well used. 2 Apache shot up some of my Bradley's and Humvees while seemingly impervious to my Stinger counterfire. In the end though it just was a bigger nuisance, as I had still more forces than needed. For the price my opponent probably would have been better of with some extra Javelins.
  21. It is definetely not pin point accurate, just a general guidance. The point it is measured FROM is usually the highest point of the observing unit. If we talk about infantry it is either prone, kneeling or standing. If we speak about tanks the measuring starts at the highest point of the vehicle, where the commander sits. That´s not saying that only the commander is doing the spotting but at least it is one of his main jobs. Other crewmembers can of course participate in the spotting process. Now the tricky thing is that the point you want to measure TO is not always the same. Sometimes you have bushes, tall grass, wheat or other stuff at said point or in between those two points. And the measurement only measures the ground level where you point it, nothing else. So while you probably won´t spot any kneeling or prone infantrymen there, vehicles and tanks tends to be much higher in stature. A better way to test LOS for vehicles/tanks is to go onto ground level and check with your camera how high your tank actually is. Now go to the point where you want your tank to finish his movement and mimic it´s height with the camera there (the height of the gun or cupola). If you now can see the potential enemy position with your own eyes, your unit will probably will spot the enemy vehicle there and vice versa. It´s often not as easy as that because other factors will come into play as well but that would be a general guide on my behalf. Sometimes the LOS/LOF can change a bit even if the factors (positions of the enemy and yours e.g.) haven´t changed at all. What I want to say by this is that tanks sometimes come into view and vanish short time after even if they were engaged, not to be spotted again. You can call it a bug but in my opinion it is "works as designed" (even if wih odd situations sometimes). Especially in woods I have this sometimes but I explain it to me that the wind has pushed away some treebranches enough to make a tank visible at least for a short time, only to cover it again as the wind turns.
  22. I´m with @Thewood1 on this topic. This discussion has nothing to do in the slightest with the game itself so why not put it in the general section where it belongs ? I would add the Ukraine thread there too even though this thread at least has ties to the actual game (CMBS). Never the less these topics give no benefits to the games of what I can see. Or are we entitled now to post anywhere we want ? Who cares about sections anymore aye ? Maybe I soon will post a Napoleonic war thread in CMRT ? Russians had a big part in it...and the time difference is not that big....who cares. It surely will help developing tactics for the game....somehow.... I know that people want to talk about every bit about current events and they surely should but can we keep up at least a little cut between those and the games ? For me I already get bombarded with what´s happening in the world by the media and I really don´t need that in my hobby. If I want the news about the most recent drone attack or another soviet made tank which throws it´s turret, I have my sources to check or I can go in the RIGHT section of these forums.
  23. I had it in the scenario "Between two Fahrbahns". A Bmp and a M60A2 fired at each other with Atgm. The Bmp missile nose dived just before the M60 and the M60 missile flew right under the belly of the Bmp an exploded just behind it.
  24. How far away was the deceased platoon hq from the mortar team ? My idea would be that even though their superior hq was dead they still used the radio to communicate to their higher ups. It could be the same as with vehicle radios: nearby units can "borrow" it to send or receive information even if it is not their platton´s/companie´s radio. But once you buddy aided them the radio and/or the C2 link "vanished" too ?! Would need to test that to confirm. But in a similar way you can use dead soldiers as ammo dumps too. For example I had a antitank gun with their ammo bearers: The ammo bearers got killed close to the gun by a stray shot of an T34. However the ATG still had access to the ammo they were carrying. But as soon as they got buddy aided away, the ATG rounds vanished as well.
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