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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Hev

  1. So is there NO ONE that has seen this problem??
  2. i see what your saying, well ill stick to Vetran for now, and when my micro is strong, i shall spill my blood on elite
  3. Hi Does anyone think BFC should remove the restriction on being able to issue orders whilst paused on Elite? I'd love to see this gone due to the difficulty in cordinating an attack with multiple units. Of course, this is just my two cents so to speak. Id love to know what the comunity thinks on this.
  4. Replay??? i presume ur on abaout wego?
  5. Hi all, i keep getting a crash every time i try to host a multi player realtime battle. It happens everytime within seconds of the game starting. The windows error report said it was a .exe crash. Just some extra info, The map was Town, The forces were blue v red in a medium attack for the blue. oh and im running the bfc download version. Hope you can help My specs are: AMD x2 4200 DFI Lanparty GF7950 Corsair pc3200 1gig [ July 28, 2007, 11:30 AM: Message edited by: Hev ]
  6. Ok, that didnt work, we waited two minutes and nothing happened. I think i may be setting the port forwarding wrong, i have a netgear router and its not helping me much. EDIT: I sorted out the port forwarding and now, with the external ip, we can connect HURAAH Thanks rune [ July 27, 2007, 01:02 PM: Message edited by: Hev ]
  7. cheers rune, i tried that once but i will try again and post the results.
  8. love the game, its running smooth even on my back up rig with 1gig ddr1 (pc3200 i think) Just got my arse handed to me on the first campaign mission, im playing on Elite I realy like how the vehicle dont have "Exact" knowledge of where thier buddies are, its implemented realy well. Thanks Again BFC GOOD JOB GUYS PS stryker rush's dont work -.-
  9. love the game, its running smooth even on my back up rig with 1gig ddr1 (pc3200 i think) Just got my arse handed to me on the first campaign mission, im playing on Elite I realy like how the vehicle dont have "Exact" knowledge of where thier buddies are, its implemented realy well. Thanks Again BFC GOOD JOB GUYS PS striker rush's dont work -.-
  10. Hi, when i try to make a internet 2v2 game, the game shows the closed IP that cant be dialed from the outside. Im behind a router and have forwarded the ports, it just wont conect. Any help much appreciated.
  11. i just updated my drivers to the forceware 162, problem solved also
  12. ITS HERE BFC I LOVE YOU ALL PS thanks for the great bandwidth
  13. I do think BFC have handled the digital release wrong, however, lets get down to the brass tacks, if thats the biggest of our problems all the rest is gravy Plus, the extra anticipation will make that first game all the sweeter
  14. Any chance i can get an invite to that, sounds awesome! Ill bring hash brownies
  15. Do you think they enjoy watching us all squirm whilst we wait, or do you think they realy dont know what time it will be ready? I suppose there could be a third option, Are they dependent on some third party for the exact time of release.
  16. Now that sounds fun, i bet your the life of the party
  17. (censored) (censored) rhubarb (censored) Cant.........wait........any.........longer..........must..........play...........shock force :eek: (This post has been censored by the Army Board of Tampering) [ July 25, 2007, 10:50 PM: Message edited by: Hev ]
  18. I think that's modeled in Armed Assault.... //Salkin </font>
  19. Ctrl-f5......Ctrl-f5......Ctrl-f5......Ctrl-f5...... Kaboooom!!!! :eek:
  20. Im getting 16 down at the minute (shush, dont tell my isp ) OMG i could be playing in 10 minutes!!
  21. From experience anything below 30 frames is bodering on chopsville, and i would also think that anything animated for games would be done with at least 30fps as the minimal viewing speed. Anycase, it doesnt matter how smooth the animations are, the video you are watching does NOT contain everything you would see on your monitor, so it will NEVER look smooth. Ps. as a side note, due to how the brain works in interpreting images, at a certain frame rate surely theres a chance that one person may see choppyness whilst another see's it smoothly. Just curious tho
  22. Errr people, did you actualy look at the video. Look at the scenery, the telegraph poles. The video capture is obviously set to 25fps or below because the WHOLE vid is choppy.
  23. Just wondering if theres any clue on what time the download will be available. Also, is there anychance of a time zone that you guys will be working from? If your going to release on US time ill need a few days to adjust my sleeping so i dont miss any time with Shock Force Thanks all
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