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Everything posted by monkeezgob

  1. Thought the review was very fair and pretty much summed up where the game is right now.
  2. it's starting to look like they've washed their hands on this one!
  3. Cutting it fine to get it out by the end of the month!
  4. monkeezgob


    Nope, it's not free. You'll have to pay for that expansion.
  5. I think it's difficult to generalize about this sort of thing Oudy. It'll depend on various factors and should really differ for each scenario. The quality of the troops taking part. Their experience. Morale. At what stage in the campaign/war the engagment takes place. Strategic value of the objective. I'd have thought all these factors (and others)should have some sort of bearing on the decision to press forward or break off.
  6. Seemed like a well balanced and objective review of where the game is right now to me.
  7. That just about sums it up for me too. The game has potential, but the level of micromanagement required to ensure none of my troops do anything really, really stupid and the issues to do with the AI really spoilt the demo for me and put me off buying the game. Clearly, it appeals to some, but at the moment it's not for me.
  8. Agreed, making agame difficult or near impossible to mod only reduces its life span. I'm sure BF know this. Without knowing the details it's unfair to pass judgement. I'd have thought BF would have had some concerns about this aspect of the game and would have made this known to the devs. But at the end of the day, it is what it is.
  9. Two different beasts. Only played the TOW demo, but I'll take CM over TOW any day at the moment.
  10. Personally, I'd have thought it's the sort of thing that would have to fixed before you could play an add-on like 'battle for moscow' with any degree of strategic/tactical complexity, but that's jusst my opinion. It really should have been included in the original game.
  11. Thanks, I just seem to remember someone saying that they thought the issue of entering and using buildings could be very tricky to fix. I just wanted to make absolutely sure it was going to be fixed in the 2nd patch. Moon? Matt? Can you confirm this?
  12. How will the add-on handle the current inability to enter buildings? I realize that fighting took place outside of Moscow, but even so and add on of this nature would have to include the smaller outer villages? Sorry, I forgot, but is the ability to enter and use buildings definitley going to be addressed in the patch? It would seem crucial for an add-on like this to really work.
  13. Dont agree. In the demo my Nashorn was blown to bits on the reverse slope of the hill almost as soon as it appeared. Indirect Shooting was deadly accurate and all but slaughtered my reserves. </font>
  14. I think they started shipping from the warehouse on friday. How soon you get it will depend on where you are.
  15. It was some way short of what I expected too, (various issues to do with the AI and LOS issues spoilt the experience for me, but it does have tremendous potential. It'll be worth keeping an eye on to see what's addressed in the patches and what the effect is.
  16. I hope it was a one in one hundred occurance. You have to admit, for a single, unskilled soldier to achieve this does stretch the issue of credability a bit.
  17. I have to agree with Mannheim on this one. Clearly certain individuals went way beyond the mark in their behaviour and the way they responded to the game, but I'm a little dismayed to see the manner in which any critcism seems to constantly be equated with whining. The game has great potential, but there are some issues with the AI that call for such a level of micromanagement that the whole notion of 'real time' combat/strategy becomes problematic. Personally, given the level of micromanagement required, I would have found it more enjoyable if the scale of many of the scenarios was smaller. But that's just my two cents and plenty are enjoying it as it is. Although I didn't purchase the game after I tried the demo I'll certainly keep an eye on developments once it has been patched.
  18. Well, If I'd liked it, I wouldn't have written the post. I would just have gone ahead and bought it as it was after playing the demo...but because of the issues I listed (and there were others too, particularly regarding the AI) I didn't. Like I said, it has great potential, I'd just rather wait until that potential is realized before I buy it.
  19. The game has great potential, but personally that's all it is at the moment. Great idea but (for me) bad execution. I really hope the patches address the fundamental problems.
  20. Well, tried the demo and while it looks nice, and I do want to support BF, this is not for me. Shame, I had high hopes for it, but the LOS issues and the inability to insert waypoints are too high a price to pay for the pretty graphics. Maybe I'll come back to once I see what's included in the patches, but for now I'll stick to CM.
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