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Posts posted by Lethaface

  1. My post could indeed be considered naive, like I expected to get the full salary raise on my account. I wish I could be so innocent :)

    However, the danger is in the things taken for granted. I will never take people stealing my hard earned money for granted. Even not in the form of sneaky tax collectors that know how to find my money before even I have received it (and demand a big portion of what I do receive!).

    Ofc it is good for many things like education and healthcare; still it is nothing then a bunch of bush robbers that have started cooperating in some place, drawed borders, called it a 'nation state' and invent laws as why people have to give them their money so they can spend it, and do a little good with it as well. Hell they even invented democracy to let people believe they can rob others legally too if they got enough votes!! :D

    Got carried away a little bit like others do here sometimes ;)

    Anyhow, it is good we can decide to give BF our money or invest it in yet another crate of beer. I bet the $25 in British guiness would be much quicker to finish, be much more unhealthy and required you to walk to the trash can much more often then the British Module, apart from toilet visits.

    Perhaps the picture of the UK module was indeed misleading; BF has acknowledged it and excused for it. It is debatable how bad this really is, but imo they never intended to mislead anyone, which is the important part.

    What can we expect them to do more? Ah, I know! They, including all beta testers, will collectively sit down on their knees in a circle of burned cd jewel cases, then swear on the bible, koran and thora that they will never do this again and post the video on the forum in HD quality?

    I guess thats only the least they could do ;)

    Ah I have became a strawmen myself now, I guess its not that hard... :(

  2. Indeed I have seen forums that are far, far and FAR worse...

    One bless is that there aren't millions of people interested in CM, so that the forum is actually maintainable by BF (Although the millions of $ for BF will obviously be welcomed by the receivers :D)

    The bad thing about forums imo is that it is easy to lose your sense of sociality when you don't have to look your fellow discussers in the eyes.

    People tend do behave a bit more respectful when in direct contact (face 2 face) with other people.

    While it may be partially true that 'fanbois' are able to be a bit more rude then people who moan about the game, this is something that can't be avoided. Ofcourse BF doesn't wan't to ban 'fanbois' because they are sometimes a bit overreacting to criticism.

    I guess here is where the fellow posters should give the helping hand to BF; if anyone on this forum misbehaves we should not lower ourselves to their level but instead point out their verbose is somewhat unconstructive and bad formed langauge.

    However, I think that generally this already happens to quite some degree here, at least in the threads i read. Ofcourse there are less social blessed people in all ranks, so both among 'fanbois' (do I hate that word, sounds like a sissy beach boy with a fanta bottle and a straw riding the boulevard on rollerskates; "strawmen" :D ) and doomsayers.

    I think one small question we should ask ourselves is enough:

    "Do I want to be addressed in the way I address others in this post?"

    If not; simply don't post or rephrase. If yes, don't complain if your treated on your on recipe.

    Keep in mind that your fellow forum'ers might be people who haven't seen daylight for weeks and tend not to talk to any stranger apart from the girl at the local liquor store counter; they might have lost contact with reality a littlebit so they behave like the soldiers they read about in their grog books :D (apart from the fact that anyone can have a bad day).

    Ofcourse it's dissapointing if anyone get's something he didn't expect, but well thats just life! Get over it, there are worse things in life.

    Sometimes I am slightly amused about people acting like the world is doomed because of a small gripe here or there. If you can't deal with dissapointment then there are medicines for that. If everyone in the world would be so upset about minor dissapointments in life we would all be hooked on prozac.

    Hell, how should I address the Government for stealing all my money legally disguised as 'taxes' ?. Now that's a MAJOR dissapointment; you get a EUR 500,- monthly raise only to find out 230 of them shiny euro's are witheld from your account by 'the grabbing hands'.

    In the light of their reaction on this forum, some of us here would probably acquire an RPG to deliver their next tax payment, if a $10 dissapointment is such a big problem. :D

  3. 19SHARK90,

    Why would you want the 1.01a patch?

    1.20 is the latest patch and obvious produces much better results ingame.

    Link: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_versions&Itemid=317#Combat Mission: Shock Force

    EDIT: Indeed Bodkin, you are too paranoid :). Your login details are saved in a cookie (or other tech) on your pc so that your browser automatically fills them in when you browse the website.

    Ow and Shark, you are quite needy arent you? :D

    Just saw all your posts start with 'I Need'. If your english is not good enough to find what you need on this website, no problem, ill happily provide the links.

    If you can read english good; you better check out the forum and the repository. There are LOTS of things you need at those places! :)

  4. Hehe I think that originally cabal23 has a point, which was addressed by moon. Perhaps not fully satisfying to cabal23. However later others on both sides stepped in and rallied the thing up. Which will end up in action-reaction oo . So I can understand moon closing down the topic.

    Wouldn't be happy myself to be honest about a jewel case cd, but I never even contemplated the $20 shipping :D

    edit: cabal I think the last bit of your last post is a (bit) over the line...

  5. I think the point here is that some people would like to have code improvements from WW2 backported to the modern warfare variants of CMx2. Namely fortifications, towed guns (with required animations), AA guns firing ground level, foliage/vegetation cover and concealment and whatever else is in the works for Normandy.

    Much of this would be required to take CMx2:modern to Europe and/or into the 1970ties. Some of the more attractive topics would be affected, namely 1973 Arab/Israel, European cold-war-hot scenarios and the like.

    Not to mention a decent foliage model and fortifications combined with modern soldiers can do Vietnam.

    I believe that 'backport' has been decided to become a 'forwardport' into 'CMSF2' (not the actual title I guess), for which the base game will focus on a more balanced large scale all out conventional warfare between the largest BLUE and RED forces currently available.

    Modules regarding asymmetric warfare (a la syria) aren't mentioned yet IIRC, but I presume there will be :)

    Of course I would like to have the CM:N features being transported back into CM:SF at a module price, but I don't think it is likely to happen (not to mention free). However CM:Afghanistan is probably somewhere in between all of this. I am curious what it's price will be from BF, didn't read about that before. I guess it will be a 45'er though.

  6. An invasion of the UK would not have gotten intact across the English Channel, RAF or no RAF.

    While I don't claim to have made any real semi scientific study of the ability of Germany to succesfully invade the UK, I don't think the above statement is really objective :D

    If there was no RAF, the whole british navy around the channel would face serious problems.

    Although there is a large chance Michael is right about the Germans having no chance to defeat Britain, I'm not convinced.

    The problem with those books is that nobody, well at least not me, will ever bother to check the references. Like German intelligence could be wrong, so could the British have been. Let's not forget the issue about Himmler. If there was reason to let the public believe that there was never a chance that Germany could have taken down the UK, I guess it is possible history was 'changed' a little.

    Anyway, my sources are no different so bottom line is I don't know anything for sure but that the tea sippers beat the kraut eaters. :)

    In my opinion it was stupid to change the targets from airfields to cities. Airfields tend to be quite large so I don't see how it was impossible to bomb airfields while it was possible to bomb towns, during the bad winter weather.

    The fact that something didn't happen doesn't mean it couldn't have happened; if focus of the luftwaffe was kept on the disruption of british fighter command new tactics and strategy could have been formulated, which could have changed history.

    Imagine the morale boost the British fighter pilots must have had at the moment. How glad some should be given the fact that dictators tend to be narcissistic (thanks spelling check :)) maniacs that know it all and hence regularly shoot their own feet.

  7. All the German victories were against either second-rate powers (Norway, Belgium, The Netherlands, Yugoslavia) or first-rate but ill-prepared powers (Poland, France, the USSR). That's not all that hard to do. Look at how the Brits whupped up on the Italians in Africa before the Afrika Korps arrived on the scene.


    I see you didn't mention the British in your list, although I'm sure they have been defeated in battles agains the germans in the beginning of the war (france, belgium). Although technically they got away just before their cups of tea got too cold (dunkirk). Being 'ill-prepared' for an invasion by the uber aggresive third reich, around the year 1940, is a strategic and tactical blunder. Perhaps even worse than the ones Hitlers would make in a later stage.

    Ofcourse I know Hitlers plan about lebensraum was about resources and even about moving all germans from russia back closer to large germany. When I was there it just seemed weird. For me at least, i'm not used to so much undisturbed nature. Was a wonderful sight if you like nature :)

    Regarding the german defeat; I have read sources (can't remember which ones exactly since it was too long ago) about the British struggling in the beginning of the Battle of Britain. Keeping aircraft and airfields operational was becoming harder and harder. They were worried they would have lost most airfield and aircraft capacity in a matter of weeks. Although the germans were also suffering heavy losses they still had more planes. You could argue that a total air superiority for the germans could have led to a whole different path of the war (invasion UK???). Ironically it was a mistake by german bombers (accidently bombing london) that lead to the UK bombing german cities, after which Hitler reacted by starting the massive bombardements of UK cities and towns. This lead to relief for British fighter command and we know where that lead to. Now i'm not saying it would have been definately different without this happening, but one could ponder at least the stupidity of stopping the airfield bombardments when air superiority is practically in grasp.

    Perhaps an invasion of UK would have been more compelling that the whole Barbarossa operation.

  8. I guess the Germans lost the war the moment they stopped bombing the Brits airfields. There are several other major mistakes which have led to the total demise of the germans, like the whole east front thing. Then within the east front there were Millions of troops committed to emotional goals.

    Had the Germans continued their air superiority in the beginning of the war and wouldn't have started to bomb London, but kept their focus on English airfields, I guess air superiority in the western theater would have deemed any allied invasion from England fruitless. Nobody can make a sound strategy when your practically low on every resource and your factories producing war material are constantly being blown to pieces, like the German generals had to do.

    Now I'm glad that they made those mistakes; otherwise 'Dutch' would have more of a dialect of 'Deutsch' as it is now ;)

    But I think there were plenty of capable German generals, arms producers and soldiers. France, England, Russia and others are probably responsible for creating the window in which Hitler could go so far on his quest for 'lebensraum'. In my recent vacation to East Germany I wonder how on earth they needed more room! There is more 'nothing' in a small part of East Germany then there is in the whole of Netherlands.

    In my eyes the Third Reich was a showcase for the benefits and shortcomings of dictatorial regimes. Ofc the shortcomings are highlighted especially since they produces the vast amount of horrific casualties.

    The general German R&D was probably more productive per men any other of the nations, perhaps Japan could come close. Ofcourse there are areas where other nations excelled, like for example the russian T34, but the Germans were quick to copy and excel.

    The German generals have proven in the first part of the war that they are more then capable, being outnumbered (and outclassed sometimes) they defeated the French, English, Belgian, Dutch and Polish armies in the very few first months of the war. Later on even their now superior equipment couldn't polish away the strategic (incl. economics) and tactical failures and or mistakes the Germans faced. The Allies had some more room for mistakes, at least in the case of the USSR and the USA.

    1000 well built Tigers with adequate fuel, ammo, spare parts, infantry, light & medium armour, artillerie support and air superiority or equality would have kicked the **** out of any invasion in southern france. The Tiger was an unmatched tank and very capable. But even an m1a2SEP TUSK wouldn't have won the war for the germans :)

  9. Well it doesn't have to fill your pockets ;)

    If BF tells their pockets doing better then ever i'm not the one to question that. Apart from the spreadsheets Moon told us about it will also show during their ATM visits :D

    Back on topic; I will probably still play CMSF after CMN came out because of the modern and asymmetric warfare. It will still have certain edges over CM:N (Kornets and Apaches). Ofcourse CM:N will have nice new features which aren't in CMSF, but I guess it won't be worlds apart from CMSF. Over time the difference gets larger and larger, which in the end will result in the ultimate 'kill' of CMSF by CMSF2 (which I hope will have new features not necesarily present in CM:N). And the proces goes on Vice versa.

  10. Hehehe, I dont have the problem of hosting it, or too few screenshots (i always produce loads of em), but rather that during the process of even starting up anything like an AAR my attention diverges from the game due to various reasons and I cant be really bothered to invest that big bunch of my already scarce time into creating something. I rather consume things crafted by others (not limited to game instances) :D

    I guess thats called general laziness, but if you have at max 7 (usually way less) hours per weekday in which you have to arrange all your daily things, not much time remains to be busy about something apart from work that has a clear goal (like posting a finished AAR). Weekends are not an option either, since all other daily **** that I can't do during the normal days needs to be done then. Then there are things like girlfriends/wifes/friends/family or even a dog if you happen to have one (not me).

    Not that I say that all you AAR writing / MOD building people are jobless gov-money freeloaders, but I have your under serious suspicion! :D

    Well couldn't be more happy about it ;) free labour is a big part of this (or any?) game (/community), and their will always be freeloaders upon the hard working man (like me in the case of CMSF) ;)

    As long as the creating man enjoys creating, its a win-win situation right? :)

    I do intend to write some AAR's though or even make a scenario, one day. I guess it will be featuring after some 39 more years, if I can enjoy my pension then at l(e)ast.

  11. in order to keep the Forum worthy of my time.

    And here is at least one person that is happy about that. Reading 20 pages of semi (not always ofc) interesting posts is one thing, reading 20 pages of complete BS is something I do rather not. I think it does clearly show with regard to the topics, dicussions and general tone on this forum.

  12. interesting, on the website deutschesheer.de the following thing about the gepard is written:

    "Wegen seiner Panzerung und der Fähigkeit zur Selbstverteidigung wird er vorrangig zum Schutz gepanzerter Kampftruppen im beweglich geführten Gefecht eingesetzt." (1)

    Now I can't understand if they mean that its good or bad in self defence and armour; but at least it should operate along the gepanzerter kampftruppen which means we could/should see them in the Module? :)

    1. http://www.deutschesheer.de/portal/a/heer/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLNzSLt_AxAslB2AbO-pFw0aCUVH1fj_zcVH1v_QD9gtyIckdHRUUAoqUmVw!!/delta/base64xml/L3dJdyEvd0ZNQUFzQUMvNElVRS82XzE2XzhBQw!!

  13. First time I heard about having to open up to reload a stryker, and Im pretty sure I read the manual.

    If there would have been a 'RELOAD' command in which the gunner 'opens up' to reload, I guess it would have been more clear ;)

    Never noticed guns not reloading though, strangely enough. Saw some CR2 reload the thing in combat although I think there were no casualties in those events.

    EDIT: I'm sure I have seen Stryker gunners open up to reload their weapons. Never got frustrated about it though so casualties must have been scarce.

  14. As you see I had already forgiven you :D

    Good post.

    How about a PBEM game? :)

    In short I think that the key to play RED is in realizing that you are the underdog. Your forces are to be sacrificed in small but daring attacks on BLUE's weak parts. Force preservation is not any viable part of the RED commander.

    In PBEM I tend to pause units 30 to 45 seconds before attacking or giving a move command after pausing 15 seconds of targeting. That is only one example though, the available assets are also very important. A scenario with 3 platoons of RED reservists with RPG-7 standard can never hope to do anything against a platoon of Abrams TUSK supported by a platoon of US inf. The RPG's can't hope to do anything against the TUSK. If there were some RPG-7 PG-7VR this would change ofcourse. ATGM's > AT-3 also provide risks for BLUE. Perhaps the biggest part is in the setup zone's, RED should really always be allowed a very wide setup zone since they can't really afford to move a bit when in potential view of the BLUE side.

  15. Not being really informed about various State to State or Federal US policies, I have read about an 18 or 19 year old facing serious charges because of having sex with his 17 year old girlriend (they were together for several years), a year or two ago IIRC. It is also not an unique case and Steve's example about 'child porn' is on top of that. I am personally disgusted by 'real' pedofiles and I find it sickening that a political party which aims to lower the legal sex age to 12 and has known pedofiles as members can actually run with the elections in my country.

    However that is Democracy ;)

    As usually I have only helped in totally derailing this topic so I will now also digress.

    It is a pity for all of you still waiting for 1.2! I can only say, without sarcasm, that it is worth the wait since there are some very nice tweaks :)

  16. Preybyemail, perhaps you would like to be my US prey in an e-mail game in which the brave RED forces under my command will gladly give their lives to end the Infidel invasion in their sacred motherland? :D

    If your point is that there are too many scenarios featuring a US mech force with full assets (AFV's, AIR & ARTY) against a couple of platoons of poorly equipped Syrians, your post strategy could be compared against the Syrian strategy of winning any conventional war against the combined NATO forces that plague Syria in CMSF.

    That is, if the aim of your post was to have any sort of amiable discussion. Forums do tend do feature amiable discussions (in their proper form at least). I will not blame you for your lack of understanding about your fellow humans on this forum and will presume you have learned that your style of posting was unconstructive and therefore subject to change if you are willing to continue posting.

    Hereby you are forgiven for your rude and unconstructive posts; Heck I agree with your point! :D

    I demand more scenario's which can be played from the RED perspective and have more ambitious goals then to KIA 1 NATO soldier!!! :)

    The British module has partly fulfilled my demand, now I only need more scenario's in which I can give the US some serious butthurt! There are some but most are to be played from US perspective, which in my eyes is a missed chance. Since scripting is partly part of my profession one day I might try to create some extra BLUE scripts for existing scenario's so they are playable as RED.

    If I had the time and will to actually make scenarios I would do one myself. Since I have not I can only be thankful to all the scenario designers providing us with the free to pick up fruits of their hard labor. I would love to see a map done by GeorgeMC focusing on a Syrian heavy force using Airborne & Special Forces combined attacking a US/UK base or flank attack. These would probably be unrealistic but what the heck, especially if it is a stand alone. I guess it will have to be the US since he is from the UK himself ;)

    His scenario's are still good playable H2H as the Syrians though, and perhaps some of his newer also have BLUE AI in place (not sure since I didn't play the game too much the last half year, partly because of an ATI problem and partly because of other things).

    PaperTiger has made 2 (!) campaigns focusing on RED vs RED battles which are by nature much more balanced and because of his scenario skills, also very fun to play! :) (probably the reason he has cooperated with the UK campaign).

    Most of the other scenario designers also produce splendid work, i'm sorry for not mentioning them but there are really too much too mention.

    Now Preybyemail i'm quite serious about the PBEM. IF you want to play PM me, we'll choose one of the new reasonably balanced UK scenario's and Ill pick the RED forces. Perhaps you will walk over me but there is quite the chance you will break some teeth when trying to bite my RED forces (and I'm not even pretending to be good in this game). Given the map & mission design Ambushes can be very lethal for BLUE and MOUT is even worse. I actually have been playing the game more and more the past few days and are eager to get back into PBEM's.

    Hope to see you on the battlefield, perhaps I can let you discover how to appreciate fighting from the RED side.

  17. It is in (the US of) America; an 18 year old boy doin a 17 year old girl is in deep trouble, while toting an AR-15 around while the president is doing a speech is totally cool.

    In Holland we might have strange rules like coffeeshops where u can only smoke the ganja but cigarettes are forbidden, but on the more serious topics like gun control and sex between teens our rules are somewhat more reasonable and logic.

    But hell, it must feel good knowing you can sue the company that you bought that power drill from because the manual didn't state it was not intended to use on your wife when she said feels like getting drilled ;)

    EDIT: Or the student I read about last week suing her university because her degree didn't provide her any work until now. In that particular case I must say I can totally understand the gun policies, those BS suing people just deserve to get shot :D

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