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Posts posted by Lethaface

  1. well "hooknosed jewish bankers" sounds pretty bad... But there is the issue of wealthy organizations having (large?) influence on US government. Which in turn knows how to use their allies (Nato) to help fix problems the US has created.

    Given the US support for Israel in the middle east, both political, military and economic, is very large and kind of strange, you could say that Pro Israelic individuals have a large powerbase in the US. However not all actions the US undertake are per definition zionist connected though, at least in my eyes.

    It could theoretically be part of some larger strategic plan (scheme :)) for the middle east. For example the dodgy thing called the invasion of Iraq, et cetera. However I guess that is thinking one bridge too far.

    Nonetheless, imo, US and EU should force Israel into actually negotiating with Hamas and stop the building of settlements in gaza and westbanks (which is technically colonization). Not that Hamas is so amiable, but it is the democratic goverment of the Palestines.

    Sort of conclusion is that "The West" is acting because of the power of the $ (and keeping that power where it is), instead of the proclaimed love for democracy and human rights. Our soldiers are not always fighting a "just" war.

    anyhow, i'm far from agreeing with Steiner14 but it isn't all roses either, as some others here seem to be portraying.

    To partially go back on topic; At least the Dutch war effort in Iraq & Afghanistan give us their availability in the NATO module :D

    At least thats is 1 positive result ;)

  2. I was always under the impression that targeting a specific floor has higher probability of shells hitting that particular floor and, with good results. Now whether those hits were simply caused by their rounds ballistic route, or because of penetration, thats something I have never really asked myself. I'm quite sure though that it has been (for me) generally effective to target specific floors, or better parts of a building. Like lowest few floors, middle or top floors.

  3. Actually, what I was hoping for is a INFILTRATE like command. Like a hunt command combined with HIDE but then without the actual hiding (lying down) aspect. In HIDE troops only fire back when they are fired upon IIRC. Something similar can be done when using a firing arc, but it isn't always optimal behaviour. For example the airfield recon mission in the UK campaign needs a new command in this fashion. The current possibilities seem a bit cumbersome to get the troops to behave like you want.

    "Keep on the lookout but hold your fire gents!"

    The only problem, there is no more space in the Movement tab ;)

    Now if we could somehow dress it up as a target like command, we could get it through since it should only be combining current code behind a new button in a place where there is space for said button :D

  4. Although a command like somthing Scipio suggested would be welcomed by me, I also have good use for the current hunt command. Sometime you just want forces to advance until contact and then stay there and shoot the **** out of anything that moves. Especially in groups of units it is a (perhaps gamey) command to make a larger assault executed more realistic. I sometimes order large units a quick command near to the frontlines following a deep hunt command to be sure they will engage asap.

  5. It's just that Steiner14's a German National Socialist. No, I'm not kidding.

    Heh, could have been sure there was some kind of sarcasm in his post. Well if any other then Hitler did it one could say that East Prussia was occupied by the Polish. But then you are fishing up some history there, because the Prussians conquered it from [...]

    If our dear Steiner14 really can't see the evil parts of the Werhmacht under Hitler, I guess he's not only a National Socialist, but also blind and deaf :D

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