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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Paper Tiger

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Everything posted by Paper Tiger

  1. but if nothing Ive always admired the way they allow for a good bit of negativity as long as its done positively Change that last word to respectfully and I'd agree with you . This is not the only forum I frequent but I'd have to say that this is one where I see the most disrespect displayed towards the game and/or the game designers themselves. It is a fact that very few people have been banned from posting on these forums for making unreasonably negative posts since CMSF was released. So which forum is the OP comparing the posting rules on this one to so unfavourably and unkindly? In what other forum run and paid for by the game company itself can you post as disrespectfully about their product or even about the designers themselves as you can here?
  2. Yeah, the Marines kind of got bypassed as I was too busy finishing my Dinas campaign when it was released. And then, when Dinas was finally finished I started beta testing the Brit module. As it happens, I do have a couple of maps free for stand alone missions at the moment (but not so much free time) and I had intended for one of those to be for a Marines mission. (And it's a nice map too!) So it might happen
  3. Yup, they're both new versions. You should know quite quickly if you've got the new version as there is a new title picture for the campaign.
  4. I'm very glad to read that because that's not the way I did it. And it's good news because it means that there is more than one way to win the mission. Congratulations...
  5. I can't imagine how much time has been devoted to it. It took a while... I hope you enjoy it.
  6. Top right: is that Michael Jackson? Looks good.
  7. making progress but this is possibly the most insane scenario ever devised LOL. You might find this hard to believe but I was very worried that this mission would prove to be too easy. Once I got it 'balanced' and got some good feedback from flamingknives, I advanced BLUE's reinforcement schedule and increased the mission length from 1 hour 50 minutes to the full 2 hours (these two changes combined resulted in an effective increase of 20 minutes to the mission time). Since I could force a Syrian surrender in the earlier version, I figured those two changes would make the mission a bit too easy. BTW, I never did better than a Minor British Victory but then, I'm hopeless at the house to house fighting and tend to rush into it and my casualties go through the roof. However, I return to this one to learn from time to time. I usually get a very satisfying fire fight for the mosque going as the sun goes down.
  8. I can't get the Syrian MGs on the roofs to die. I have to confess that I've never played a mission before where Green/Normal troops acted so heroically under fire as the MG teams in this mission. I have no idea why they are so consistently tough to put down as I find them to be in this mission. It sometimes feels like you're facing Crack/Extreme motivated troops but you're not. Best way to put them down is concentration of firepower on their positions. Grenade Launchers can be very effective here. The 'Heavy' helicopter strike is a bit of a gamble in this mission as it spreads its attack along its approach axis and can damage the PRESERVE locations and you don't want to do THAT! 'Medium' is the safest, and most effective attack option for me. 'Light' sometimes works but is much more effective against troops in the trenches. (In fact, it's devastating against trenches)
  9. I have been following this thread and I'd love to chime in and give you some advice. But I'm going to resist the temptation for now and let you guys do it your own way for the time being. Once the posts start featuring wodges of bleeped out words I'll relent and give you a few tips.
  10. Yes, that should be it. I didn't change anything in the entry except the file itself and a notification that it had been updated for v1.20.
  11. Now that the v1.20 patch has been released, I can finally post up the corrected versions of the Dinas campaign. I have corrected the problem with the Depot missions so you should now be able to progress further into the campaign than just Sulit Airfield. (The dynamic campaign has just bee uploaded and I'm in the process of uploading the linear version as I type this. No doubt, you'll have to wait a further 12 hours or so before it gets through BFC's screening process.) While I was waiting for the patch to come out, I took the liberty of 'improving' some things. Don't panic though. The only changes I made to the missions you guys have already played are artwork changes. I redid a lot of the strategic and operational maps to take advantage of techniques (and programmes) I've acquired since the beginning of the year. However, the later missions received more substantial revisions, particularly with a mind to making them easier to win. I gave the BLUE player some more artillery assets in the second phase and reworked the victory conditions to make certain missions, like the Lakes mission for example, to make a victory easier to get. I also tweaked the AI attack plans in the Jameela mission to make the AI attack a bit more effective..hey hey. So, I look forward to hearing how you guys get on, particularly with the as yet unseen missions after Sulit. Sagger Point should be a fun one...
  12. Just finished Paper Tiger's campaign Road to Dinas Well, as it happens, you've only played about a third of it as I stuffed up the Depot mission so that it was impossible to continue after battle 6. Your last battle was at Sulit Airfield right? There are still nine more battles after that and some of them are real beauties... I have already corrected this error and the 'full' version is all ready to go. However, you'll need v1.20 (or v1.21?) to play it.
  13. Can someone tell me what the point is of marking mines? What effect does it have? Once the marker turns yellow, or green, you can WALK (not run!) your troops through an Anti Personnel minefield without taking casualties from the minefield. I've done this a few times myself and it works. It also works for Anti Vehicular mines too but they're a wee bit more expensive to find. However, a grey area is the mixed mine type. I think you can only fully disable a mixed minefield when it has been activated by both target types. I.e. if you run a squad into one and subsequently mark it, it is only deactivated for other infantry units. It is still able to blow up the next vehicle that moves into it. However, I haven't had much experience with this type of mine. I prefer to use one or the other, not mixed.
  14. Can't see that I'm seeing a problem with this guys. I have literally just finished running a small test with US Engineers. I ran them into a minefield to 'discover' the mines. Once they'd triggered them (OUCH!) I gave them the Mark Mines command and about 1min 30 seconds later the marker turned yellow. Mission accomplished. Now, a couple of Q's. Are you using Engineers or UK Assault Pioneers? The latter are not as effective as the Engineers. Secons, are your teams about 8+ metres from the mine marker or on top of it? The Engineers in my test were located about 8+metres from the marker and the Mark Mines command lit as as I'd expected.
  15. This is what I think of as the Homer Simpson car designer problem (which refers to an episode with Danny DiVito, which ultimately puts Danny's car business out of business). IMO, that's the very best comparison you've come up with Steve. You should put it in your sig...
  16. Certainly, that's the way I rationalise it in the game too. However, that's not what I'm shooting for. What I want is for the scenario designer to have the ability to withdraw certain of these 'offboard' assets after a period of time in a mission forcing the player to use it or lose it.
  17. Question: In a campaign, can there be more then 2 outcomes from a specific scenario? Sadly, no. I'd really like to have a third option but we've only got the two outcomes to play with.
  18. Very good point. You should raise it in the main forum though where it might get more attention.
  19. Jeez, how did you guys miss all this . The first WW2 title with feature the US side against a limited number of German formations. Then, shortly after (!), the second module will arrive with commonwealth forces and some new German forces. After that, who knows what will be added. You will get Tigers in the base game but will have to wait for the first module to get King Tigers (and possibly SS troops). BFC is a US game company and, lets face it guys, there's a LOT of American gamers who don't want to play as anybody else but themselves or as somebody else against themselves. Much as it frustrates me having to play with US forces first when I really want to play with the Brit stuff (with WW2 I'll play as the Germans) it wouldn't be realistic to expect them to make the largest part of their customer base to wait for the first module to see their own forces modelled. In fact, don't be surprised if there's new US stuff in the Commonwealth module (Paras probably) to keep the US boys happy.
  20. Yes, it's all 'zipped up' and ready to go right now. I will post it up as soon as that patch gets released. No point in doing it any earlier as the folks who have the Brit module will be too busy playing the stuff that came with it for a long time to come and so it would go unnoticed.
  21. I thought it was already decided that Tigers would make it into the NORMANDY title. Therefore I expect to see wodges of user made scenarios appearing shortly after the title is released featuring Tigers and SS troops fighting US troops amongst the bocage in Normandy. Reality be damned. This is what they want! I'd really like to see more weight given to the less sexy items on that list seeing as how they would be more relevant to the fighting in the earlier stages of the campaign. The first few days after the landings are the ones I'd like to concentrate on. Oh, and save the SS for the Commonwealth module... (runs for cover)
  22. My pixeltroops getting torn apart by a perfectly aligned CAS run by an Apache. Half the platoon was gone. Wow... bummer man. You like to call it in nice and close...
  23. I remember years ago when I lived in Aberdeen a friend explained that you could tell what part of the city people came from by the difference in their accents - and this is in a town of 250, 000! - and he was right. Fit like min! Ah'm fae Eberdeen masell. You're right. Torry fowks spick different fae the rest o' iss. Where did you live when you were in Aberdeen?
  24. Why are you talking about the game's 'fuzzy logic' when a mission's victory conditions are solely in the hands of the scenario designer. It's an absolute doddle to create a scenario where control of a flag is the sole determiner of victory in CMx2 so this is not a valid criticism of CMx2. It is 100% the scenario designer's responsibility to create the victory conditions for his own missions. When you talk about one of the 'main beefs with CMx2', then this is a viewpoint that is being expressed by a small group of narrow-minded individuals who do not want to see anything good in the new system. CMx2's system is far more sophisticated that CMx1's system and you're more than intelligent enough to appreciate that fact so don't knock it. Knock the scenario designers who are responsible for creating the missions that piss you off. I for one do not wish BFC to 'dumb down' the existing system to keep the CMx1 Fundamentalists happy. In fact, I'd very much like them to expand upon it.
  25. the karts - and the entire center - are gone now, replaced by a conference hall and attendant facilities bummer, man... those were great holidays... okay where are those mortars
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