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Everything posted by Wiggum

  1. While clearing a small village that lays astride two MSR (DELTA & ALPHA) which is believed to be held by a small number of irregular forces,two M1's have become stuck in the mud. They came under heavy enemy fire from the surrounding buildings. 1st and 2nd Platoon of Alpha Company must try to defend them until the en-route vehicle recovery units arrive. Because the village is still populated, CAS and artillery is not aviable (ROE) and fire on buildings is only allowed if enemy forces are identified inside. 1st and 2nd Platoon should establish a defensive perimeter around the immobilised tanks as soon as possible...can you imagine a photo of a burning M1 with a bunch of celebrating Insurgent infront ? 1st Platoon is in the village already (mounted in AAV's), 2nd Platoon will arrive in 5-10 minutes. The action starts, the soldiers of 1st Platoon dismount and take up positions inside of building and on roofs. The AAV's drive into save positions. The first RPG's are exploding near the tanks, the Insurgents are attacking furiously. They are nearly everywhere, my Marines are under heavy fire but they attack every spotted enemy with as much firepower as possible to break the spirit of the enemy. Marines of the 1st Platoon receive heavy enemy fire...they are everywhere ! Some RPG's hit the M1's but without any effect. The M1's use their 120mm main gun to attack positions of the enemy. At this time the events went nearly out of control...nearly all Squads of the 1st Platoon are supressed and the first marines get hit. The enemy is well equipped, that becomes clear as one of the AAV's get hit by a RPG-29 and is knocked out. The crew survives and runs into cover. The enemy is in hand grenade range ! Just in time the 2nd Platoon arrives. The AAV's drive the Marines close to the village where they dismount. They will back up the soldiers of 1st Platoon as soons as possible and then try to establish a defensive perimeter around the tanks. But now it is time to get the Marines into positions from where they can effectively use their superior firepower. The soldiers of the 2nd Platoon dismount from the AAV's outside of the village. To be continued...
  2. Thanks for the Bug report ! I installed a uniform mod for the syrians and started the game to have a closer look on the new uniforms and then i noticed it...WTF !? Ok, must be the mod. So i tryed it without the mod but that ugly wrong leg was still there...
  3. Looks good so far. Maybe show us a more top down screenshot too. Maybe you should mix the building texture a bit, there is a more dark one that also looks like those old stone style.
  4. Hi, What is wrong with the leg of the Syrian Regulars, the Syrian Reserve and the Syrian Airborn ? The Syrian Special Forces look normal, just like BLUFOR soldiers. Can you confirm this strange looking leg ? Is there any way to edit this by myself so the Syrians look normal ?
  5. @ souldierz What mod do you use for the dirty Syrian uniforms ?
  6. Great AAR souldierz ! Yes, thats what i thought too...the Brits would surly stop fighting after 50+ KIA in 3h (in a single assault). I thought the AI plans are made to reflect this a bit. It looks more like a bloody WW2 assault to me.
  7. Wow, wait a minute... Your Scouts spotted ATGM positions, and this information was given to the HQ that now sees some red "?". Now i would say your HQ needs LOS to the red "?" to call a airstrike. Or is there some way to call a airstrike on suspected enemy positions without a LOS to the target ?
  8. There are some in this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=89391&highlight=syrian+army
  9. For me they look really odd (fat arms, no real anatomy). And i cant imagine US-Army Soldiers running around in T-Shirts while fighting the mighty Syrian Army. Your Screenshots (especially the M1) look just awsome. I believe this could be one of the best CMSF mods ever (like AKD's Soundmod) !
  10. Fantastic work Ryujin ! Do you will do something similar for the Marines/Brits or the Syrians ?
  11. @ M1A1TC Ryujin just realeased a mod that cleanly removes the gas mask case of the US-Army ! http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=708 Maybe you can use this a base so you dont have to remove them by your self.
  12. The point is that a option to change the draw distance is a must have. The more graphic options you have the better you can find the perfect balance between "looks great" and "is playable" ! On my PC i use a Phenom II X4 955 (C3) 4x 3.20GHz. Quite a few games use 4 cores today, and nearly all new games should use two cores at least. A CPU intensiv game like CMSF should have a support for 2 Cores at least, i can see this would give many peaople a huge boost in Performance ! I too turn the shadows off, not because i need the extra performance but because they dont look good, just like Wodin i think there is too much flickering. Option to change draw distance of trees ect. <-- Must have for Normandy ! Support for 2 or 4 CPU Cores <-- Must have for any game beyond Normandy !
  13. ...thats a bad joke. Look at those kids, they are (mentally) handicapped !
  14. Maybe you can try to force Battlefront to change this in the NATO-Module and/or in the Normandy Game... It has been requested many times by different people, the answer you will get is "we take a look at it...maybe...".
  15. Great Map (as always) ! Really looking forward to the campaign.
  16. Any news on that ? I would buy the NATO-Module just for this little draw distance fix, it is so damn annoying...
  17. I play with highest setting possible (Best/Best/AA/V-Sync) so i think it is not a graphic card issue. @Ryujin I really tryed to understand the alpha channel, but still have no clue how i can remove the Protection Mask Carriers (they are at the MOLLE .bpm ?). I use Paint.NET by the way. Come on, give me some mod !
  18. There are some mods from Scott Harrison for the US-Army that remove the protective mask carriers. But you alway see a few nasty black lines on every soldier on the same position like the protective mask carriers, that brakes it for me. Is ist not possible to remove them without still having such black lines at the same position ?
  19. Yes, i thought this too as i saw the list... - Eurocopter Tiger - ATF Dingo - MOWAG Eagle - AGF Serval - Mungo - HK MP7 Ok, the Tornado and the HK GMG are in the game already. But i think some more Vehicles (see my list), a MP7 for the crews and the Tiger would be nice.
  20. Hi, i ask this here because i know here are some WW2-Experts around. Today my Grandpa told me that he saw his last heavy combat near the Teutoburg Forest in 1945. At this time he was in a "Genesungskompanie" (actually he was in the 12. SS-Panzer-Division) because he was badly wounded 1944 during the fighting around Caen. He told he was positioned at Sennelager. During the fighting near the Teutoburg Forest (he could not remember the exact location) this happened: So, i did not found something about the fighting near the Teutoburg Forest in the internet. Could it be possible that there were black US soldiers fighting in this area and can you tell me some more about the fighting in this area ?
  21. Looks like another bug...something that should be fixed with the next patch.
  22. Hey, where are the Screenshots of the German Army ?
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