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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Cantona66

  1. I have been working on a new mod, but when i playtest it i ran in to a new problem. All Allied countries gets double units placed on the map at the start of the campaign!

    I only have majors in the campaign and only Allies seems to have this issue. And sometimes even more than doubkle units appear, i have seen 4 cruisers with same name.

    And i a move or shoot with 1 of these units, then after the other one can not be moved /shoot.

    The map is an old SC2 that i have reused.

    Any guesses why?

  2. 1938 Calm before the storm 2 (ww1 engine) v1.0


    I have now changed my mod 1938 Calm before the storm so much i decided to give it a new name and create a new mod.

    As usual, there are 2 MEDIA files to download and install in the Media cathegory.

    I removed the biggest part of Africa (Abyssinia, French West Africa, French Equatorial Africa, French Madagascar and South America), since not much action happens there and it´s a big part of the map, now i get some country slots i can use. I have also tried to remove(or replaced with corps) some Allied unit scripts with garrisons and divisions and reduced build limits some also of garrisons and divisions, to try to speed up the AI some. The new country slots have given me the chance to add some exiting new weapons.

    I have removed following countries from the regular 1938 Calm...

    Argentina, Brasil, Cuba, Uruguay, French West Africa, French Equatorial Africa, French Madagascar

    Additions is:

    GERMANY, Banat, Kingdom of Italy, Free Belgium, Free Poland, Free Norway, Free Netherlands, Free Greece

    I have added some special weapons for Germany, they include:

    Z-plan battleships that is very strong

    Amerikabomber with range 20

    FW200 Condors with range 20

    Sturmtiger Heavy assault gun

    Maus Panzer Abteilung, extremly strong but slow tank

    V3 long range cannons-6, range 6 tiles

    Karl Mortar-2, super heavy artillery, range 2

    Schwerer gustav railway gun-3, super heavy gun, range 3

    K5 & K12 railway long range guns-4, range 4

    The-2 in the name means the range!

    Hope you like it!

  3. 1938 Calm before the storm (ww1 engine) v5.1


    Removed 1 faulty Icelandic unit script

    Fixed USSR unit script, 1 unit should be HQ

    Fixed 2 faulty Belligerence scripts

    Added German pop-up script and picture for Z-plan

    Changed Cubas HQ to 3 from 10

    Changed incremenets strike range

    Changed combat target data for USSr and German rockets

    Removed name Dora from German rail guns

    Fixed German strength script for Graf Spee

    Some changes to Surrender_2 scripts

    Added strength scripts for partisans Croatia, Montenegro and Province of Llubljana

    Fixed country number for Pop-up script

    Changed countries for some pop-up scripts

    Added picture and strength script for Italian frogmen attacks on Alexandria port 1941, Souda bay 1941 and Algiers port 1942

    Added pictures and linked them to war entry scripts for some Axis countries

    Fixed faulty text in 1 German decision script

    Removed HQ List from German unit script

    Added Latvian HQ

    Lowered strength for Estoian and Lithuanian HQs

    Changed name in German unit script from Bordeaux to Bayonne

    Changed friendly position in German decisions cript for operation Oak

    Added link to decision script and Gv link to Italian surrender_1 script

    Fixed several faulty decision scripts for low Nm, wrong country owners

    Fixed faulty Italian surrender_2 script

    Added 2 tiles to Itailan Surrender_1 script

    Fixed wrong country number for Italian Social republic unit script

    Added German strength script for Weserubung

    Added 3 German unit script for Italy when they have surrendered

    Added 1 tank and 1 paratrooper to Italian Afircas build limits

    Added 1 tank, 1 paratrooper and 1 cavalry to Italian Afirca in Libya

    Renamed Italian Africas units in Libya

    Remodelled pop-up scripts for Operation Oak, Dunkirk, Operation Torch, Normandy, Hitler suicide, assassination attempt, Soviets in Berlin and Japans surrender into NM scripts instead

    Added German decision script for Unternehmen Feuerzauber and matching pop-up script, moving Spanish army of Africa in the civil war

  4. 1938 Calm before the storm (ww1 engine) v5.0


    Small adjustments of Combat target data (increased strike range of Germanys fighters 1 tile)

    More changes of Moscow and Stalingrad Fronts.

    Added 2 War Entry scripts for Germany.

    Incerased Norwegian build limits with 1 cruisers and also added Norwegian cruiser Eidsvold to the map

    Added 5 oil wells to US and 5 industries to USSR

    Fixed some partisan positions in Yugoslavian partisan script

    Added yugoslavian unit script for liberated Tito and corps

    Added French unit script for HQ Leclerc and 4 Fusiliers Marins Commandos after Paris is liberated

    Added German decision scripts and matcing strength scripts and unit scripts for Yugoslavian Anti-Partisan operations:

    1941 The First anti-Partisan Offensive

    1942 The Second anti-Partisan Offensive

    1942 Operation TRIO

    1943 Fall Weiss

    1943 Unternehmen Schneesturm

    1944 Unternehmen Rösselsprung

    Changed display order of German decision script for Unternehmen Alpenveilchen

    Increased strength of unit script Dutch submarine Hr.Ms. 0 8, now German called U-D1, from 1 to 5

    Removed 1 tile from Dutch defense line Mass line

    Adjusted Strategic bombers, fighters range and German paratroopers also

    Adjusted German/dutch border, 1 tile became German

    Added UK supply script for Iceland

    Fixed faulty country number in Croatian unit scripts

    Changed owner of some foreign volunteer unit scripts from Germany to Germany.

    Remodelled Croatian military and added unit scripts for them

    Added German decision script and matching Croatian unit script for paratroopers

    Added Croatian HQ Laxa and increased build limits to 2 HQ´s

    Added German decision script and matching unit script for The Croatian Air Force Legion

    Added German decision scripts and Syrian and Lebanon unit scripts for Germany to help them set up divisions

    Adjusted cost of some German decision scripts

    Changed variable conditions of German decision script for Atlantic wall

    Changed name of German decision script for Operation strafgericht to Unternehmen 25

    Adjusted Minimum Paratroopers prepare supply level for minors

    Added German pop-up script and 1 picture linked to it

    Added picture linked to Yugoslavian Surrender_1 script

    Added 4 German decision scripts and matching pop-up scripts for Yugoslavian gold reserve

    Removed German decision script and link for Surrender_1 script for creating Croatia and Montenegro, now this will always happen when Yugoslavia surrenders

    Changed some dates of German decision scripts for Greek Gold reserves

    Added link to picture in German territory script for Sudetenland

    Changed naval unit bitmats for minor nations and Spain to look like older ships

    Fixed faulty Global variables in Pop-up script

    Changed Slovakias build restrictions from Home builds only to none

    Removed Romanian fighters, HQ Antonescu, tank and 2 corps and replaced this with decision linked unit scripts connected to Barbarossa participation, also added 1 picture to this

    Added Romanian HQ Dumitrescu and lowered strength on 3 corps

    Added Hungarian HQ Szombathelyi and owered strength on 4 corps

    Added German decision scripts and matching unit scripts for Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania to support Unternehmen Barbarossa

    Added loop for Germany from Baltic to Trondheim

    Added Strength script for Italian units around Tobruk to fear Allies when they take Bardia

    Added German Decision script that when Bulgaria joins Axis Alliance war on USSR, 1 tile becomes Yugoslavian and Fatherland Front partisans strikes from there and Unrest in Bulgaria following the nations War Entry on Axis side Strength script

    Added 2 Bulgarian unit scripts for corps

    Added Italian decision script and linked it to Albanian Surrender_1 script to make it part of Greater Italy

    Added Italian decision script and linked it to BETASOM unit script in Bordeaux

    Added 2 Polish National Defence garrisons in The Polish corridor

    Increased strength on various Polish units

    Fixed spelling of Umeå

    Moved garrison from Stockholm to Umeå and renamed it

    Added division to Stockholm

    Changed date of French unit script

    Fixed position of Germany repairing Norwegian destroyer

    Increased Irans build limits with 3 divisions and added them to thep map also

    Remodelled Belgium and Netherlands armies and air forces

    Removed 2 Yugoslavian garrisons and moved 1 division

    Changed text in 1 strength script

    Lowered impact of German strength scripts for Fall Gelb & Fall Weiss

    Increased build limits for Italy, US and Spain with 2 HQs, Germany, UK and France with 4

    Added 3 German HQs to unit scripts

    Added Mobilization_3 script for Lithuanian invasion of Poland 1939 and 1 picture also

    Added German decision script with matching territory script for Lithuanian territory

    Added Fall Gelb strength script for UK and 1 for France, now there Belgium and Netherlands will not be hit twice by stregnth scripts

    Fixed Surrender_1 script for Greenland

    Added 1 position to Unternehmen 25 strength script

    Changed spelling of Weiss to Weiß in decision scripts

    Fixed faulty tile in Bulgaria (Neutral)

    Added German HQs Hoth, Gille, Bittrich, Kraemer and Steiner to unit scripts

    Lowered strength from 10 t 5 for Bulgarian and Hungarian HQs

    Increased rating of German HQ Balck from 5 to 7

    Minor name adjustments of units

    Increased HQ rating from 7 to 8 for von Kleist

    Lowered cost of some German decision scripts

    Increased strength on a few German unit scripts

    Added Yugoslavian strength script for mutiny and riots strength in when Yugoslavia joins Axis

    Added 1 fighter and 2 divisions to Czechoslovakia

    Lowered strength on Greek fighter

    Added 10 oil wells to US, and put 6 of them in Resource script for 1943

    Added 7 Supply scripts for IRA attacking UK

    Added 1 German artillery to production queue for march 1941

    Reduced max level of research for artillery

    Changed date of German unit script Waffen ss Wiking to nov 1940

    Changed condition position and increased USSR NM script for Moscow defense

    Added city Vladikavkaz and road there

    Replaced Banat as country with Reichskommissariat kaukasus

    Small increase of Reichskommissariat Ukraine territory script

    Added 1 USSR NM script

    Added 1 USSR unit script when Baku has fallen to Axis

    Some changes of Reichskommissariat Ukraine and Ostlands decision and unit scripts

    Added 4 pictures and linked these to pop-up or territory scripts

    Added 1 German pop-up scripts for the General Government in Poland

    Removed 2 positions from German pop-up script about French partisans and 1 of the se in the partisan script also

    Increased strength of Finnish fighters and added Finnish unit scirpt for fighters

    Added 5 German pop-up script related to Operation Weserubung

    Added 1 Finnish tank to build limits and production queue 1942 june

    Added 2 divisions to Iraqi build limits and added 1 artillery and 1 cavalry to the map

    Increased build limits for Subs with 2 for USSR, 2 for Italy and 1 for Spain, added 2 to the map for Italy and USSR, 4 for France and 1 for UK and Spain

    Added 3 names of UK Cruisers

    Increased Italian build limits with 2 Battleships, 4 cruisers, added 1 name for Battleships, 6 cruisers and 6 submarines, increased strength on Vittorio Veneto class BBs, added 1 BB to production queue and 2 subs, added 3 cruisers to the map and 1 BB

    Changed Combat target data for Italian Africas cruisers, added 4 names, 2 to the build limits and 2 to the map

    Moved Finnish units starting positions

    Added bombers and 2 subs to Vichy France unit script

    Added subs, fighters, bombers, divisons, guns to Vichy Morroco unit scripts

    Added subs, fighters, bombers, special forces, guns to Vichy Algeria unit scripts

    Added subs, fighters, divisions, garrison to Vichy Tunisia unit scripts

    Remodelled Czechoslovakian army & airforce

    Remodelled Austrian army & airforce

    Remodelled Portugeese army and navy & airforce

    Remodelled Swiss army & airforce

    Increased German build limits for U boats from 10 to 12

    Increased strikes to 2 for guns

    Added German NM script for Guderian appointment as Inspector-General of the Armoured Troops

    Added German unit script for French voulnteer unit Légion des volontaires francais contre le bolchévisme

    Increased German maximum research cost to 3800MPP

    Added German unit script for 392. (Kroatische) Infanterie-Division

    I have just uploaded it.

  5. All of sudden, when i was adding a few decision scripts to my mod, something strange happened.

    Now when i, in the editor, opens Event scripts, there are no decision scripts visible. But if i choose to open/edit decision scripts the file opens and they are all there.

    Ok maybe not so big problém i thought, but when i start a new game there are really no decision scripts att all there!!!

    I have no idea why and how to correct it, HELP!

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