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Everything posted by Kieme(ITA)

  1. Here's a CMBN fitting version as promised: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=115289
  2. Hi all, this is the requested CMBN version of the CMRT mod dedicated to ploughed fields. New texture for this terrain tile featuring a no-skew distortion at mid/long distances. Preview: Download: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5282/details Regards,
  3. Tanks a lot's buildings in CMBN really changed a lot the game for me, in a positive way, obviously. I have to say that sensation was what moved me to try modding CMRT buildings in the first place, and I have to thank a lot tanks a lot for that. Now, these new buildings look extremely promising and I really look forward to see them completed, I am thinking about working again with my own modulars for a v2, but the independent ones I didn't enjoy modding them as I did with the modulars, therefore a new mod like this is more than welcome for me too as I am eager to use it.
  4. Since it's a matter of very few minutes and I have normandy too, I'll take a look into it.
  5. Thanks Hilts, I'd like to yes, I'm using Aris weathered german weapons like now and like it a lot, although I wouldn't know where to start with such a mod, I might try that but not sure, mosing rifles look a bit too clean and new to me too, so I hope Aris will make something similar for the russians sooner or later.
  6. You can shove the jokes with bananas, that's the respect you showed before by intervening to this thread, and all the due respect you are going to receive and deserve if you continue with that kind of attitude.
  7. Nobody forces to use my mods, and I never praised them for being anything else than they are: mods for a videogame, but I really don't like to be mocked by some random guy without stating any source, whatever it is. I reported the writings of a book published by a university and the one above, make your own mind but at least I did some research, besides, the mocking to a player who releases a mod is just plain stupid and disrespectful as the joke with bananas.
  8. You know what? You are right, have a cookie, now go play in the yard with the other 10 years old kids. http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Grain+Sector And this is a second source of information, from real books, and not "personal experience" of USSR, a nice data: Grain harvest in the USSR (millions of tons) Corn 1940 5.2 I'm pretty sure those 5.2 million of tons are just easy to hide under the carpet... little less than 5% yet it's there, it's not like bananas, a joke you could swallow to yourself, sincerely, with all the disrespect you keep showing. I accept criticism, not being mocked by someone behind a video screen who call themselves professors while relying on "personal information" just to fool other people who actually read books. I'm not going to reply to stupid jokes more than this time.
  9. Hi all, I've just casually run across this video, since I found it very informative and well done, I'd like to share it: Could be useful for people new to scenario making, especially when it comes to AI and the new triggers.
  10. Thanks a lot for the support words guys, by the way the Stug is Aris' one along with infantry, forgot to mention. Screens taken at max settings, shaders on.
  11. This is a mod, it's not an official part of the game, therefore its intention is to expand the potential use of the game, nothing else. You can make a berlin mod easily out of what we have in CMRT, we don't have a reichstag model for the building, or a model to represent Mrs. Grete brick house 10km from the center of berlin, yet we can have both in this videogame as a realistic approximation. When we make mods we do it for our own sake, and release them, I don't pretend to make reality or history, as nothing similar was written by me in any post related to this matter, it is a modification of a videogame. Buildings and such are made out of the original concepts, they don't pretend to be representation of a specific building in a specific time frame in a specific location, not a case we have "modular buildings" in game, which are imaginary representation, they don't pretend to be nothing more, as making a complete game with a precise building from a precise period of time, in a very precise spot, is impossible even for the best historian. As regarding the corn issue, your words stating that corn was not cultivated before 1970s in east europe were plain wrong as a casual reference proofs. Now about the location issue, since we moved from a timeframe to a place issue, you can argue all the way you want if there were or not corn fields in poland and Belarus in 1944 summer, I, for one, was not there, but since corn was cultivated in ukraine in the decades before 1944, I see no reason it should not have been in poland and Belarus, an assumption, but not taken out of thin air, yet I can't be sure of it and never I pretended to say this mod was to correct something wrong or was the best representation of reality in 1944, since I belive only a veteran with good memory who fought there in summer 1944 could be trusted as a reference and yet only for the places he visited... We grow corn right here in ne italy, it's not the best place in the world for it and we don't get the same yield as Kansas, which is in another continent... yet it grows. The roof tile I repeat I don't even know what material it is, since it's just a texture found on internet, if you can tell what material it is by the look of a resized 1024x512 pixels texture at 100 dpi with weathering effects Painted on... well, good for you. I just don't like being fooled around, you don't like the mod don't use it, same goes with roofs, wooden buildings etc., you don't like the wooden surface? Dont use the mod, I didn't use the image of a 1944 peasant shack side wall in poland to make it, just in case someone else doubded it.. Just make sure you avoid starting a case out of nothing. By the way the weeds, this will scare people, two of them were taken from my garden here in Italy... I am terribly surprised that historians didn't notice that. The corn plant in this mod is most probably not of the same kind, size, color, of the corn that was grown in 1944, pity that CMRT is not a farming simulator, we could just wait a few turns to see it grow... Now let's talk about the shape of grass....
  12. "[...] Nikita Khrushchev [1894-1971, my note], Secretary of the Communist Party between 1953 and 1964 [...] soviet leader with peasant roots, having spent his childhood and early Youth in Ukraine [...] promoted corn cultivation [...] he was corn's most devoted enthusiast, pheraps familiar with that plant from his childhood in Ukraine" - "Corn & Capitalism", Arturo Warman, University of North Carolina Press, 2003, pp. 198 - 199. Just to make sure I don't make up things. It's a mod, if you don't like it don't use it. As regarding the roof, I don't know what kind of material that picture I used for the mod was, I picked it because it looked fairly similar to the original in game roof tile. As regarding the wood houses in modular buildings mod they are made using photos of real wood structures, I have a good experience with wooden structures and know that the original wood color -if not treated at the origin- changes in a matter of very few years if not treated with chemicals each year, from brown to grey (very light grey on sun exposed parts, dark brown or even moss covered on oppsite sides), the three buildings in the mod are brown and grey. The barns are mostly greish because I suppose they get old faster than houses. I picked colors and combinations in accordance to the original game buildings, but using a more desaturated look because of my personal taste. Again, it's a mod, you don't like it don't use it.
  13. Hi all, a multy-option mod dedicated to changing the look of one of the crops in game. Changes the texture of crop doodad number 3 (potato plants?) into joung corn plants with a few weeds. WHAT TO USE: There are 4 variations of this mod, you must pick the ONE you prefer and install it: Short and Sparse Short and Thick Tall and Sparse Tall and Thick The Sparse version has 6 plants, the Thick version has 12 plants, the Tall version is as high as the game lets, the Short version is half the height. Pick the one you prefer! Remember, you can use only ONE type, so move into your mods folder only the one you prefer and kill the rest with herbicide! Download: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5277/details Vanilla crop (with modded terrain): Modded crop (Corn, Tall and Thick variation): Modded crop (Corn, Short and Sparse variation): This mod was done cutting a single plant from a photo found on internet, the fields around my house have corn in them this year but it's still very tiny, maybe I'll use some photos of that when it's a bit higher. Note: real mature corn should be twice as tall but I can't modify that, this corn looks more or like as it's June/July, but depends on seeding times.
  14. I think that BFC should add a separate bmp for lower walls (stone and bricks), and maybe re-work how the corners and openings work. It must be in low priority but would improve a lot the entire wall thing.
  15. Thanks Juju, walls are a pain to do, the stone wall fits the countryside environment very well, while the brick wall is something I like more than anything I tried to do, so I am eager to test it along all other mods in a city.
  16. Very well, thanks for the explanations. I just hope there will be a larger variety of doodads / terrains in future CM games, as they can be modded to obtain very different results and have a certain potential when it comes to nature representation.
  17. Hi all, An alternative texture for ploughed fields. After some thoughts and searches I decided to make a small mod to change the ploughed field texture in order to avoid the skewed distortion at distance caused by the marked lines (which I really can't stand); this is the result, if anybody likes it, it's on cmmods: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5276/details The terrain texture is new and of a higher native resolution found on internet. Screenshots to clarify. Vanilla plow: Modded plow: Vanilla plow side: Modded plow side: I am not an expert in graphics, so I don't know what causes that distortion, but I really don't like it. I would enjoy the vanilla fields if it wasn't for that thing. Note: screens taken at max settings, Aris terrain and horizon mod.
  18. Thanks Aris, so, a perfectly double sized texture should be recognized for the doodas too? I might start experimenting, but the problem is, there might be (surely be) errors on my side on the doodad preparation so that I'm not sure if it's just impossible or not to have larger ones. No dice, I did try to fool the program with a 200% sized doodad, a 400% one and it still resizes them at his stock resolution / size. Well, so long giant mushrooms mod!
  19. Hi everybody, I'd like to ask something about doodads, since I have no knowledge of game development, programming etc... my knowledge about these doodads things is how do they look like in the game,so here's the question: is it possible to change the size of the doodads? Example: a crop in game has a 1024x512 resolution, is is possible to make a 1024x1024 doodads in its place? Or does the game only recognize it if it's in the correct original res? Thanks in advance,
  20. I've seen in one of many casual tests a ISU-152 being KO'd by a grenade, I thought that a single hand grenade couldn't just destroy the vehicle, but I wasn't aware of this abstraction concerning boundled nades.
  21. Hi all, Download: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5273/details I just tried to mod russian heavies guns, all done in the same way. Changelog: Adds dirt, scratches, rainstains etc. to all larger russian guns. Modded guns: 45mmm42-gun 76mmm43reg-gun 85mm-52k m1943-82mm m1939-37mm zis-2 zis-3 Muddy versions included (using Aris' CMRT terrain mud). As Always any comment or suggestion is welcome. I did try to keep light with the weathering, but added a bit stronger mud than vanilla's. Vanilla ZIS: Modded ZIS: Mudded ZIS: Regards,
  22. Welcome aboard, by the time you might consider CMRT it will be fully patched and modded for sure! (just like CMBN is now)
  23. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=114513
  24. Thanks Aris, there's a lot there in very little time and you got covered all russian vehicles, that's a huge addition to the game.
  25. I would also wait for CMBN 3.0 version, and I'd get the british module, so that you can have a complete normandy experience.
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