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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. Stop fighting it. It's like a riptide, just swim along and try to get to shore later. First, get CMBN + CW. Make sure you UPGRADE and PATCH. They are different processes. Version 2.0 of CMBN is ~= CBFI V1.0. Play it, enjoy it. Then buy GL. You know you're going to do it anyway.

    +1. What was the old Pokemon advertizement? "Gotta Catch'em All!!!" :D

  2. Sorry if this has been discussed before I just saw the movie The 9th Company. USSR troops in Afghanistan.

    Reminded me of Full Metal Jacket a little. With the first dedicated to boot camp then action in county. Pretty good.

    I don't own this game so it might even be a scenario.

  3. I can't accept that "demo argument" - after all, demo's typically help people to decide whether or not to buy if they know nothing about the game.

    Whereas I'd imagine that if you already owned CMBO and liked it, you bought CMBB and then CMAK.

    Concur. The ONLY demo I downloaded was CMBB, that was about 6 months after game release. I bought BB and BO within a few hours.

    I've bought pretty much everything else on pre-orders.

    Demos are for folks who don't know about the games/gaming system of CM. The early issues of SF taught me of the integrity and support of the BFC folks - Thank You BFC. :D

  4. There are a certain few who seem to feel driving Kettler from these forums is a worthwhile endeavour. However the majority of what he adds to these forums is actually of value and very few other people research as exhaustively. You of course, as with any posters contribution here, feel that somethings should be taken with a pinch of salt.*

    So there you go. Enjoy the forums there is loads of info. And do not forget the search function for the archives as a lot of historic info was first discussed in the CMx1 forums.

    * if you are non-native English "a pinch of salt" means evaluate as to true worth/treat with caution. It helps sometimes to know where people are from so you avoid the error of believing colloquial English will be understood. JonS is incidentally nowhere near Venus but actually in New Zealand.


    And with regards to your salt comment: my diagnosis of high blood pressure puts me on a low sodium diet. :mad:

  5. I just recently watched the movie "Theirs is the Glory" on Netflix - on line version.

    A documentary/reenactment or the Battle of Arnhem. It was made in 1946. All the actors were actual 1st Airborne soldiers that fought in the battle. Historically very accurate. It lacked all the modern special effects. Some good shots of German armor, including a burning King Tiger. Filmed on site.

    A bit of a rah rah patriotic movie. The horrors of war were depicted as much as they could be. Most of the actors/men had the thousand yard stare. A tribute to some brave fine men.

    Highly recommended.

  6. Do you have a human opponent lined up? Get one

    Do you have a Dropbox account? Get one

    Share a folder in Dropbox with this opponent. Get one.

    Start the game as described by stikkypixie. 2 player email password etc.

    Use Windows Explorer (the My Computer thingy that shows files and folders) to find you Incoming and Outgoing Game Folders.

    Transfer the files from your outgoing folder to the shared dropbox folder and transfer his files from dropbox to the incoming folder. After 1st turn use saved game to launch latest turn.

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