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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Lethaface

  1. Approximatly after 15 spilled beers the fabric of my CMSF mousepad is not able to let my mouse perform its duties in a sensible way :(

    One thing that blows my mind though, is what kind of printer you guys have that can print mousepads? :D

    I would throw it in the color laser at work if I wasn't sure it would brake the said printer...

    Looks very nice though!

  2. Having played and loved the original ToW, one (major) dissapointment for me was its stability. It was part of the reason I didn't complete all the campaigns and got bothered with it after playing a good year.

    Recently I tried to start it up again (interested in the new campaign), however the game doesnt really run on my brand new rig (coreI7, ati 4870x2, 6gb, vista64). Every battle crashes after a given period of time.

    Still, ToW gave me some very enjoyable moments.

    The ToW2 demo did also crash on me, however only once or twice. Performance was good. Had some problems with flickering background and applying some settings in the menus though.

    Can anyone advice me on the stability of the main game?

  3. Just wanting to comment here, I must say that Battlefront does have an outstanding customer service according to my experience. I vaguely remember I had a problem with the original ToW download and was promptly helped, some years ago. I do know a friend of me who has a tic about reinstalling his pc every week and must have lost his license numerous times, but he still can play cmsf.

    Only the fact that someone from BF is taking the time and patience to answer questions integral on this forum is quite something. They care about their customers.

    Now I agree there are better systems, I like steam myself and Impulse also offers unlimited downloads forever, but I guess the costs for such a system are too high for BF. It would be better but, yeah, we can't have everything in this world. And indeed it might be true that by EU law BF is even obliged to offer a redownload at processing costs. There are a lot of rules here (and the rules cost us a lot of money too!, 600 euro per month the tax grabs from me, apart from VAT), but I guess there is no point discussing the law on this forum. Ask a lawyer.

    Also I dont think it is smart discussing with the publisher(&dev) about these rules and laws, while you could have asked nicely for a solution. If I know BF they would probably offered a solution for your problem.

  4. Continued; I dont have any better suggestion for Iraq, except going back in time and never invading the bloody country. Perhaps if all the $ that went into the Iraq war, went to a program for a poppy alternative & infrastructure for the afghanis, it might have produced something there. Given the information about taliban & alqaida being on very good terms, something had to be done there, unlike Iraq. However the aftercare has been spoiled. How can you expect corrupt warlords to change into hardworking righteous governors?

    I think the problem is comparable to problems with north african immigrants in the Netherlands at the moment. Most of m originate from the RIF mountains in Marocco where (governmental) law and order virtually didn't exist. There is an obvious problem with criminality, but if we want them to change, we have to 'fix' it. We can't expect a young thug to suddenly 'see the light' and become a good hard working person. Repression only, only makes it worse. Important is: 'What are the underlying reasons for them to go off track?'. Same thing about Afghanistan & the middle east. Can we (the west) do something about the reasons those nations fail?

    Islam is not the reason they blow up innocent people. Religion can and will be abused for terrorism. However, given the same cirumstances and a different religion things wouldn't change a thing in my opinion.

    There are several reasons for people to become bitter and depressive. There are more possibilities to change nations from inside, without using force. These will require sacrifices from us, the west. Protectionism, the UN being (in the practical reality) the most hypocrite organization in the world, supporting corrupt (friendly, heel licking) leaders, abusing monetarism, etcetera are the real problems we have to solve. 'If God is willing' US & EU will allow Iran nuclear energy while at the same time making sure they dont produce any nuclear weapons. Over time Iran's leadership might become less extremist and more and more acceptable to the west. It could change the whole middle east and let Israelis choose a less extremist government and work out a dual state with the palestinians. Fair trade, equal nations (am I dreaming #*$^?)

    The way things are going now, OIF is regarded as another crusade in the middle east and the US the new imperialist infidel. Most Palestinians, Iraqi's or Afghani's (and most middle easteners) have nothing to loose. A lot of the corrupt leadership in the middle east is supported by the west, ....................................................

    Sorry if I bored anyone with my preaching :D

    However, being interested in military conflicts doesn't mean I think they are good for the world. I don't feel guilty about my grandfather fighting in Indonesia/Netherlands colonizing Indonesia and all the atrocities they committed (I didn't take part in it), but are all the more interested about why he (NL) was there and the lessons to be learned from our past. In many ways the past isn't so much different from the present. Hopefully the future will bring 'change' :)

  5. All thanks for the good posts.

    In my opinion ofc; The big difference between Germany/Japan & Iraq is that Japan's population suffered from TWO Nuclear Bombs and Germany population was also severely pounded (Dresden among others), before they were occupied. I can understand people are tired of fighting after having suffered that amount of casualties. Furthermore, their government was the original 'invader' and got defeated afterwards, which led to the invasion of those said countries.

    Apart from cultural differences, these 'exterminations' & the fact they were the original aggressor make the relative 'easy' regime change for Germany and Japan quite different from the, for example, Iraqi's (altough Saddam did attack kuwait 10 years before OIF).

    I reckon that if the US first nuked Baghdad & Tikrit, occupying the rest of the country would have proven a bit more easy.... Or if they simply carpet bombed any town with insurgents inside. (Apart from the reason for the whole invasion, which I have always dissaproved).

    In another view; Perhaps it would be possible for the US to overthrow the Dutch government if Geert Wilders gets elected and decides to make the Netherlands into some '..... Reich' :D. However the Dutch probably would not agree with China going for a regime change here. Perhaps things would change a little bit if China decided to carpet bomb amsterdam... People tend to agree with things more easy with a gun in their mouth ;)

    So what it boils down to (boldly) is in my opinion; violent oppression is necessary to subjugate a (strong) people/nation. Without this people will revolt and violence will erupt anyway, creating an unstable situation which will be unfavourable to all involved. Mankind has learned this a long time ago and I think that is part of the reason for all those mass murders in the past. Now that we dont mass murder anymore, we are facing the same problems that were the original reasons of these mass murders.

    I find it difficult to believe that people high in the Bush administration didn't 'realize' that the US in the eyes of Iraqi's are not fundamentally different then, for example, the Dutch colonizator in the eyes of the Atjeh'ers. Subjugating the Iraqi's or Afghani's will never work without heavy oppression; in other words, I think that given the current international agreements a regime change should not be forced using boots on the ground. Perhaps Steve's comments a few pages back are a better idea, altough I doubt that any foreign government worker wont be regarded as a spy/soldier.

    I just tried to remember what the bloody Topic was hehe... Perhaps being on the incoming end of '155' is not enough for the Iraqi's to give up insurgency. Being on the incoming end of a 'Megaton shell' might work better :D Those video's are truly spectacular as well!! ;)

  6. Clavicula_Nox,

    Thanks for the post!

    I actually never dived into this conflict, so that's always a good read :)

    However, I think there is an important note in this case. It is not that USA invaded an independent country 'Phillippines' , but actually they attacked the Spanish forces that occupied the country since a long time. I dare to bet that those Spanish colonists did use a little bit of 'convincing' efforts to oppress the phillippine locals, before and during the colonization. Plenty of successful examples in that category.

    However, as the 'Philippine-American War' proved this was not a successful regime change in that the locals agreed to the american presence.

    Perhaps there is a large grey and smudgy area in between 'liberating' and 'invading', but the differences between the invasion of colonized Phillippines by US troops and operation 'Iraqi Freedom' (/invasion of Iraq) are quite apparent for me. Saddam was an Iraqi, perhaps not the best of all leaders even in eyes of his populace, but still an Iraqi.

    Perhaps an example out of context may be better to illustrate this; It is difficult for most people (how hypocrite it may be) to accept criticism in their personal sphere from an external source. For example, if your senior colleague at work tells you how you should raise your kid (without you asking for advice), it might not be appreciated. While if it was your mother who would say the exact same things, you perhaps would listen to them. Form is important. 'How can those arrogant foreigners think that they know better how to govern OUR country?'. or even 'How can those arrogant infidels (remember the crusades) think we even want them to change our crappy regime?'.

    Sliding away from topic too much, I still doubt that any Nation (a real nation, not X minorities mixed into a large chilli concarne pot or an already occupied territory) has ever been successfully invaded (and occupied) with the consent of the population. A mere 100 years ago this consent wasn't really important, as the public opinion was much more 'deformable' at that moment. Meaning that any resistance is futile as they will simply burn down your village. Until after WWII it was sort of not a big issue to use military means on the general population. It worked after all.

    Luckily in the present time violence against civilians isn't practical anymore. It is a problem. And now the reason for the original need of that violence is what is shown in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because in spite of all of the good intentions (?) behind 'Iraqi Freedom', a large part of the Iraqi's will never trust the US soldiers in their country and will be hurt in their pride so to speak. That is all even apart from believes about possible other reasons behind the invasion, complot-theories, etc etc etc.

    In my opinion operation 'Iraqi Freedom' already failed because of the large amount of 'free Iraqi's' that have died as a result of this 'liberation'.

    I hope this mess will one day result in Iraq having a nationwide supported government. I truly hope so. But I think that for most the Iraqis themselves, living under Saddam was better then the current status quo.

    The option to remove Saddam directly after Kuwait, was a much better one IMHO. The shiites in the south asked for it and it could have been a hit and run action more or less. The removal of Saddam could have lead to a civil war, but sometimes these are necessary to (re)form a nation.

  7. Interesting discussion here. I wont react on the soldiers vs civilians type of thing, since I'm a civilian and the only soldiers I know are the ones that enlisted because they failed everything else.

    As a civilian with a slight over-interest in history and conflicts, I have an opinion and a open question about the following quote:

    10 years to stamp out resistance and endemic corruption, followed by 10 years to train up the knowledge and experience to run a country, across a broad base of the population. 20 years so that kids grow up with an expectation of stability and functional government organs.

    In twenty years surely more can be achieved then in 10 years. That being said, I wonder if 'Any nation ever [has] succesfully invaded & occupied another nation AND got the population into actually supporting the 'invaders'.

    From the sources that I have read, the only 'successes' that were achieved in this matter always incorporated some 'exterminating' (or 'relocating' as the Turkish called their Armenian affair) of the original local population. Of course the goal of the USA in Iraq is not to make it into a colony permanently, exterminating or even relocating ;) are no options. However, in order to accomplish the given mission (in short; make those people see that a liberal democracy is best for everyone), the 'sub-goals' will be similar to the ones that are needed to occupy a nation permanently.

    Anyone has an example of a succesful regime change by international force, which really worked?


    About whether invading Iraq was a good thing to do; I think that every individual with access to 'free' press information and a working ethics function in his brain, is able to see that Saddam Hussein was not the ideal president. However, the 'regime change' has sort of done more bad then Saddam could have done in this time.

    I believe that the whole idea of invading a country and making 'friends' along the way is as naive as a 'Palestinian man wearing a Hamas uniform in Gaza who decides to bake a cake for his colonist neighbours to offer peace, and expecting them to believe that there is no poison/bomb in the cake'.

    Disclaimer: My viewpoint is based on my background ofc, however I like to think it is based on what would be best for humanity as a whole. I think it is very hard to discuss about a certain subject because, for example, opinions of persons born in the USA will be based on total different terms then persons born in Iraq.

  8. :)

    That, however, is the holy spirit of energy and no knowledge about it should be shared about with nonbelievers :D

    This has given me the energy back in times of great distress!

    But I was unfortunately referring to some heavy traffic accident I was involved in some time ago. Got on my feet after it but sure wasn't a nice time.

    Anyways, Peace Out! ;)

  9. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush; cut yourself some slack. Make sure the only sickness that bothers you is a physical one.

    Dont want to be the all-knower, but having experienced this lack of energy thing from first hand: making sure you can carry a smile around all the time is perhaps the most important in life. Feel good; If you can; go on holiday/make a trip/ get some nice beers from that far away shop, get some music you like and make sure you get away from * for some time.


  10. Hey Mord,

    Good to have you back in 1 piece!

    Just read your story, hope you recovered fully.

    What can a man say... Life is sweet, life is bitter; but there will always be liquor ;) And I guess something that doesn't kill you can only make you stronger.

    I reckon that if I'll ever enlist it will be in service of a South-East Asian country. I bet they serve Nasi Goreng Kampong even in the field :)

  11. @SFHAND, nicely put. Dont want to say anything except: the person in charge of the invasion in Iraq (supposed to be Mr. Bush) has lost the confidence of the majority of the voters of his country, partly because of it. Guess what the rest of the world thinks of him/his 'team'... Perhaps the best thing the invasion of Iraq produced is the first black president ;)

    However I do have ethics. If you dont have m, perhaps invading Iraq was strategically best for USA to do if it is to keep its powerful status around the globe in the future. Who knows China/Russia and Iraq would be trading zillions of dollars atm, without allowing USA any share of it!! The stingy bastards!!


    Ontopic; BF.C take as long as you need! :D Personally I have taken a little break in playing CMSF because of waiting for the british and the endless posts about CMx2 WWII got me bored a little. I think a little break is always good to refresh appetite!

  12. I thought it was dependent of the graphics card memory myself. So my graphics card with 512MB would subtract from my memory, so I thought I'd end up with 3.5G of memory. As you can see that's not the case.

    Well actually a 32bit system could theoratically support up to 4GB of RAM. However, several hardware components are in need to be mapped into the available total memory bandwith. So dependant on OS, hardware and other things you might have in between 3 and 4 GB available of your 4GB, the rest of the possible bandwith gets eaten up by the addressed hardware components.

    Logically that would mean you should have less then 3.5 GB available if you have a

    GPU with 512 MB. Well, there are technologies like Physical Address Extension (PAE) which can crank up the available memory in your OS, however not all applications are able to use this.

    So, in short: 4GB in 32bit is better then 3GB. Dependant on your setup you might notice it very well or not at all. however, since ddr2 RAM is so awfully cheap, just get the extra bank imo.

  13. High Dynamic Range "Lighting" to be complete.

    For example, in RL you see an overbright sun when you walk over a hill when the sun is glaring directly in your face. This causes everything you see to be more bright. HDR lighting tries to mimic those effects ingame.

  14. Ok, thanks for the info Moon.

    For me it is a bit strange that download only pre-orders aren't possible for this game - because of the discount option, otherwise pre-orders for downloads aren't really usefull seen from the customer point of view.

    And I guess all the shipping costs get eaten by actually shipping the box, so having a download only pre option gets the same amount of my $ to BF.C. It does however leave you guys with some extra storage needed(dvd box), didn't know storage was that expensive nowadays ;)

    Well I do hate it too, all these dust gathering boxes I cant throw away taking up precious space, so I guess I found out the reason for the whole scheme myself :D

  15. An ATI 3850HD comes in AGP format and is the last and fastest of the AGP cards

    I still have a Pentium 4 3.2ghtz machine with a 7900GT 512megs ram and I can run most recent games just fine

    Thanks for completing me on the topic, the last time i checked (1-2 year ago) the 7800gs was the fastest. After that I would never consider any gpu upgrade anymore for my agp rig. I doubt if a p4 can handle a 3850hd fully? 7900gt seems like a nice agp card.

    ps, got myself an ati for the first time: 4870x2 and very satisfied :)

  16. Couldn't find the answer to my question in any news items, perhaps i'm blind in which case I apologize.

    So, can I also order the game as download only for $35,- if I own the original BF.C ToW version?

    I really cant be bothered by shipping costs nowadays, and cd cases rot away ;)



  17. you could probably buy a 7800 gs with 512 mb ddr3 for a few bucks. That'll help you through. Speaking for myself, I have had a comparable setup as you since 8 years (1 cpu switch & 2 gpu switches). However recently I decided my setup was garbage and oldish: ddr1 memory is expensive, socket is too old and agp is seriously outdated. GET YOURSELF A MACHINE FOR THE FUTURE!

    $1500 will get you through the next 5 years

    Core i7 920

    6gb ddr3

    GTX 285/4870x2

    nice mobo, psu & box

    24" screen

    its worth the money.

    I know and i have worked hard for it.


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