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Posts posted by Lethaface

  1. Recently I had a strange thing in Objective Pooh, not sure it was a bug or what. One of my Squads could see a RED tank, but couldn't order fire support on it. Is that supposed to happen?

    Dont have a screenie of it, altough reproducing might be possible for me since I have some saves. Depends on the red tanks willingness though ;)

  2. @Dutch990,

    Check out the sticky threads in this subforum, there are a lot of screenshots with examples on how to do moves like you mentioned and even more complicated ones :)

    Shoot-and-scoot actually shows exactly what you ask, IIRC the smoke orders arent displayed correctly if you press them, but will be carried out. Dont try to target something the same waypoint you want to perform smoke though, because you will have to cancel target which will cancel the smoke. GL

  3. A few days ago I run some support fire tests. (Thanks to the author of that firing range maps, forgot who was it :o )

    I was curious about the GAU-8 performance against Tanks, since in the past it never really proved its value to me in CMSF, while this is one of my favourite weapons in the world (the bloody sound of the thing is ... well.... 'awesome' as a 'yank' would say, hehe ;) ). Have some screenshots @home to back up my story by the way.

    In the beginning I set out multiple arcs for my 2 A-10s, in which a variety of targets was armoured targets available. Bot returned 'home' without taking down something, altough all strafing runs did hit. Then I decided to point target a BMP1. BOOM. Then I decided to point target a t-55. BOOOM. Point target T-72 Turms-T ... BOOOOM. Point target T90: BOOOOOM :D

    Just wanting to post to the forum about a possible ammo selection problem (AP/HE) when using area targets, I started the mission another time. This time the point target failed to take down the T-90 , even after a few strafing runs. I decided to shut my mouth. However, I'm still interested in results of other players, and if someone knows what the GAU-8 will do in RL against the tanks encountered in CSMF.

  4. Hehe,

    Reincarnation does exist ;)

    Did anyone recently try Hydras?

    Recently I run a few tests, boy did they bring pain! I area targeted some tanks (4 total) and they were blown up one piece at a time (T-55's/T-54's). Two rockets missed I guess, but all targets were destroyed. :)

    Another thing, now that I remember. I saw FOUR ammo bars for the Apache's. According to the manual it can only use 1. Chaingun, 2. Hydra's and 3. Hellfire II's.

    Anyone any idea what weapon that 4th ammo bar represents?

  5. I dont have any problems running the game under vista 64bit. All scenarios run fine in 1920x1200, but they better did on my Corei7 920, 6gb ddr3 & 4870x2.

    Obviously i dint buy this machine for CMSF. My new laptop can run it very well actually, dell E6500. It has 256 MB dedicated VRAM and a 2.4 ghz core2duo along with 4gb ram. So I guess any decent dual core processor and recent video card with at least 256vram should run the game fine. If I were you I would go for vista definately, having no problems with it (after years of skepticism). 64bit generally works fine generally, some older hardware wont have drivers for it though. Some rare software wont work, it never posed a real problem to me yet. I use it for my work pc as well. The ability to have more ram really favours it imo.

  6. ************ SPOILS **********************

    ************ SPOILS **********************

    I played this mission RT multiplayer, as the reds. Sure was a heck of a battle, the SPG's and the only moving tank were the best assets on my side, however the static ones inflicted some casulaties too, as did the arty I guess :)

    It ended in a draw, me holding the village, him holding the hill's. Squad vs squad cqb the red forces are worth nothing. However buildings and machine gun positions provide a good window of opportunity to inflict losses on the enemy :)

  7. Dietrich said that very well ;)

    In my experience bradleys - and too lesser extent strykers - will survive non RPG-29 equivalent rounds impact at its front armor most of the time, unless they are less then ~50m from the assailant. Any side or rear hit will almost always result in a penetration. All other vehicles, except tanks ofc, stand no chance against direct hits from RPG's.


    Since I brought it up already; The second mission in the campaign is really well done in my opinion. The first time I played it I was using 1.10 and it was a walk in the park. Only very few enemies, guess it bugged out. This time though it was one of the most intense fights I had in CMSF untill know :)

    Especially because I didn't expect such heavy resistance after my previous play.

    My complimtens to the designer.

  8. Since 1.1 I must say MOUT seems to be a lot harder! Even reservists can do quite some damage to troops when they are in MOUT defense.

    Much to my approval :) I no longer feel like cheating when area firing buildings.

    For example;

    Yesterday I finally finished the second mission of the marines campaign. Total Victory at the cost of 17 WIA and 1 KIA. About 80% of these WIA were caused by 'presumed' empty buildings. Who expects any survivers after several 150MM impacts, minutes of small arms suppressing and plenty of 40mm impacts :(


    In this mission there are only AAV's in support, but I guess they can be used similar to IFV's in maps without heavy enemy AT assets.

    I generally use similar tactics as described by RadioActiveMan. Vehicles are parked behind buildings or other covered positions, in overwatch to take on ambushing enemies nearby. When I identify enemies in a building, Infantry will engage automatic. Then I try to quick move at least two vehicles in LOF and put as much as fire as I can in the smallest amount of time. Smoke used if appropriate (especially if other enemy units might have LOF). Even AAV's can suppress very nicely with their MK 19's. I prefer to target Enemy strongholds with support fires before going, especially after 1.1. If no support is available just shoot the **** out of a building before entering. Never get your IFV's to close too soon, as an RPG might prove fatal at close range. If I really have to move them into the unkown, I generally try to keep them moving fast and keep their flanks covered by smoke as much as possible.

    Infantry at higher floors are perfect to counter enemies appearing in nearby buildings, that way at least they can only get off 1 or 2 RPG's before being suppressed, and consequently, blowed to pieces :)

    In my opinion, if your playing with marines you should be much more aggressive and HURRAH your way through the enemy :D

    With the army I played much more conservative. However could be the changes in 1.1 that forces me to take and hold the initiative.

  9. SeeBee,

    When I checked it out, I got it to install fine etc. + * seemed to work fine. However, no mods were actually copied to my Z folder. (using vista ultimate 64bit). Having just invested quite some time in naming mods etc, i layed it down for the moment.

    I still wanted to play aroud a little bit to see if I could get it working. Perhaps you have any ideas what the problem might be?

    I promise to come up with at least one suggestion as soon as i get it working ;)

  10. Costard,

    I think it would be a bettter punishment for those who fire rockets to be flogged once, instead of having their parents house rolled down by a bulldozer and his baby brother killed by a 2000lb JDAM.

    One other thing that clearly indicates the amount of force used by the Israelis; the total amount of casualties on all sides combined during the Russian - Georgian conflict was probably lower then the total Palestinian casualties.

    Now these conflicts can't really be compared. However it is a good indication of the amount of force used by Israel in the densely populated Gaza strip.

  11. Israel just happens to be the arse that can make a bigger stink when she wants so, while Hamas is the arse that keeps leaking on a constant basis.

    Nicely put hehe

    I blame Israel more because they are supposed to be the organized civilised state with a powerfull and organized government having a very large media budget. They also have the means to dictate what happens. Hamas actually can do little more then launch those sad rockets that won't cause major damage even if they were launched en masse. Hamas doesn't have Hezbollah's arsenal, besides, even Hezbollah did relatively little damage to Israel infrastucture / citizens. IRC that was another 100 vs 1200 casualties type of war.

    The physical damage caused by those rockets is not the reason they are put into action, in my opinion. As long as the majority of Palestinians in Gaza support Hamas it is unwise for Israel to conduct large scale operations against Hamas because they will fight not against Hamas but against the Palestinian people. The Palestinians have decades of experience conducting asymetrical warfare against Israel. How would a large scale bombing on a densely populated area, creating atrocious results, be something that will bring the palestinians to peace?

    I totally missed that.

  12. Ah, but why do boys grow up watching GI Joe, Transformers, etc.? Is it not largely because they are discouraged from watching shows like Care Bears, My Little Pony, etc., because said shows embody values which the society at large deems are not seemly for males?

    Well I can tell from personal experience that a mother can't keep her child from those type of things in this society of war... hehe

    Mine tried heavily for instance, but it only made my interest bigger after I got my means to access the things I was interested in.

    I will never forget something my grandmother told me a few years ago about my youth. At the age of 4 or 5 years old I was consequently kept from any 'violent' toys like GI JOE. That year, during christmas I opened the 'main' present from my grandmother. I remember opening and finding a DOLL, knowing that I couldn't complain about a present, I was very dissapointed. What happened after that is something I couldn't remember, and I'm happy my grandmother told me: The present couldn't get my approval altough I didn't say I didn't like it. To be precies it was a doll, a girl, with a blue dress and eyes that would open or close dependent of the dolls position (standing / lying down). Within seconds of opening the package, I walked to the kitchen and put the doll lying down in the kitchen with the head laying in the sink. When asked by my grandmother what the doll was doing, I replied that the doll had to vomit. I then left the doll alone and later 'drowned' the doll in the sink filled with water under the comment that 'doll has to sleep'. Next morning the doll continued to sleep in some doll trolley, she never got my interest anymore. However my sister was a happy foster parent ;)

    I guess this proved quite a lesson to my mother, having probably influenced my grandmother into buying the doll, she never really told me the details. Perhaps war is in our genes and dolls are not?

    About 'Nice woman in games versus action games': I guess that there is a little difference; I can't play war 'for real' (don't have the desire either), but I can play with my girl 'for real'. So I guess there is less incentive to do the Bikini Volley Ball, because the game play doesn't compare to the 'real' play hehehe

    And watching some pictures of beautifull women with rich nature is perhaps more efficient in satisfying ones needs instead of having to push buttons as well while enjoying the view...

  13. As far as I've observed, it seems that the only kind of games wives play (when they're not doing more wifely things like doing chores, taking care of the kids, or shopping) are ones that don't have characters -- Tetris, solitaire, Pong, etc.

    Hehe, mine swears with some game with coloured balls incoming on a revolving center ( wow that sounds strange :D ) on my old nokia 7250 phone, must be 8 years old or sumfin... But she sure as hell does keep that high score, i can get nowhere near ;)

  14. Well, 1.11 is out, and 2009 begins. It's considered this feature for the 2009's development cycle?. Or maybe it will be considered well after 2010?

    It's even considered after the British module release?.

    I hope you didn't mean the British module only comes out after 2010 ;)


    This would indeed be a very nice function, thanks Steve for sharing the bad news hehe.. At least its better then no news at all :D

  15. By the way, you didn't see any conclusion about what should happen for this conflict. Unfortunately I don't see any peacefull solution myself.

    However what stings me like being stung by a wasp is that in most western media, Hamas attacks are being translated into terror attacks and Israeli attacks are translated as 'reactions to the violence'. Hell in Dutch it even sounds worse, like Hamas are the barbaric fighters and that the very civilised Israelis just try to protect their citizens. Well; numbers do count. How can you explain 1200 deaths (civilised) vs 20 (barbarians)?

    This is wrong and seriously wrong. And it is not the first time. Thats a lot of sons who lost their mothers. Israel is to expect a lot more fighters that are willing to give their life just to take an(y) Israeli life.

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