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Posts posted by Lethaface

  1. James Crowley, sounds like a nice idea. Perhaps it is possible to have an 'uber-iron' mode that would make it impossible to give orders to squads outside c2. That way only those who want to experience this, will have to.

    One point though; If you would be playing the RED side, this is almost impossible. Especially for unconventional forces and to a lesser extent reserve/infantry. RED is supposed to fight without command, it would be a bit dull to look at an empty map, wait for 60 minutes and then see 'total defeat'. ;)

    Perhaps a compromise would be possible; units are visible but orders cannot be given? This still would be a problem for red Unconventional units though, but they could be simulated having mobile phone c2 with standard delay.

  2. cmfan,

    Good point. I wanted to post if a while ago but forgot all about it. Perhaps dedicated fire support vehicles and/or recon vehicles can have a slightly changed protected behaviour?

    The protective AI does a wonderfull job for most vehicles, however when trying to use a Stryker Fire Support vehicle it only creates a logistical chaos: The observation point saturated with smoke, the possible enemy aware of this smoke and thus position (especially harmful against a human opponent) and last but not least; smoke prohibits LOS and thus makes the fire mission impossible :D

  3. Hey Joch,

    Yeah it's a really nice battle! Played it two times this far tcp/ip, once blue and once red. As Red I let them come close (apart from the occasional AT-14 to cause a lil chaos :D), into the range of my RPG's. Then I unhided the lot and ... hehehe.. it was a bad day for the marines. and they had to give up after 1 hour of hard fighting. As blue I finally took all the points, albeit at the price of many lives lost and even more severely wounded (my opponent is slightly newer to the game then me, though). All in all, quite a matched force if played adequately. Perhaps the Syrians could have a little more INF to counter all that 155 fire ;)

  4. Lethaface,

    From your description, I can't tell. If you can reproduce it and make a save of it, that would be interesting to see.


    Havent been able to reproduce it in Pooh, I have a lot of saves in the mission ;)

    It was a sniper squad on top of a building, my only squad that could see that particular tank. However ordering air support on it was not possible. It could be the tank was not fully visible, it was parked up next to a building. If I can nail it down again, ill post.

    However, something similar occured during a TCP/IP game I played yesterday:




    In my opinion the poor LAV should be targetable by my mean AT-14 :D, however it seems they have a little angle on their shoulders, for this moment at least...

  5. @007 5th,

    Same problem here, so I guess its a Vista problem.


    I'll try to install access this weekend or next week, ill let you know.

    Cheers for the help :)


    The file structure is lil different in 64bit, apart from vista even. All files you mentioned are in the same location; only they are in the x86 program folder. The /windows paths you mentioned are correct also on Vista x64

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE12\ACEDAO.dll

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System\ado

  6. MMMMM, got me doubting now. The reason I thought it were rockets (hydra's) was because the explosin impacts seemed much smaller then with the heavy (hellfire) attack. However, they weren't fired in salvos. Ill do some test runs again.

    About cannons; In my tests I managed to take out a bmp1 using the cannon. Also in the Pooh mission I used the Cobra's chaingun to take out a BMP3. It took a few runs though.

  7. Thomm, i've also arrived at battle Pooh (again) last week, in my restart of the marines campaign. Made some 10 saves in this mission already, reloading perhaps even more. It has got me pondering about how to play once again...

    Anyways, this is my current state:


    I think ive taken out almost all tanks, BMP's and bunkers, it is not visible from this screen since I just loaded it and I noticed the smoke wil re-develop after loading :)

    I advanced the snipers on the right and and left, recon down the middle. Snipers couldn't stay on the hill due to enemy arty. I used big area targets for my cobra's constantly, they knew how to find their own targets, apart from the ones spotted by my infantry. Made some contacts at the border of the town and laid down heavy mortar fire on the trenches on both sides of the compound and the trenches at the crossroads. Took down a house which accomodated an AT-14 launching system, and some fires at suspected enemy position. I was able to take out the enemy tank reinforcements with my m1's, and an occasional cresting TOW hummer / JAV.

    Now I have almost reached the town center (objective Eeyore) with half 155mm ammo left, all 81mm empty and few 61mm rounds left and the Cobra's only have some chaing gun rounds. I need smoke on the left flank to cover Fox company advance but also want to pound eeyore once more. My helos are coming in constantly and from this save i have carried out a few heavy attacks, to no avail. Ive come to the conclusion that split squads or engineer squads are not fit to take frontline position in this map, as they will be simply cowered off and shot to pieces by rifle grenades and RPG's. Since i'm playing in RT I waste some time watching the action, I try to keep my troops moving and firing constantly.

    I think ill smoke the left side and go for an all out attack supported by two m1's and send out the cobras once more on the right. Perhaps I can support the right side with fox company from the left later on, which might make capturing pooh and tigger easier. Well we'll see ;)

    GL on your mission!

  8. Since im re-playing the poo mission (the last 6 times i played CMSF), I decided to give question marks another type of spotting bonus; preferably in the form of a 155MM Shell or HellfireII missile! :D It really pays off!!!

    Seriously though, I now feel that; IF ROE allows, I have enough fire support AND I feel the enemy has more then a few lil conscripted buggers: I like my question marks to remain anonymous forever. I feel dumb that I even tried to observe the enemy when I know they were right at that spot. It never hurts to 'pave' the road a little bit.

    I dont know about the spotting bonus though, but I now prefer not to know at all ;)

  9. Having read some articles bout the GAU-8 and 'RHA' penetration, I think that the theory doesn't really apply here. What are the effects (on RHA penetration) of firing such a gun at 'high' speed and from a few hundred meters altitude? Also i guess multiple hits on ~ the same spot will have extra effect. Logic would let me believe that any tank hit by a salvo should be sort of disabled, since I reckon at least some communication devices/spotting will be badly damaged, if no full penetrations will occur.

    Taking out Hilux's proved no problem to me indeed, but heck why would I use my 30MM cannon on a Hilux given that the average sling stone will do just fine :D (i do remember some top gear video about how difficult it is to actually destroy a Hilux, too bad they didn't test the GAU-8). It sort of doesn't feel good to kill 'only' a car with a gun thats bigger then the car itself, it's a bloody waste!

    Whomever doesn't like this gun has a serious manhood problem :D


  10. @007 5th,

    I had that problem at first to, but was able to create a local copy of the database and then it would be ok. Not sure what i did anymore :(

    However with the newest version provided by Seabee, this problem didn't show up anymore. However, activating mods doesnt work. Already informed Seabea of this (runtime error).

    I'm interested if it will work on Vista 32 Bit. Try to create a local copy of the database (save as orsomething I think). Then try to activate a mod and see if it turns up in your Z folder. If it does, my problem is 64bit. If it doesnt, perhaps it's a Vista problem.

    Ill be home later, perhaps I can find out what I did to avoid the read only thingie.


  11. C3k,

    But did you notice there are 4 ammo bars (of 40mm ammo ;) ) ? Who has been able to unlock the mighty 'fourth' weapon? Or perhaps thats the Drunken shotgun of the gods added by BF.C? :D

    I hope anyone can clarify this.


    This is the first time I tried to use the rocket attack since 1.06 orso, I guess.

    Out of 1 rocket attack, 6 rockets were fired, 4 tanks destroyed. Thats not a shotgun IMAO ;) However, ill test a lil more to see what will happen. Perhaps it depends on experience as well?

  12. Recently I had a strange thing in Objective Pooh, not sure it was a bug or what. One of my Squads could see a RED tank, but couldn't order fire support on it. Is that supposed to happen?

    Dont have a screenie of it, altough reproducing might be possible for me since I have some saves. Depends on the red tanks willingness though ;)

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