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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Childress

  1. So... the crews can be X number of meters from the gun and still re-crew it. But if they're Y number of meters that can't? Who determines this distance? When does a gun become definitively disabled? What are the penalties for abandoning an intact piece? None? Prohibitive? It's easy when we throw out suggestions like yours. Believe me, Battlefront has thought these things through. And so far they haven't been to come up with a solution that accommodates your- superficially reasonable- requests. Put on the developer's hat.
  2. That's a bit rash, I think. N is nearly always correct. His bookie, Big Easy Raoul, tells me he was 15 and 1 against the spread in last weeks NFL games. But, true, he's not infallible; he took the Packers -7 against the Bengals. Who could have predicted that ending?
  3. Not really. Re-manning an operative gun was uncommon though it surely happened occasionally. Like under a mortar barrage. There were severe penalties for AT crews deserting their guns without first spiking them. Like a court martial. What the game could use is a reverse mode for AT guns. But they'd need to reclassify it as a vehicle.
  4. I'll say. I just got off a conference call with Steve, Phil and AKD. From now on all my posts will be stickied. Including the upcoming 'Inter-species miscegenation:the hidden rainbow?'. It will rock your world. Keep an eye on the General Discussion forum.
  5. Pretty certain, Wodin. But you never know with Nostradamus. I tried calling him at his job- he manages a Winn-Dixie Pharmacy in New Orleans- to nail down the precise date but he talks in cryptic quatrains even on the phone! Very frustrating. But that's just how the man rolls. Opacity is part of his charm.
  6. No worries, mate! Leibniz's Characteristica Universalis of War Gaming forums: Those who apologize for, in this case, their English tend to possess unimpeachable skills in that language. The reverse phenomenon is also well documented.
  7. Umlaut, I just got an email from Nostradamus (he uses AOL, figures...) in response to your query. This is what it said: Esteemed Childress, Near the gates and within two cities There will be scourges the like of which was never seen, Famine within plague, people put out by steel, Crying to the great immortal God for relief. Parsing the words it seems to suggest next Monday as a likely release date. Or there'll be another terrorist attack. Your guess is as good as mine. Btw, you owe me. Big time.
  8. From 4/6/13: This poster strikes me as a veritable Nostradamus.
  9. Coincidence city! That's exactly what I said to my urologist after a recent prostate exam!
  10. Turn radius The largest disadvantage in performance the Sherman had in comparison with its enemy counterparts was its steering, and subsequent turn radius, which was larger than the PzKpfw IV. A US Army Ordnance report lists 31 feet (9.5m) for the turning circle of a Sherman. Panzerkampfwagen by Ellis & Doyle (Argus 1976) list minimum turning circles as: PzKpfw I ausf A&B: 2.1m PzKpfw II ausf F : 4.8m PzKpfw III ausf M : 5.85m PzKpfw IV ausf D&G: 5.92m PzKpfw 38t: 4.54m PzKpfw 35t: 4.88m PzKpfw V (Panther) ausf G : 10.0m PzKpfw VI (King Tiger) ausf B : 4.8m
  11. A right click on a given tile shows elevation in meters. This is essential.
  12. Hehe. Lighten up, JC. On the other hand, this is the War Room.
  13. American Hispanics, despite their rep as a 'traditional values' group, have high rates of single parent homes, illegitimacy and abortions. They're prominent recipients of welfare programs, food stamps, etc. Fathers are often absent though the problem is not as severe as in the black family. So, their crime rates sit between blacks and white. Young males often join gangs in both groups. My former wife is half-African, half-French. She said that the prison population in France is overwhelmingly composed of young Muslim immigrants (Caucasians). Something on the order of 80%. Like American blacks, French Muslims access the French welfare system at high rates. Blacks tend to keep a low profile in France; their appearance on the crime sheets is on a par with whites.
  14. You're being unfair to JasonC, I think. He flirted with biological determinism in his post but didn't actually assert that some groups are born with a 'crime gene'- a preposterous idea in my opinion. I'm not a fan of 'studies- they're either grinding an ax or confirming common sense, but one, based on the prison population determined that the prime cause of delinquency was the absence of a father. Whites and Blacks prisoners had precisely the same crime stats when screened using that control factor. The welfare state rendered fathers financially superfluous. And Blacks are disproportionately clients of that system.
  15. "Joking Bad" - Late Night with Jimmy Fallon:
  16. The odd thing was that I was cool as a cucumber during both encounters. You had no options. Time slowed to a crawl.
  17. No, but maybe I should. From the General Discussion forum:
  18. Hehe. But not so much modern Russia. They abolished the death penalty. Was this a condition for joining the European Economic Community (EEC)?
  19. A weak example, para. Many years ago when the U.S. enjoyed a saner society an obvious lunatic like Holmes would have been committed to the loony bin. For the duration. Beginning in the 1960s the ACLU and other 'libertarian' organizations of its ilk went on a deinstitutionalization jihad striving to deny state and local govts the right to confine the violently unstable in mental hospitals against their will. It violated their rights, you see. They succeeded.
  20. But we're having so much fun! You think Steve is that heartless?
  21. Growing passivity in the face of an ever encroaching gov't. Historically, democracy took root in societies dominated by well-armed yeoman farmers with an independent mind set: Greece, Rome, the American colonies. As Rome, for example, transitioned into an empire power hungry elites gradually centralized power. You had proliferating state agencies, remote and inaccessible rulers and a disarmed populace by the 3rd cent. The yeoman farmers had been replaced by sprawling latifundia, their numbers diluted by immigration into the empire. (Rome was the world's first great multi-cultural city) Europe and America have a history of an armed citizenry . The strategy of western elites has been to gradually erode this right-tricky in the U.S. because of the Bill of Rights- with appeals to reason and heartbreaking horror stories in the press. Or, if persuasion fails, to simply replace the electorate with a more pliant and state dependent one. (oops, is this political? )
  22. On a more cheerful note, it seems the Russians are adopting NFL football! There's always a silver lining, JK. One team offered Tim Tebow $2 million to play a couple of games. http://rt.com/sport/american-football-moscow-patriots-nfl-977/
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