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Posts posted by Cantona66

  1. Here comes a quick little update, since i by accident seems to have removed 1 strike of the strategic bombers, by the way, what do you think of the planes ranges and strike ranges?

    1938 Calm before the storm (ww1 engine) v4.3


    Added USSR HQ Yeremenko

    Added USSR 5 resources linked to resource scripts

    Added Mobilization_3 script linked to Germanys sale of Lutzow to USSR

    Changed triggers of some USSR unit scripts

    Added Trans-Caucasus front unit script Tyulenev 45, 46, 51, 58 armies Ardahan 347,73

    Changed Condition positions for USSR unit scripts

    Added USSR unit scripts for Stalingrad workers to fight

    Added USSR city Baskunchak

    Remodelled USSR unit scripts for Stailngrad and its surroundings

    Changed back to 2 strikes for Strategic bombers (seems that i removed 1 strike without knowing it)

  2. 1938 Calm before the storm (ww1 engine) v4.2


    Now i have more or less gone through all countries navies at the time and changed the combat target data

    accordingly individually for each country

    I have also added some obscure vessels, that maybe should not qualify in the game but i have added them anyway

    to give the game some flavour

    Added 3 UK supply scripts for Anti British Riots in Cairo

    Increased initial USSR NM from 700000 to 900000

    Added 2 USSR unit script for offensives if AXis take Moscow and Stalingrad

    Added minor city Balashikha in USSR

    Changed date of German decision script for Naval strategy

    Linked 2 German decision scripts to Naval strategy

    Small change of Special forces and German paratroopers combat target data

    Added supply script for Luftwaffe bombs Moscow and picture

    Added 2 tiles for German territory script concerning Northern Schleswig

    Removed German 1 anti air from the map, changed names of them in the build limits and added anti air to unit

    scripts and picture

    Renamed marininfanterie divisions in German unit scripts

    Adedd 1 German unit script Volksturm

    Changed and added German unit scripts for Anti-Air and added picture

    Fixed faulty text in German decision script for Unrestricted submarine warfare

    Fixed faulty variable conditon for German unit script Luftwaffe Feld, added scripts and units, changed name

    Renamning one German tank unit in unit script

    Increased number of units allocated to UK Offensive at Tobruk

    Changed Germany. so now it´s units is upgradeble, but weak initially, some units costs more also

    Increased tank defense of corps

    Removed the 3000MPP Germany get when the create Vichy France

    Fixed position for German unit script, Captured Dutch sub

    Changed name of Hoth tank group to Reinhardt in German. unit script

    Added 5 German unit scripts for Luftwaffe to use captured aircrafts

    Removed 1 German unit script, fighter

    Some changes in combat target data, mainly air and sea units

    Added belligerence script for Germany towards Spain

    Added names of ships to Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, Netherlands, Argentina, Brasil, Norway, Iran, Turkey

    Changed names of ships of Norway, Poland, Latvia, USSR

    Added 1 destroyer to Build limits for Norway and Portugal, and 2 to Sweden

    Added 1 destroyer for Swedens production queue 1943

    Added Norwegian minor city and port Egersund

    Added 1 mine to Swedens Kiruna

    Increased hunit cost of Seaplane tenders/carriers, since i do not want these to be upgraded (It will cost

    heavily then)

    Added Spanish unit script if invaded by Axis

    Added Spanish unit script if invaded by Allies

    Added Norwegian destroyer to the map

    Added 2 USSR cruisers to the production queue, Increased build limits with 2 also and added one name, Molotov

    Increased Netherlands build limits with 1 cruiser and added it to the map

    Added 3 German unit scripts for Waffen SS Spain and Portugal

    Replaced Danish destroyer with cruiser

    Added Argentinian cruiser to production queue

    Added Turkey destroyer to production queue

    Fixed owner of Italian decsion script to repair Yugoslavian cruiser

    Added German decision script and matching resource script for Ploesti oil fields

    Added 6 German decision script connected to the strength script for German closing pockets in USSR

    Changed research on 2 USSR cruisers to level 1 from 0

    Increased build limits with 1 destroyer for Egypt and Brasil and 2 for Argentina

    Increased build limits with 1 cruiser and 2 battleships for Free France

    Added 1 destroyer to the map for Egypt and Cuba

    Added 1 destroyer, 2 cruisers and 2 battleships to production queue for Free France

    Added 1 Brasilian destroyer and 2 Argentinian to production queue

    Fixed variable condition in one German decision script

    Fixed faulty link in German decision script

    Fixed faulty links in 2 USSR unit scripts

    Increased USSR unit scripts

    Added 3 USSR unit scripts in Caucasus

    Changed strength of German Admiral hipper class hevay cruisers and Deutschland class Panzerschiffs

    Increased cost of some German decision scripts

    Added German decision script and matching unit and pop-up scripts for hevay cruiser Lutzow and Petropavlovsk

  3. 1938 Calm before the storm (ww1 engine) v4.1


    I have adjusted some things for the Unternehmen Barbarossa to start better for the Germans (garrison scripts,

    strength scripts, some more German unit scripts and some more with full research and stronger)

    I have also changed the country Demilitarized Zone into Germany.

    -This allows me to have shore/fortress guns for Germany, that place is othervise taken by rockets.

    -I also can have nonupgradeable units (Luftwaffe landdivisions, Marininfanterie, Volksturm etc)

    -I have also removed some ships from Germany and transfered them to Germany. I have given the original Germanys

    battleships a bit better combat target data (together with US), since they where new and big. And the same goes

    for Germanys (And US cruisers) since they where heavy cruisers and new. The old battleships Schlesien,

    Schleswig-Holstein etc. i have now moved to Germany. aDn the smaller cruisers also (Nurnberg, Karlsruhe etc.)

    One notice also, that there are 2 Media files to download in the repository also belonging to this campaign!

    CHANGES v4.1

    Changed Slovakian activation bitmap

    Added Belgian HQ and figther in Belgian Congo

    Lowered strength on Belgian units in Belgian Congo

    Fixed position on Reykjavik garrison script (Thanks crispy131313)

    Fixed position on Belgrade garrison script

    Added garrison script for Wzrzaw (Thanks crispy131313)

    Added links to decision script for Rhineland occupation for Mobilization_2 and pop-up scripts, now these will

    only be triggered if the Rhineland has been occupied by Germans (Thanks Samischlaus)

    Lowered NM script for France that if they are alive after july 15th, i have changed from 10000 NM at 10 turns

    to 5000 at 10 turns

    Removed Belgian cruiser from the map

    Fixed name of decision script for Second Vienna award (it said first)

    Named and renamed Norwegian ships

    Lowered strength on Estonian sub

    Lowered strength on Latvian destroyer

    Named and added Lithuanian destroyer to the map

    Changed combat target data for Lithuanias destroyers

    Changed combat target data for Finnish cruisers

    Changed combat target data for Irish cruisers

    Replaced Irish sub towartds cruiser and named it

    Added 1 destroyer to UK unit script and changed 1 Battleship to destroyer

    Fixed MPP cost in 1 German decision script (Should be minus)

    Added German decision script and matching strength script for Unternehmen Alpenveilchen

    Added Italian decision script and matching unit script for Iraq Expedition force

    Added names of coastal divisions as garrisons to Italian build limits

    Fixed text in Italian unit script

    Added Italian HQ Guillet to build limits

    Added 2 Italian coastal divisions as garrisons as unit scripts

    Added 1 Irish unit script

    Added 2 Irish unit scripts for 2nd Infantry division to be Mobilized when Ireland is DOW upon

    Added Irish HQ Costello

    Added Vichy French Madagascar HQ Annet to build limits and unit script

    Added Free French unit script for Madagsacar after it is surrendered

    Added 2 Free France unit script for North Africa and changed names of 2 other in Syria and Algeria, and changed

    owner of them

    Strengthened some UK unit scripts in Egypt

    Named Turkish cruiser

    Remodelled Turkish army (names, build limits and placement)

    Changed position for 1 Italian unit script

    Fixed faulty unit types in Vichy French unit script

    Added names of HQ from many minor countries

    Lowered build limits for Banat, TransJordan, Palestine and Free Armenia

    Changed NM script for USSR, When France is defeated

    Added belligerence script for Lebanon and Syria towards UK and France

    Added HQs to unit scripts for Croatia, Province of Ljubljana, Banat, Free Armenia, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco

    and also changed some triggers

    Fixed faulty condition position in Palestine unit script

    Added Argentinian and Cuban HQs and Cuban division to the map

    Added 1 Cuban division to the build limits

    Switched country of Slovenian unit scripts from Italy to Province of Ljubljana

    Added 4 Icelandish unit scripts

    Named Lebanese destroyer in unit script

    Added Lebanese submarine unit script

    Added 3 German corps to unit script and increased strength on these 3 scripts and changed them to full research

    Fixed faulty variabvle conditon in USSR garrison script

    Changed many tactical conditions in garriosn scripts

    Fixed German unit script (it was a division, should be corps)

    Added 1 German unit script before Barbarossa

    Added USSR decision, script and matching unit and offensive scripts to attack Ke

    Added IK garrison script for Mogadishu after Italian Africa surrendered

    Added Iraqi fighter to the map and incersaed strength on 1 division

    Switched Transjordan from Axis and surrendered to Allies and Mobilized

    Named Arab Legion division to Transjordan and added itto production queue

    Changed German decision script from help to Transjordanpartisans to Palestine partisan and the partisan script

    Added German decision script and matching unit script for Sonderkommando Junck bombers sent to Syria

    Changed strength script for Barbarossa

    Increased strength on German strategic bomber

    Added German decision script and unit script for Arabische Brigade to be raised in Iraq

    Added German decision script and unit script for WW1 Battleship Hessen to be recomissioned

    Added German decision script and unit script for WW1 cruiser Strassburg to be recomissioned

    Added German. unit script for Emden, Königsberg and Karlsruhe

    Changed Germany.s combat target data for Battleships and cruisers

    Changed name of Demilitarized zone to Germany.

    Changed owner of unit script for Slovakian carrier to Germany.s

    Changed bitmaps for Germany.

    Added activation script for Germany.

    Added 1 picture of battleship Schlesien

    Changed 2 pop-up scripts that used to Demilitarized zone to USSR and Italy

    Changed strength, owner, research of Waffen SS unit scripts

    Named Slovakian fighters in unit script

    Changed owner of some German unit scripts to Germany and also some strength changes.

    Removed Schlesien, Schleswig-Holstein, Königsberg, Nurnberg and Emden from Germany

    Fixed faulty variable condition in German unit script

    Fixed same spelling in unit scripts

    Increased naval defense of German and US cruisers (representing heavy cruisers they had)

    Lowered build limits of cruisers for Germany from 5 to 3

    Added 1 German decision script and 16 German. unit scripts for Atlantic wall fortress guns and a picture also

    Increased combat target data of German and US battleships

    Fixed . (Rockets, guns) combat target data, it seems to have been messed up

    Removed Prince of Wales from production queue, added Howe, Anson and Duke of York

    Removed Prince of Wales and Repulse from build limits

    Changed experience and research at Battleship Hood

    Added 3 UK Battleships

    Increased US build limits with 2 Battleships, 2 carriers and 2 destroyers and also added some names

    Added 2 destroyers to US production queue, 2 carriers, 2 battleships, 4 cruisers

    Added 3 US Battleships to the production queue and 3 to the map and 1 carrier to the map

    Added 1 cruiser, 1 UK carrier to the map, 1 carrier to the production queue and increased build limits with 2


    Added Surrender_2 script for Germany.

    Changed entry date for unit script Ostmark

    Moved Himmer HQ from Germany to Germany.

    Increased strength of German heavy cruisers from 8 to 10 or 11 points

    Changed owner of spanish blue unit script from Germany to Germany.

    Changed name of Italian HQ in unit script from Balbo to Badoglio

    Added 1 German destroyer for production queue december 1938

    Changed German unit scripts for Scharnhorst and Gneisenau, now they are either full reserached Battleships at

    strength 10, or full researched cruisers at strength 13.

    Changed some Variant French unit scripts, one that the French changes it use of tank doctrine and gets 3

    strength 15 tank corps

    Added German. unit script to form tank corps from French tanks

    Changed some German unit script to German. since these unit was weak, small or not that effective of some

    reason (Exapmles: Hermann Glring Panzerdivision, Ostlegionen, Panzer division created by captured French

    material, 91 Luftlande-infanterie, 30th Flotilla subs in Black Sea, divisions to garrison Saar & Rhineland,

    Fliegerfuhrer Sahara, Fliegerfuhrer Iraq, Sonderkommando Junck, Marininfanterie, Luftwaffe feld, Himmler HQ,

    Fliegerführer Ost Afrika, Russian Liberation Army, Hitler Jugend, Ersatz armee, luftflotte 5 to Norway and some

    more. All these will have normal starting combat target data but is not upgradeble

    Added missing tile to 2 territory scripts concerning Finland/USSR

    Added 2 German decision scripts linked to 2 German. unit scripts for Fliegerfuhrer Atlantik and Krim

    Added Mobilization_3 script for UK to pressure Spain

  4. Yes, but that is the tanks Germany had to it´s disposal the first years of ww2 and won most of the Blitzkrieg wins!

    Fall Weiss

    676 PZI, 777 PZII, 130 PZIII, 157 PZIV I & II stands for 84%

    Fall Gelb

    XIX Panzer korps

    141 PZI, 326 PZII, 174 PZIII, 104 PZIV I & II stands for 63%

    ZVI Panzer korps

    180 PZI, 220 PZII, 98 PZIII, 54 PZIV I & II stands for 72%

    For the Balkans 1941, the PZI and II was 50% of the German panzers

    Operation Barbarossa

    Panzer group 3

    179 PZII, 364 Pz 38(t), 370 PZIV

    Army group south

    8 PZI, 212 PZII, 334 PZIII, 96 PZIV

  5. Here comes some ideas of different objects that i have thought about.

    I really like different kinds of 3-d bitmaps.



    I think maybe 7-8 levels of research would be nice, then it would take longer time to reach max.

    You could make smaller steps between the levels in combat target data, or increase unit strength to 15 and

    elite at 20 points.

    German Panzers could be

    PZ I, PZ II, 38(t), PZ III, PZ IV, PZ V Panther, PZ VI Tiger, PZ VII Königstiger

    Fighters should not have ME 109 as level 0, find something else as first one (Maybe an Arado).

    Attackbombers level 0 and 1 could be Henschel Hs 123.

    Strategic bombers could have the America bomber ME 264 as level 7.

    I also want more bitmaps for corps & divisions (maybe marching soldiers that is

    replaced by vehicles at higher levels), special forces and cavalry (horses replaced by armoured vechicles at higher levels)



    Add maybe light cruisers, they where very big difference between the types. From light ones at maybe 5000 tons

    up to above 20000.

    Could minelayers be something? Be able to add mine fields that the enemy can not see but is destroyed after 1

    or 2 hits.



    I think oil should be part of the game, but keep it simple!

    Oil points that each oil wells and industrial center/mine earns at each turn. Then decision scripts and convoys

    can also add oil points, just like MPPs.

    And then each unit consumes a number of Oil points per step they move, depending of type of unit and terrain.

    Manpower pool and growth


    It would also be nice for each country to have a certain manpower pool, for instance, Germany can have 5

    million soldiers at maximum at the start of the game, but then they get maybe 500000 new possible recruits each

    year and more if they ANNEX countries, but not surrendered ones. But you could still keep the build limits.

    Manpower could also be controlled but the number of cities you own.

    It could also be a Mobilization percentage (It could work like research, maybe even add it to the research

    types), the higher you get, the more soldiers you can recruit. At 0% (or level 1), you only have soldiers that

    is volunteers, at 40% (or level 2) you have all at age 18-30, at 60% (or level 3) all at 18-35 etc.

    One other possibility would be that each country get a certain number of men for each land tile you have.

  6. 1938 Calm before the storm (ww1 engine) v4.0


    Now i have dug deep inte the histoy and changed USSRs troops accordingly.

    Depending on how you count and which resources you use USSR mobilized approximately 30 million men, and Germany 50% of that. USSR had 20000 tanks against Germanys 3500 and 15000 against 4000 planes.


    I have counted a corps and tank corps as 3 divisions if they have normal strength (more if they have elite reinforcment)

    In 1938 Calm before the storm 4.0 Germany has 38 divisions at the start, in production queue 23 and scripts (Human) give 439, totally 500 divisions, except for the ones you buy with MPPs.

    USSR has 149 divisions on the map at start, 49 in production queue and gets 802 in scripts (AI + Human), which gives a total of 1000 divisions. Then there are some unit scripts for Advanced level with 170 additional divisions.

    Historically USSR had even more divisions and corps, but sometimes i have put in an Army instead and made represented by a really strong corps.

    This is actually much more than the earlier versions of my mod, which is kind of funny since there has been comments that USSR gets too many units.

    I have also made some changes that helps Germany:

    1. I have put in one decision script for USSR to invest MPPS to get some of the unit scripts (This will get them to use there MPPS to reinforce their units on the map and not be able to but so many new units the first years).

    2. USSR has more units at the map in the beginning (and increased USSR build limits, especially for tanks) now also but they are very weak at start.

    3. I have put in a garrison script for USSR to keep most of their unit close to the border until war breaks out, combined with the Barbarossa strength script Germany should be able to kill of the major part of the units on turn 1 of the

    invasion, then the way is reasonable free until you reach Smolensk, Kiev, Cherkassy and then Leningrad, Stalingrad, Moscow and the Caucasus.

    4. Added pop-up and strength scripts for Germans to simulate pockets to trap USSR troops in

    I have checked OoB for the biggest battles during 1941 & 42, the scripts for these cities/battles now gives troops accordingly. as follow:

    Urals 150 divisions (Units from east of Urals sent to mostly Perm and Sverdlovsk)

    Moscow 110 divisions (West front, Bryansk Front and Reserve front)

    Stalingrad 70 divisions

    Caucasus 60 divisions

    Smolensk 35 divisions

    Kiev 30 divisions

    Leningrad 27 divisions

    Siberian troops 26 divisions

    Far East troops 22 divisions

    Cherkassy 22 divisions

    Then i have added some scripts for small towns defence but these scripts are weak (divisions, workers militia, NKVD troops)

    For Germany the number of divisions was as below:

    1938 july 37 divisions

    1939 january 39

    1939 september 93

    1940 january 98

    1940 may 119 (40 motorized)

    1941 january 190 (56 motorized)

    1942 january 165


    When i have tested the game, i (Germany) usually have level 2-3 tanks 2-3 fighters, 2-3 ground attack and level 2 infantry weapons when Barbarossa starts june 41.


    During my last game (not all changes listed here where implemented then but most), my MPP income (Germany) where as follow (excluded all script income and convoy)

    1938 summer 98, fall 317

    1938 winter 700, spring 375, summer 215, fall 600

    1940 winter 1270, spring 650, summer 509, fall 1125

    1941 winter 2700, spring 1370, summer 860, fall 1908

    1942 winter 3954, spring 2021

    USA joined the war 1941 december 14th.

    CHANGES v4.0

    I have added a new type of unit, Seaplane Tenders/Carriers, the minor countries Anglo Egypt-Sudan, Netherlands, Slovakia (to simulate Germany), Croatia (to simulate Germany), Montenegro (to simulate Germany), Yugoslavia, Sweden, Italian

    Africa, Spain, Commonwealth, Free France, French Morroco, French Algiers, French Tunisia and Vichy France have these instead of Aircraft Carriers. Each country have individual Combat target data, depending on how their vessels historical

    type and strength. Some is quite ok with approx 20 aircrafts and some only a few that is rubbish. Possible use of them is sub hunt or recon.

    Changed start date to july 3rd 1938

    Totally remodelled USSRs units (names, numbers both on map, build limits and scripts)

    Increased Italys starting NM from 50000 to 75000

    Changed reserach (increased cost and removed a few USSR chits assigned)

    Added Swedish units to production queue

    Small adjustments of Greek Army

    Renamed and moved III. Germanisches korps to III. SS Panzerkorps from corps to panzers in build limits

    Removed Germanys Jagdgeschwader 77 from build limits since it is a unit script

    Added picture of Field marshal Albert Kesselring and link to it in unit script

    Lowered Germanys build limits for Special forces from 7 to 5

    Added 2 German tanks to production queue for october 42 and october 43

    Increased combat data for cavalry (tanks defense and soft defense)

    changed names of German cavalry and special forces

    Changed attack bombers to 1 strike

    Added 4 coastal guns for Swedens build limits and to the map and named the 2 old ones

    Removed 3 corps from Germanys build limits and exchanged these to 3 others in unit script

    Increased UK build limits to 2 special forces and lowered USSR to 4

    Changed Finlands mobilization 5% Axis

    Added 4 new pictures

    Added minor city of Salla

    Removed 1 picture

    Added league of nations flag for Demilitarized zone

    Fixed spelling in one picture

    Changed Linz from minor city to industrial center

    Added Peenemunde as industrial center

    Added minor cities Istra, Kaluga, Podolsk, Zagorsk, Roslavl in USSR and garrison script for them

    Fixed faulty bitmaps for German units in desert

    Changed road in Finland (Too close to lake)

    Increased build limits for German HQs from 13 to 14 and USSR from 15 to 18

    Added German tank Hube to Production queue 1943 june 10th

    Removed 2 SS panzerkorps from German build limits for tanks

    Added rail to Ukraine

    Added 7 industries to USSR

    Remodelled Finnish army (build limits, map, production queue)

    Switched Polish cruiser to destroyer and named it and the polish sub

    Named Bulgarian destroyer

    Named Romanian destroyer and added sub to the map

    Named Greek destroyer and sub, added battleship Kilkis

    Named Turkish sub and destroyer, added battleship TGC Yavuz

    Named Dutch destroyer and sub, added Seaplane tender Gadila

    Removed Belgian sub from the map

    Named Finnish sub and replaced destroyer with cruiser

    Named Argentinian cruiser

    Named Swedish ships, added ships to the map

    Named Commonwealth ships, increased build limits with 1 more carrier

    Named Yugoslavian destroyer, added seaplane tender, removed cruiser from the map

    Removed Brasil battleship from build limits, Named Brasil cruiser

    Added Estonian sub to the map, removed destroyer

    Increased French build limits with 1 more carrier, named it JOFFRE and added to production queue

    Increased strength on UK carrier Ark Royal and Eagle

    Added Spanish Seaplane tender Dedalo

    Added Anglo Egypt-Sudans Seaplane tender Pegasus and Audacity to the production queue for 1941

    Added Italian African Seaplane carrier Giuseppe Miraglia

    Increased UKs build limits with 2 more cruisers and added these to production queue

    Lowered cost for seaplane carriers compared to regular Aircraft carriers

    Added seaplane carrier for Free France to build limits and production queue

    Switched ownership from Germany to Denmark for Northern Schleswig and moved Flensburg 1 tile south and small change of 1 tile to add port there

    Changed combat target data for naval Ships mainly, but small changes also for many other units

    Added port of Aabenraa to Denmark and changed rail there

    Added picture of escort carrier

    Lowered building times of forts

    Small text changes in decision scripts

    Small text changes in unit scripts

    Changed variable conditions in some German decision scripts

    Changed 2 Commonwealth unit script (Super units) to AI

    Changed dates and triggers for Italian belligerence scripts

    Added 2 USSR garrison scripts for Kiev and Kharkov

    Made small land changes for USSR

    Date changes for some German decision scripts

    Added strength script for Fall Grun on Czechoslovakia

    Added German decision scripts with matching, strength, belligerence, Mobilization_3, annexation, unit and war entry scripts for Fall Otto, Germanys attack on Austria

    Added some media links to unit scripts

    Added German unit scripts for Saar and Rhineland decision scripts

    Added Norwegian unit script for Cavalry 2nd division

    Changed dates in annexation script for Austria

    Changed date for territory script for Rhineland

    Changed variable conditions, types of units, names, dates, triggers for German Waffen SS unit scripts

    Removed German III. (Germanic) SS Panzer korps unit script

    Changed German Panzer Lehr script from division to special forces

    Renamed some German unit scripts

    Renamed some Hungarian and Romainan unit scripts

    Added German unit script for Hitler Jugend division

    Changed some war entry scripts from Axis AI to all games

    Changed trigger for 1 War entry script

    Changed type of 1 war entry script

    Removed 6 war entry scripts (they where doubles)

    Changed USSR NM script for Allied landings in France (US troops requirement)

    Changed Flag on 1 War entry script

    Added Commonwealth unit script in Bissau

    Changed flag of Winter war decision script

    Added USSR NM script for Battle of Suomussalmi

    Added German NM script for condor legions homecoming

    Added 1 decision script for winter war peace

    Added 7 pop-up script for winter war

    Added 1 pop-up script for Atlantic charter

    Added 1 Mobilization_3 script for Finland to lean to Axis

    Added pop-up script for Swedish home guard

    Added pop-up script for League of nations condemning Italy for the Abyssinia war

    Added 2 German unit scripts for Ostlegionen, changed unit type of one other and date of one more

    Changed USSR unit scripts for Siberan and Far East reserves (Removed some units, reduced experience, added condition position and text changes)

    Changed USSR NM script No step back (moved date and increased NM value)

    Added USSR Odessa garrison script

    Changed USSR garrison scripts

    Removed 1 USSR garrison script for Leningrad

    Added German 2 fighters, 2 attackbombers and 1 cavalry to unit scripts Fall Blau and zitadelle, and some name changes

    Some text changes in German unit scripts and strenghtend Panzer armies in Ardennes unit script

    Small adjustments of Mobilization_1 and Mobilization_3 scripts

    Added 1 German unit script for Eastern front reserves

    Added big pre entry USSR garrison script to keep troops close to the border

    Added USSR decision script for them to pay for unit scripts

    Changed USSR research (removed 1 tank chit and changed scripts)

    Increased strength and added 2 units to 2 German unit scripts in Iraq and Ethiopia

    Added 2 German resource scripts for Peenemunde and Mittelwerk

    Moved date on Operation Weserubung unit script earlier to december 1939

    Changed date on German decisions scripts for Norwegian gold

    Added pop-up, pictures and strength scripts for Germans to simulate pockets to trap USSR troops in

    Added and changed Swedish unit scripts

    Added USSR NM script for battle win over Japan 1939

    Changed date and type of Mobilization_3 script for French West Africa to join Axis after Dakar raid

    Many small changes of War Entry scripts (dates, triggers and types)

    Added 2 Belligerence scripts for French West Africa towards UK and Commonwealth

    Added missing position to Polish Surrender_1 script

    Fixed faulty media link in German unit scripts (Waffen SS)

    Changed Surrender_1 script so Bulgaria get Greek territory instead of Germany

    Changed size of Reichskommiseriat Ostland

    Changed size of Reichiskommisariat Ukriane

    Fixed spelling in different scripts (Thanks wlape3)

    Changed Greek activation in decision script

    Added decision script and matching territory script and pop-up script for Northern Schleswig plebiscite

    Added decisions scripts 388-396 and matching unit scripts for repairing scuttled French, Dutch, Norwegian, Greek, Yugoslavian, Italian ships and to convert Italian Ocean liner to Carrier, and Slovakia to build seaplane tender Ostmark

    Fixed Yugoslavias surrender_1 script, wrong country number

    Added 3 oil fields to USSR, and added these positions to supply scripts

    Changed positions of territory scripts Reichskommisariat Ukraine, Transnistria

    Increased strength and number of units in US unit script if invaded

    Added unit script linked to decision 55 for RSI navy

    Fixed spelling in free unit script

    Changed trigger for Italian African naval units to become free italian units

    Added unit scripts for French Morroco, French Algiers, French Tunisia and Vichy France to get Seaplane tenders

    Added 2 Commonwealth unit scripts for escort carriers

  7. I do not understand why this script is not working?

    These 2 decision scripts fire alright but not the linked territory script!

    ; USSR Declares War Against Finland

    ; Historical date of event was 1939/11/30


    #NAME= DE 1- Treaty of Moscow and the Soviet-Finnish Winter War (Historical)

    #POPUP= USSR Fights Over The Finnish Border



    #FLAG= 1

    #TYPE= 1

    #AI= 0

    #LEVEL= 0

    #GV= 1[1,100]

    #LINK= 0[0]

    #COUNTRY_ID= 4

    #TRIGGER= 100


    ; Set decision value (first internally stored decision)

    #DECISION= 1

    ; Set how many MPPs should be collected over X turns if player selects 'yes' (dummy values)

    #MPP_UPDOWN= 0

    #MPP_TURNS= 0


    ; Set AI acceptance % (Allied AI will accept 100% of the time)

    #AI_RESPONSE= 100

    #AI_RESPONSE_POPUP= USSR invades Finland with 21 divisions

    #DATE= 1939/11/30

    #TEXT_RGB= 0,0,0

    #SHADOW_RGB= 194,186,186


    ;Set Friendly Position (Moscow)


    ; Set variable conditions:

    ; 2nd Line - Finland politically aligned with Axis (not fully active) and not surrendered

    #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 21 [1] [0] [0]

    ; Dummy condition position (always satisfied)

    #CONDITION_POSITION= 0,4 [0,0] [0,0] [0] [0]



    #NAME= DE 385 - Treaty of Moscow and the Soviet-Finnish Winter War

    #POPUP= Moscow Peace Treaty: Winter war ends

    #IMAGE= 0winterwarpeace.bmp


    #FLAG= 1

    #TYPE= 1

    #AI= 0

    #LEVEL= 0

    #GV= 1[1,100]

    #LINK= 1[1]

    #COUNTRY_ID= 4

    #TRIGGER= 100


    ; Set decision value (first internally stored decision)

    #DECISION= 1

    ; Set how many MPPs should be collected over X turns if player selects 'yes' (dummy values)

    #MPP_UPDOWN= 0

    #MPP_TURNS= 0


    ; Set AI acceptance % (Allied AI will accept 100% of the time)

    #AI_RESPONSE= 100

    #AI_RESPONSE_POPUP= USSR Declares War Against Finland

    #DATE= 1940/03/13

    #TEXT_RGB= 0,0,0

    #SHADOW_RGB= 194,186,186


    ;Set Friendly Position (Moscow)


    ; Set variable conditions:

    ; 2nd Line - Finland politically aligned with Axis (not fully active) and not surrendered

    #VARIABLE_CONDITION= 21 [1] [0] [0]

    ; Dummy condition position (always satisfied)

    #CONDITION_POSITION= 0,4 [0,0] [0,0] [0] [0]


    ; USSR Annexes Finnish Territory

    ; Historical date of event was 1940/03/12


    #NAME= Treaty of Moscow and the Soviet-Finnish Winter War (Historical)

    #POPUP= Moscow Peace Treaty: Winter war ends

    #IMAGE= 0winter_war_treaty.bmp


    #FLAG= 1

    #TYPE= 1

    #AI= 0

    #LEVEL= 0

    #GV= 1[1,100]

    #LINK= 385[1]

    #COUNTRY_ID= 21


    #TRIGGER= 100

    #DATE= 1940/03/12


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