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Paper Tiger

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Everything posted by Paper Tiger

  1. You're not going to find many hedges in the Commonwealth campaign, that's for sure. I don't use them for anything other than decoration but I don't know about others. Reason I don't use them? They don't look anything at all like hedges I've seen. They're WAY too short and provide next to no concealment. I hope they get improved when the battles move into Holland because I don't want to use bocage again.
  2. <My bold.> I think he said, this title, not the current engine. I sincerely hope that we see some changes in the next title.
  3. I used this look for the artwork for my CMSF Brit stand-alone missions that shipped with the UK module , albeit not so desaturated. It does make the models look more real.
  4. smbecket. You can link your screenshots to this thread from Photobucket by clicking in the photo's IMG code at the foot of the thumbnail Then just <right click> on your post and press Paste. Voila! Then you can add comments to your screenshots;) Hope that helps.
  5. Nice pics, mate. They're definitely touched up. I'd hazard that he's desaturated the colours and upped the mid-tones and contrast.
  6. Would it be horribly, horribly immodest of me to ask if you are referring to some of the Montebourg maps? I have already reworked three of those missions for H2H play. The were not straight conversions but required a few tweaks to make trhem more viable for H2H play. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1576 My plan is to rework most, if not all, the maps in the Montebourg campaign, and the Commonwealth Campaign as well, in a similar fashion. Such a lot of work went into the creation of those maps that I would like to be the one who does this conversion . I expect to be able to get back to work on thnese shortly after the release of the Commonwealth module. BTW, if you were not referring to the Montebourg campaign, then I'm ashamed
  7. Ah, it's nice to have a quiet day to recover from the Festive excesses. It sounds like you either drew or lost Neuville au Plain, the village map mission that starts just before the dawn. The campaign script considers a Draw to be a loss. The v2 means that the 2/325 start with slightly lower morale. BTW, as you get further into a series, the number of possible variants increases dramatically. I think there are as many as six variants of Neuville au Plain, for example. That's v1 to v6 and each one plays differently.
  8. The v2 refers to the mission's version number. In this instance, there are two versions of the 'Hell in the Hedgerows' mission: v1 is the standard mission and doesn't have the suffix v2 is an alternate version found in the scenario title at the top of the briefing. This means that an earlier mission was 'lost'. Most likely 'Neuville au Plain' and that's why you are exiting the campaign if you lose. Two consecutive losses eject you from the campaign. What result did you get in that mission?
  9. You'd think so, wouldn't you? Apparently, they pressed on in spite of what was being thrown at them which IRL included nebelwerfers. The 2/325 was hurt badly in this mission, so much so that they did nothing for a couple of days. You're playing v2? I'm away from my main computer just now as I'm on holiday so I can't remember what the difference is between v1 and v2. Especially seeing as how you've been scoring Total Victories in every mission up until now. (that should mean you're playing v1)
  10. No naval artillery planned for the Commonwealth campaign at the moment. I'd like to use it but it's just too precise to be believable. I wanted to use it in the opening mission of the Montebourg campaign but I removed it for that reason. When I call in a strike from a cruiser or a battleship, I don't expect the rounds to fall in a tight pattern like they do in the game and so I won't use it. I don't have any problems with air support though . And you got some really big guns to throw around in a couple of Montebourg missions ('Le Ham' immediately springs to mind). You'll get some in the Commonwealth campaign too.
  11. I really hope that you'll be re-inspired enough to do the Churchills when the Commonwealth module finally arrives. They are my favourite tank and I would like to have them modded up to your exceptionally high standard. But if it's just too much like work for you to do this, you still have my gratitude as you've already done so much to make this game look great.
  12. Hi Jools Welcome to the boards. About replacements for casualties in Chapter 2: the amount of replacements the 2/505 will receive depends on wins in 'Turnbull's Stand' as well as 'Les Licornets'. Good wins here allows those Paras who scattered further from the LZs to link up with their units. So, if you are winning, you'll get a good refit. Good luck with the rest of the campaign.
  13. Thanks a lot for the info guys. I am really, really pushed for time just now as I'm getting ready for my Xmas holiday so I won't have much time for CMBN for about a month. But very quickly, I am particularly interested in the farms in and around: Le Haut du Bosq (I think I've got these though) between Collevile and Tourville Grainville Gavrus I'll check out Google Earth more carefully sometime later and have a look at that cadastre site as well. The campaign will not go into Hill 112 so feel free to do what you want with it. But honestly, I wouldn't worry about duplicating my stuff either as I'm sure you guys will do a more authentic job of it than I have time to do BTW, I used to speak French quite well when I was a yound chappie but it got rusty as I grew older. And after I moved to Indonesia and learned Indonesian I can't produce any anymore. When my students ask me if I can speak French, I say 'a bit' but when I try, all that comes out of my mouth is in Indonesian. Shame as it's such a beautiful language...
  14. I've been looking around on Google Earth and that Portale place to find the names of the farms in Grainville, Gavrus and around that general area but I'm finding little to no information. Can anyone give me some authentic names that I can use in their place?
  15. Well, seeing as how the maps are already done and two of the missions are in quite an advanced condition already, I'd say 2-3 months after the module is released even if I add another mission or two to it, (one is very likely)
  16. I'm 51, and will be 52 later this week but I have no problems playing in RT. This seems to be an issue that some folks feel very passionately about. Playing in RT is not about reflexes or twitching. I only PAUSE the game when I receive reinforcements, am calling in an artilllery or air strike or when I have accomplished my mission on one side of the battlefield and move over to get a second group going. You can certainly abuse RT and pause the game every few seconds to micro-manage every detail but that's basically playing WEGO where you determine the length of the turn. I would like to play WEGO but it just takes too damned long to play anything after you have grown accustomed to the pace of a RT mission. I can play an hour-long mission in less than an hour and a half in most cases. That's more fun than replaying for me at least.
  17. Well believe it or not, these issues are brought up regularly by Beta testers . I made a post specifically about issue 2 myself a couple of weeks ago. Let's just say that BFC are well aware of these issues and we're all waiting for them to find the time to address them.
  18. He he. I am crafting the Commonweath campaign and it was originally my plan to have a second 5 or 6-mission campaign that followed the Canadian North Shore Regiment from the landings through to Carpiquet. The maps are all done but there's no way in hell I could finish the Brit campaign in good time and do that. Unless the module is delayed for a while and nobody wants that! The 'Road to Carpiquet' campaign will be uploaded to the Repository some time after the module is released.
  19. Fantastic work again. The vehicles that you haven't done yet stick out like sore thumbs when they appear in the game now. I'm consciously picking vehicle variants that you've done even when they're wholly inappropriate.
  20. Crocodiles and wasps would require FIRE to be coded into the game with all that it entails. I doubt very much that we'll see FIRE in CMBN and suspect that it will be a feature in the next CMx2 title. FWIW, this is pure speculation on my part an I'd love to be wrong.
  21. I was an ASL fanatic up until I moved abroad to work and had to leave it all behind. I have never really missed it as CMBB filled the gap very nicely indeed. And welcome to the community, alejo.
  22. I'd say that the Sherman's turret is hidden by the tree Churchills at last! I don't know why but I have always loved wargaming with these beasts. The wait is over
  23. This 'trend' is probably a result of a plea for more H2H missions from the H2H community about 4-6 weeks ago. The missions I put out were all H2H adaptions of missions designed for play against the AI which you already have (they shipped with the title). And yes, AI plans are by far the toughest part of scenario designing. However, for a lot of you newbie designers who are doing sterling work, it was much tougher doing this without Scenario Author mode. Fortunately, it's also the part that I enjoy the most.
  24. With regards to your first question, I think the new Modern Era title will have a QB system like CMBN's. I doubt very much that it will feature a random map generator or tiles for that matter because each map needs AI plans to work with a computer opponent. As for the second. Who knows? Maybe Steve will be a bit more forthcoming after the first CMBN module is released. But I don't think 2013 is too optimistic. It depends what the next title is going to be. There are three possibilities that we are aware of: It could be WW2 Bulge, WW2 East Front (p-l-e-a-s-e) or CMSF2.
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