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Posts posted by Lethaface

  1. Zatoichi, yes I'm using vista 64.

    Will test up some more over the weekend, yesterday I had a go at the UK vs US mission and played it for a good half our without crashes. That wasn't possible before without 9.3.

    So, Kenjara thanks again :)

    I think it's definately possible that the 4770 is too new for the 9.3 drivers.

    However, strange that zatoichi's 4850 doesn't work. Zaitochi, are you sure you downloaded the correct drivers for your XP install? (32/64)

    Since your card should run the game with the 9.3 driver, it should not crash with the same dll under 9.7 drivers I reckon.

    Or it is just lucky us and it isn't really supposed to work?

  2. As for dancing on the graves of dead Taliban? I'll leave that to the soldiers doing the killing, as it is their perogative to deal with the aftermath as they like. I won't lose any sleep when one of the Talibaddies buys the (poppy) farm, but I'll smile bemusedly at the armchair-bound zealots over here, who seem to have more bloodlust than many of the lads doing the killing (and dying).

    That blood lust here is sort of the thing i am trying too preach against here (ssssht) :D

    But over the last few years I've gotten more and more concerned about people thinking for themselves. A certain 'Wilders', politician from The Netherlands, has succeeded in growing a lot of disrespect for Muslims among the less intelligently blessed people over here, and even knows to attract quit some reasonable educated people. Of course he couldn't have done it without help of the media. The strange thing here is that if you say the same things he says in parliament about Muslims, but do it en public and change 'Muslim' into 'Jew', you will be arrested for anti-antisemitism. At least that has happened before.

    The big us VS them feeling, that's the dangerous part. Wilders is just one part of this, there are plenty of other symptoms but it could fill (boring) pages.

    We world has gotten so dependent on 'mass' media that too many persons rely only on a few wells of information. There are only a few press agency's world wide were all the international news in our newspapers and news bulletins come from (they only ad the sauce). Reuters, ANP, AP, Interfax, a French one and a few others but that's it.

    When **** hits the fan Newc Agencies tend to send in reporters, but they do little more then talk to the wife of the ambassador who happens to work for such and so, and can give and this info. Reporters generally don't have any time to really dig something up for themselves.

    A journalist from a well respected Dutch newspaper wrote a book on this subject. Only after experiencing the thing himself regularly.

    We don't have the slightest idea what the average Afghan thinks about this whole thing. We only know what they are supposed to think according to "us". People celebrate the killings of other people barely knowing what it is that moves those people.

    I'm not saying all Americans are FOX believers, but even the reasonable people can become biased (especially under stress) as I have witnessed among people I am close too. It is easy to mix up facts, for example Iran. It is a fact that the same centrifuges for en richening uranium until 20% are capable of en richening it to 99%. Apart from the fact that I think (naturally) Iran has interest in Nuclear weapons, the Uranium centrifuges don't mean jack ****. This little wrong detail (even before the voting incident) actually lead a good friend of me into believing bombing/invading Iran is a good thing. Apart from whether that is the case, I think it is alarming that plain BS in the news affecting public opinion, or even starting Wars (Iraq anyone, 'the smoking gun').

    I try to 'take knowledge of' most news/opinion perspective items I read or see, but only 'believe' news or 'assume'/'incorporate' opinion sources are correct after I have thought it through from tip to toe.

    Cheering about dead Taliban because they are just such a rapist, acid throwing, bomb dwelling scumbags of the earth is nothing much in itself, but it proves that there are plenty among us who don't care to know about ethics, politics and conflicts in the world of all humans (not just of their own), and are trapped in their own mind.

  3. The flaw in your argument is that you compare them to us as if we were equals.

    Firstly, I fully, fully and fully agree with you that the practices of the Taliban are despictable. Although I dont think all of 'em are equally evil.

    It strikes me though how you can say that you are not equal to them and at the same time talk about 'celebrating' their deaths.

    You are equal by nature. The amount of civilization a certain group has, shouldn't mean they are less worthy then you are. This is the old colonization doctrine in a new form. And I am quite surprised someone reasonable like you could celebrate the death of a man, in any form.

    Perhaps I am too nitpicky about this, but norms do become vague quite easily. You cheer for a dead Taliban, your neighbor starts cheering at the death of an Afghan with a beard (all those extreme islamists are all terrorist, right?), and before you know it a facism like hatred for Muslims has emerged.

    There is a reason there are Taliban which we should look for also in our history. Apart from that, people do make mistakes, also in large groups (history showed us). While it is perhaps necesary to undertake military action (war) against those that have made wrong (in our eyes) decisions and stand on the wrong side of the line, they are not inhuman. They are humans like you and me.

    By celebrating their deaths in an unrespectful way, we're not really giving the good examples to followers and might be followers of the Taliban. Remember, life is quite different when you have grown up with the poppy fields as only source of income and nothing to do apart from focusing on religion, which most of them can't even do by themselves since they can't read Arabic. Then every now and then foreigners bring mighty war machines to your country to ...., to do what actually? Destroy your only source of income? Is it strange people defend their only form of income?

    We should show them our 'civilization', by paying marketprices for their poppy and try to speed up the market for other cultivation. Making it clear that captured Taliban are not tortured and that their casualties are treated with respect. That the average Afghan is REALLY better of with Nato then with the Taliban. And making sure that they are safe also after the soldiers have left. Luckily politicians more and more start to see this too.

    By celebrating their deaths, disrespecting their culture, believes and society we will not only be equal to them but also not far from their ethical scale.

    If we want anything coming near to world peace like the new president of the US wants so badly, we should be looking into how we can help people living under dire circumstances in those countrys, see the light. I think that a lot of Afghans currently don't recognize the US's intentions as honest. Why would that be? Are they so stupid or are we so smart?

    Those accidental ill-targeted JDAM's sure wont help them seeing the light, nor does a Hellfire missile or .50 M2 on target. Those should only be used for making sure others can let them 'see the light'. Remember that every dead Taliban will likely produce several new recruits (family, friends).

    If we don't want 'em to see the light we might as well nuke the whole place, thats a cost effective approach. Shooting them in the head untill they stop being Taliban is similar to catching fish and waiting for all fish to learn not to bite the hook.

    Remember, the Taliban didn't invade your home country and raped your sister while occupying your house. They did what they did long time without us doing anything, untill some criminals they provided shelter bombed the Twin Towers (At least, thats the story in the news and still seems more plausible then the other theories). Fact is that the west didn't really care about the taliban throwing acid or shooting woman untill we found out the CIA trained Osama Bin Laden was still hiding there.

    I too am glad when an IED wielding Taliban gets taken out. One less IED which can hurt western troops or Afghani citizens all the like. Better would be if he was arrested, put in jail and the IED dismantled. That is civilization at its peak. In this case that was not really an option probably, so they took the next best.

    I would cheer when a corrupt Warlord which also serves as Governor and produces heroin from poppy gets arrested, or when the locals kick out the Taliban and hand m over to the Nato en grosse. One dead Taliban is just a small, short term victory with no real benefits over the long term. So basically you are just cheering about a dead men, which is in my eyes something barbaric. I only have respect for the dead and also hope dead Taliban may rest in peace. How different is cheering a Talibans dead by US citizens from Iraqi's hitting burned out US soldier with sticks and roping them to the back of a car for a trophy tour around the village? I would say only a 50-100 years. Our stomachs have become to weak to celebrate like that. The essence is the same though.

    I respect anyone here with or without a military background not agreeing with me. However, for myself I am quite sure that they are wrong to do so and perhaps are making a grave mistake upon portraying Taliban as pure nogooders that should be exterminated to the very last man.

  4. By the way, i remember there are such things as topics now :D

    Nice video, I think it was more then clear those individuals were doing something very suspicious there at the road at night. They Apache ? crew observed them for quite a long time (the video has cuts here and there) before they decide to engage, and the hellfire did a hellova jub ;)

    Clean kill, IED disabled, nicely done. But I ain't stampeding over their dead bodies.

    Although I could understand the pilot feeling aroused and or glad he successfully engaged the enemy. This forum is world wide however, theoratically taliban can also buy the game, play it and post on this forum. I bet nobody would like 'm celebrating victories over the 'infidels' using 'hallelujahs' on this very forum.

  5. Wow... a courageous and nonviolent Chinese student has just been compared to an AK-wielding Afghani insurgent who plants roadside bombs and flings acid onto the faces of schoolgirls.

    Nicely put :D

    Although quite courageous, it wasn't a smart move imo. If he would have planted a large EFP IED and fired it through all the tanks in a row they surely wouldn't have gotten past him ;)

    In that way, being a famous student, he could study the Taliban tactics as a side study perhaps, assuming he is still with us.

    Personally I would respect the men much more then the taliban you so nicely described, obviously. But thats beside the point here :cool:

  6. What can the Taliban or other fighters like Hamas really do, conventionally?? I strikes me that people are so easily brainwashed by descriptions in the media. How is it different from any Guerrilla?

    It's not that I favor the Taliban course, i'm having the opinion that it was probably the right decision to get away with them. How that was done however, and especially how the aftercare was done, wasn't really carried out well in my opinion. but thats another story.

    However, IF I happened to be a Pakistan youth without any hope of being any other then ultra poor, I might have another opinion. Just one small example of 'hypocrisy' in the west: Mr. Musharraf came to power using a military coup, which 'the west' frowned upon. As soon as he became of value to the west his past didn't matter really anymore; he became a good friend. The average Pakistani guy will see that his country isn't going anywhere because of the corrupted government. He can never become X because his father doesn't have X name. If the, sometimes self claimed, 'police-man' of the world [uSA] wouldn't always overly express the importance of democracy, human rights, etc etc, perhaps the boy wouldn't feel anger towards the USA/west. Or if the west put their money where there mouths were, most of the time. However the west does talk about ethics and and the Pakistani boy sees the talks are only talks in his reality. In fact, the west is partly responsible for Musharraf maintaining in power. Egypt, Saudia Arabia are another few of the repressionist states that are currently actively supported by the west.

    Then the Pakistan boy has a chance to do something after years of unemployment, a newly build madrassa where he can study about his believe. There is were the Taliban/Al-Qaida's powerplay comes in the game. Although suicide attacks and the killing of innocent lives are not advocated in the Quran, with the right propoganda young men with nothing too lose can made believe nearly everything (not only in the east by the way).

    The Taliban has been in war since a long time, after politics couldn't solve the matter at hand with the us (after 2001). Strategically they never had any chance withholding the huge Nato force from capturing Afghanistan. But, guess guess, they never expected that (except from a few soldier maybe). They planned to endure an attrition guerrilla war in which they can't really lose.

    After all the above bla bla; this is my point:

    Calling the Taliban cowards and IED's 'unfair', is like the British soldiers being 'not amused' about the way the Native Americans fought them. They wouldn't stand still in a line, and fight the 'gentlemen' type of war. Instead, they hid and sneaked in the bushes, rats and snakes as they are, only to unleash one of their black poisonous arrows in the back of one of those brave British soldiers. They even committed ferocious acts of terror by contaminating water supplies, massacring and torturing civilians and even cutting of scalps!!! The Taliban look sweet compared to those guys.

    Ow wait, those were the times the word terrorist wasn't invented yet. War crimes were more of a rule then an exception.

    Even now, 'collateral' can't be avoided. There is also intended collateral. And it can be pretty effective [Hiroshima].

    Now we are treating those Afghans / Pakistans that choose to side with the Taliban, perhaps an unwise one, similarly like 'we' did with the Native Americans. They commit acts of terror, use cowardly attacks by unguided rockets and roadside IED's.

    No, sitting in a pantzer howitzer 2000 leaping GPS coordinated 155MM shells at *brave* Taliban hiding in the nearest building for cover (by lack of armored encampments that would be bombed to pieces the first minute they are built), that are truly heroic acts of bravery. Or flying an Apache 2miles of the target and engaging a target with a button looking through a FLIR sight?

    Everyone complaining the Taliban using those tactics lost some part of their intelligence, hopefully only temporal. It is the only and smart thing they can do. Its cost effective and probably has a 'good return on investment'.

    Did you seriously think they would deliver a letter from where they are hiding to make arrangements for a old fashioned 'meeting engagements'?

    The taliban are not that crazy as that lonely but very brave Chinese on the Tian’anmen square in thinking they can stop a tank in its tracks by standing in front of it. Nor do they have the capability to engage in full fledged warfare when the Blue side is ready for it.

    You can be supportive about 'our' troops in A'stan and still show respect for the dead, wounded and living Afghans that choose the side of the enemy.

    We are only what we do, if we think we are better then other because of what we do, we should stay far from things 'they' do, or else we become no different from them.

    I believe something like that was already (and better) formulated by someone else before.

    Its such a pity to see a so many persons in this world 'believing the hype' fully. Media attention and tone do have influence, especially over time. There is a nice book about the unconsciousness by a dutch psychology professor, "The smart unconscious", I don't know if it is translated in English though.

    Also an interesting read apart from the media effect. It helped me a lot in realizing how my opinions were actually built and I try to keep away from too much media attention covered from one side only.

  7. 9.3 drivers do fix the problem, current 9.7 drivers dont seem to work :(.

    Ill try the ati box in CMSF options again with 9.7 drivers and otherwise 9.8 beta.

    The problem with 9.3 drivers is performance in other games (arma2 for example) is much worse and many other things have been fixed coming from 9.3. So sticking with 9.3 drivers is not really an option for me and reinstalling drivers just to play CMSF is a bit too cumbersome unfortunately.

    For Windows 7 I think this will even be a larger problem since there are no official 9.3 windows 7 drivers (although the 9.3 for vista will probably work someway).

    Is BF.C aware of this problem and, suspecting ATI is to be blamed, can we as users do anything to make ATI extra aware?

  8. In retrospect I think I understood your message too harsh in the combined reading about the cut off testikels and feeling remorse only for the BLUE guys.

    I mean, I can totally understand you (or any soldier) doesnt feel remorse/guilt about taking an enemy life. That is the way it should be in order to carry out war in good order.

    This too (war) is animalistic indeed like someone else posted, but after all humans are animals as well (in my eyes). However that is beside the point here.

    To me (and I think it should be to everyone), there is a view apart from war. If I see a documentary about a family which has lost its father (money maker) and now is forced to beg on the street, I think it shouldn't be different which COLOUR the family belongs to. Not: Oh well, this is an Iraqi family, good for them! while if it was an american family you would feel sorry for them.

    That is how I understood your message. In my eyes such an opinion would be a hypocrite opinion. Even if it is understandable from someone having served at the front recently, I see all the more reason for trying to persuade those individuals that there is more then war. When the war is over all RED/BLUE personell will become 'grey' and that doesn't mean they will get their balls back.

    I feel sorry for any individual losing his balls. That doesn't mean you have to feel guilty about it if it happened after you throw a nade on while serving as a soldier and he served on the other side.

    However if you say well couldn't care less about him losing his balls, but if it were a fellow country men you would, that is an opinion that is, in my opinion, unrespectable.


    Regarding the good guys; "Good guys" is a hollywood movie term in my opinion, while I favour the US Army/MC above Al-Qaida or the likes, they are certainly not 'The Good Guys'.

    Soldiers are a tool of their political leaders, and cannot be hold responsible for war itself. Only their behaviour during that war is their responsibility. A good behaving German in WWII wasn't a 'Good Guy', neither were ill behaving coalition forces. Who the "good guys" are is mostly decided by place of birth, which is not something under your control.

  9. I dont feel guilty for them. Even in real life

    This little piece of info just dropped the respect I have for you below zero.

    The sad thoughts that must be goin through your mind, pathetic.

    Im sorry if im too harsh here but cmon, get a life. Humans are humans no matter where you from or who you fight for.

    If you feel bad about a blue soldier losing his balls, but feel happy about a red soldier losing his, you haven't understood ANYTHING about life. I think you should put down the wargame and pick up the barbie doll to learn about some 'love'.

    Bleh, the first time i'm disgusted on this forum.

    EDIT; Im looking for ways to understand you different but I cant. This is apart from the war thing; ofcourse you dont feel guilty about blowing the enemy up one way or the other. But if you really think its good or satisfying that any individual, either side, suffers so hard and loses life in such a way; in my eyes your nothing more then an animal.

    I hope I understand you completely wrong, in which case I regress and regret.

  10. Who said CMSF is awful?


    The hint at "boring [...]" and "uninspired [...]" makes me feel something is awful ;)

    I surely agree with you that CM:N will (or should at least) be "better" then CMSF if you look at the simulation aspect, primarily because of new features added after CMSF. The historic proven realism will be more accurate too, but I'm not sure how much it matters. How much difference would it make to the game if CMSF was 100% based on actual real life data? OFC it would rock to know every mm is correct, but given that BF.C will be at least very close, it doesn't really change the tactics you can use using the perhaps-not-fully-realistic-depicted-ingame-equipment.

    If the modern theatre would be the second title in CMx2 and CM:N the first, I guess all those new features would have gone in CMSF first and something similar could have been said about CM:N.

    I guess and hope there will be more balanced scenarios and more scenarios from the 'RED' point of view in CM:N. Fully with you there, actually. Ofcourse, over time the interest in the CMSF forum/game will decline. Everything ages and especially a new piece in the family (CM:N) will pin some customers to the new title away from the old. However, I guess there will be plenty of people still playing CMSF after CM:N comes out. Everything bores after a period of intense interest, so I guess it will be nice to use a M1A2 SEP TUSK or whatever after your 1000st sherman was cracked in a big explosion killing all crew.

    The thing that mildly annoys me at times is that quite a number of people on this forum with a favor for WWII balancing, realism, etc (with is fine obviously), try to find (obsolete collections of) facts why a WWII game is by definition better then any modern warfare game and bring them back on the forum (as fallacies) why CMSF is lesser a wargame, merely a simulation or just nothing compared to the Holy WWII CM.

    I don't understand why all of that energy is invested into derogative posts about a game they do or do not actually like(?), instead of for example wondering how good CM:N will be, playing another CMx1 game or watching private ryan for the zillionth time :D

    Let me have fun with my puny poor Syrian regular forces trying to take out that unrealistic depicted Abrams tank using a meagre RPG-7 :)

    I do ask myself why the reserve forces are so often my opponent as Blue, or my forces as Red. Bring up that elite Special Forces, T-90's, AT-14's and BMP-3's and not even a open terrain map would be easy for Blue. OFC Red still has to use different tactics, if your not the strongest you have to be the smartest.

    And bring that RED campaign, someone :) With that new 4 hour limit the slow artillery is a lesser problem then before.

    I hope to play CMSF a long time still and at least want to give someone a beating using The Holy Dutch forces that will rise to their throne in the Nato module. Now that will be definitely better then any other game ever; i wonder why BFC still makes repetitive WWII games, while everyone in the world (except the few WWII historicians) will clearly want to be playing the mighty ol' Dutch :D

  11. Modern equipment might hold it on surface for a while but I guess it will still appeal mostly to military personnel and not to a casual wargamer who is more interested in tactics and competitive gameplay, than recreating realistic but boring convoy ambush and textbook uninspired asymmetrical MOUT situations.

    If you have only played boring convoy ambush and textbook uninspired asymmetrical MOUT situations, that must be another game then the CMSF (incl. marines) that I have played.

    I find it strange how many lovers of the WWII genre feel they need to express 'the fact' that CMSF or modern warfare wargames are not 'real' wargames and are total cr@p. (not only directed against you, ali-baba, you are more like the messenger that gets shot :D)

    It's even becoming mildly annoying.

    Unless specifically asked for I wont go in detail about the depth and tactical interesting situations I have encountered in the wargame CMSF. Ofcourse I have also played boring convoy ambushes and uninspired MOUT situations, but if that happens I press 'ESCAPE + CTRL-Q'. There are plenty of very inspired non-boring scenarios available for CMSF, in my opinion. If you dont share that opinion, fine :) But dont tell others what they are supposed to like.

    The same thing would be serving all WWII games off as utterly repetitive; come on! how many WWII games have we seen untill now? Its all the same old boring tactics, shoot the tiger in the ar$e or you will lose all your pathetic ill constructed British tanks to its *mighty* KWK L70 88MM high velocity gun. Etc etc...

    Now actually I find WWII games very attractive and can't wait for CM:N, I love using the Tiger's 88 to take out those silly crusaders :) And that time after time after time.

    But I guess its easy to find reasons (read fallacies) why a game about a particular type of theater, sucks. It's a dead beaten horse by now on this forums so there is no absolutely no worth in posting your opinion about how awfull CMSF is. OFC you can post your opinion another time if you like it, but please don't turn it into a fact.

  12. Faulting application CM Shock Force.exe, version, time stamp 0x494f6fc8, faulting module atioglxx.dll, version, time stamp 0x4a0e279e, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset 0x005f0cd7, process id 0xef4, application start time 0x01ca08a6edbf48b0.

    :( seems you are right; i looked it up in the event viewer.

  13. just updated all my other drivers and checked anything that could be wrong; disabled adaptive AA, etc...

    It didnt really help, although i could play for a good 20 minutes :(

    I think I played a tcpip battle using the same ati drivers, so perhaps its vista sp2.

    hoping 1.2 will let me play again

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