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Posts posted by Lethaface

  1. Ah, I see you had done your homework ;)

    Would hate to see some1 with a too small case or underpowered PSU. Got the asus since I had asus before and it tested out pretty good on most sites.

    Antec 1200? Just looked it up and its massive hehe! I got the P182 workstation case since its standing in my living room and I don't want to anger the girl too much with 'unestethic' craphola blabla :D

    I like the Antec design and functionality, altough its not completely screw-less.

    It was my first completely self built altough I have been swapping every single part for probably more then 10 years. Its a some work but no rocket science if you just take it slowly. Oh and put in your dvdrom first, some holding pins make it difficult to slide it in from the front when the motherboard is placed with processor on top - in my case at least (took me quite some time to get it done).

    I advice you not to look at any prices for some time, that is if you dont want to feel ripped off :D

    With your cooler you can easily clock your 920 to 3.8 Ghz stable, by only adjusting the bclk frequency to 190 in Bios (tried it myself, however not with my dominator ram inside, take care of ram voltage max 1.65v).

    Temps on full load were reaching 77C though under full load, so I just returned it to normal settings. Its fast enough stock speed after all.

    Hope all your games work with Vista 64, however 6gb is a must for the core i7 and its socket/chipset features so Vista 32 is not really an option.

    Ah, I see that finally Empire is at 99%, I have some musket firing business to do!


  2. c3k,

    Yeah i dont know whats the problem. Tried reinstalling etc but wont help. Saw some other people running the game fine with an 4870x2 on fora, sow perhaps it just the combination of things or my bad luck :(

    Lets All Fight,

    You surely wont be dissapointed by it :)

    What mobo did you get? Im using the asus p6t deluxe and im quite satisfied with it. Placing another one 4870x2 could pose some difficulties though, since the thing is Massive. Be sure to get a big case, otherwise you'll run into trouble with any of the newer gen cards. I got a quite large tower from Antec, and it only barely fits in :D

    My friend with his 260's in SLI only has room for 1 HD left in his box, hehe. The 4870x2 is like 1/3 the size of my 15" laptop, to give you an impression.

    Last part of advice, 650W minimum so I would go for a 700W+ PSU if I were you. If you cant be bothered reading the install manual, make sure to connect 2(!) power cables to the card, or it will run at half speed only. Its quite easily overlooked and could pose some a serious frustration....

    One thing that might scare you at first is the bloody temperature these things run, at vanilla fan speed. The yellow line begins at 85 degrees in the ati tool, when I saw it at 86C under full load I was like WTF &*@^$*.. However all seems to be normal according to ati, and the Nvidia 2xx series are similar in temp (80C+). This is all without any hardcore cooling system (all stock), however my case has 3 built in fans though. I think that a smallish case with only 1 stock fan in it might not be wise to use for this cards, as they probably will turn the thing in a sauna.

    I have created a manual fan profile at 50% and that keeps the card well under 50C easy, at full load. However, you'll need some decent sound system as the fan at 50% sounds like a jet engine at 100% :D

    Anyway, you could probably just let it heat up, 3 year warranty included. After 3 years its a piece of junk anyway ;)

    Have fun with your new setup!

    Im awaiting to play Empire Total War, it just started downloading from Steam. The game is one of the reasons for me getting this system, so i'll probably be away for some time. Feeling like a bloody kid, hehehe.

  3. Hey Lets All Fight,

    The 4870x2 works very nice for me. The latest drivers have even given some extra speed bonus, and I'll guess more of that will happen in the future. Didn't have any problems with it really, altough there is one setting 'adaptive AA' that has to be turned off for some games in order to work good.

    Crysis runs very great at enthusiastic & 8xAA. Same goes for Far Cry 2. I have a 1920x1200 monitor.

    This is my first ATI card as well and untill now I haven't been dissapointed. Stalker doesnt run but im not sure if it is vista64, Core i7 or the radeon (probably even stalkers crappy code).

    I did like the Nvidia control panel better, altough the ATI works ok too. A friend of me has two 260's in SLI and has been complaining about the drivers a lot, which made me feel better about the few problems I had.

    I think in the end it wont matter that much, I got the ati because it has 2gb ddr5 memory. The 'the way its ment to be played' program for nvidia ensures optimized performance before games do come out, I think thats a heavy plus for nvidia. However the recent driver problems for Nvidia shows that this doesn't always ensures smooth play.

    In short: I would try to compare performance on some games you like, the cards are very comparable. At least the 4870x2 is worth its cost, playing Empire Total War demo I was happily reminded of the power :)

    One thing about the Core i7: I can advise 1600 mhz or higher RAM though (in 3x2GB modules), the triple channel memory really pays off! :)

  4. For me it depends a bit on the scenario (playing excl. RT except for PBEM), but i think RT is definately less micro. Letting the action unfold without too many pauses generally has my preference

    However you do gets to order actions when things really mess up, even without pausing but its easy to 'forget' another unit who gets then teared up :)

    Very realistic and action intense :D

  5. Lanzfeld, Yeah, thats what I thought also when starting the thread bout it before. However more testing showed it was not really reproducable for me all the time and I couldn't be bothered by it anymore for some time ;).

    Clevinger, I didn't check for it actually, but I guess the damage panel would be totally filled with big red X markers :D

    They do this all the time though, in one test instance my A10's hit jack$h1t, while in the next instance every run is a kill. Point targets seem to be better, however not a guaranteed kill, even when strafed from side / behind IIRC.

  6. c3k,

    If im correct thats the second mission of the Marines campaign right? I think this actually happened to me at exactly the same spot :D

    I have had this a few times but only after 1.11. Normally I fire Javs from higher places, I never had this problem when firing from elevations / buildings, but that seems logical. I thought these things were just misfires, however worth reloading ;)

  7. Why we want to make it impossible to area fire a location spotted by an 'out-of-command' unit, when it is still possible to move units to favourable positions based on this INFO the player shouldn't have?

    In my opinion, the 'gamey' thing is that we, gods, can use info we shouldn't have as the Battalion CO. We gathered this info being the Platoon/(...) leader of an 'out-of-command' squad. We circumvent C2 procedures by passing info from 'out of command' units to our commanders. We cheat.

    This results in that we can use a normal perfect viable option, area fire, and transform it into a cheat. If this could easily be stopped, that would be nice. But the core problem is still that we use this info from 'out-of-command' units, that is the gamey thing. In this thread we mostly speak about repressing the most common exploited method which is enabled by this cheat. It however does not help the source of the problem: circumventing C2 procedures.

    Now some ideas to fix that would be interesting.

    How about blurring the screen when a out-of-command unit is selected? That way it can still follow orders and its approximate position can be seen, however we can't give accurate area fire on units spotted by these units. Just a wild idea :D

  8. Altough the ideas of delays in general can have my approval, it seems that in this subject the cure has become a goal itself. The goal should be to cure the problem, not to 'just have the damn cure'. The proposed cure (area fire delays) cant really cure the problem (gamey area fire); its more like a heavy painkiller with strong side effects ;) (temporarily fixing the problem, delay when it shouldn't be)

    RED forces would be uninteresting to play with since delaying their already slow actions would turn playing RED as frustrating as watching a movie in slow motion without sound. Since RED is sort of supposed to be out of command in some situations, RED would be severely punished by this (The full #2 situation would be affected for RED troops). And they are already punished generally by their lack of c2 (so no target info passing) not to mention inferior gear, support and training.

    I think that one could have the most realistic version of CMSF playing RT in Iron mode and NOT(!!!) pausing the game at all. In heavy firefights it would cost too bloody much time to unrealistic 'fire by proxy' because you:

    - First have to find an enemy unit. (while not having selected the unit you wish to fire with)

    - Choose and select the fire unit.

    - Then, making sure you remembered the enemy position correctly, place the area target command.

    Rinse and repeat if you placed it slightly off into a different action spot.

    Hey, wait..... MMMM...Guess what, there you have it! A 5 sec delay at least :D

    For troops that are all close together the above can be done fairly quick, but they would also probably both see the action since they are close together. For units far apart this can be quite cumbersome because it might be necessary to change the camera position, which will cause some delay.

    I feel area firing sometimes can make up for 'blind' pixeltruppen. The spotting in CMSF works really nice but ofc isn't 100% perfect, so it happens that in 'reality' soldiers would see what the pixeltruppen can't. Area firing makes it possible for me to correct these grave errors!! :D

    Nobody in the game has to give gamey area fire orders, they can decide themselves to only do it when it is appropriate (i tend to do it whenever i can :D). Playing the game in RT on Iron mode without pausing it, is quite hectic and comes (by average) closest to realism as I can think of it.

    In my opinion, the biggest gamey thing is that the player is able to suck up info from 'out of command' units and sort of beams it back into the pixeltruppen after processing it into commands. Moving a tank to a favourable contact position because your out of command team has located an enemy tank, can not be helped by any area fire delay. Command delays also wouldn't work because the tank probably is not out of command. It is the player who can use info from out of command units and re-wire it back to the commander as a telepathic intelligence officer. So I guess James idea about not having control over out of command units would be the only real cure for this. I doubt however how much fun that is to play, after watching it the first time.

  9. MMM, In that case your pc shouldn't be to problem to at least play the game without crashing. It could be very well fixable by installing the latest drivers and directx, for example. The difficulty with computers however that IF there is a problem, you need someone with experience/knowledge to diagnose it. It could be a piece of cake or impossible to fix (have a some friends etc who screw up there pc's once in a while). Perhaps the best investment for you to make is inviting Junior for a nice bottle of wine, and sneakily request Junior to fix this fastidioso problema! ;)

  10. Hey donnieitaly,

    There might be a 1000 different possibilities why your game doesn't play well. If your windows installation and all driveres and hardware work correctly, it is probably your Laptop's RAM that isn't enough to play CMSF properly in Vista. I never had any problems with CMSF on my PC's (both XP & Vista), however on my old desktop large maps in RT where quite slow.

    My ~6 months old Dell Latitude E6500 is able to play the game very well, even on highest settings (Vista64, 4gb ram, Core2duo 2.4 ghz, Nvidia 160). It even plays CSMF well on a 24" screen, using the same settings.

    My old Desktop PC was slower but played it fairly ok, however it used XP. Vista requires a lot more RAM so perhaps your short on RAM. My new desktop PC plays it best of all (i saw), but it better did for costing a lot of money.

    So, Vista shouldn't be the problem in your case. Probably it is the hardware (RAM shortage), but without more info there is no way anyone could give good advice as what to do. It is possible that some more RAM could solve your problem. This is fairly cheap, lets say ~100 euro.

    Ask your son to buy some extra RAM for the laptop, if the laptop isnt too old (dual core processor minimum I guess). It wont cost a lot and is quite easy to install. If the laptop is older, it might not be worth the upgrade. Remember that laptops dont have the equivalent of deskop pc graphic processing power, and this goes for computing power too most of the time.

    However any recent laptop with a Core2Duo processor (2.0+ Ghz), 3+ GB RAM and with a graphics card with dedicated video RAM onboard should play the game pretty smooth on highest settings. Having a 7200rpm harddisk helps to speed up loading and saving, too.

    Good luck!

  11. Hey Dutch990,

    Strange, I never had any problems loading save games (both xp or vista64). Never heard of anyone else having the problem either, but I don't generally look in the tech support forum because i dont really have tech problems :)

    Actually, I never had any real game braking problems with the game in Single player or PBEM games. Some patches ago the tcp/ip was not really stable, but it seems to be a lot better now. Also, long ago (1.01 etc), a lot of features that are in the game now weren't there and there were quite some gameplay bugs. However I never had any CTD or any similar problems. There has been a hail of patches since, and the game has been steadily improving. Altough I, being new to the series, enjoyed it already at 1.01, others on the forum view the game as being 'complete' at ~1.10.

    I think someone from BF.C could help you better if you provided some extra info about your problems, they are quite active on the forum and always willing to help people out.

    The Campaigns are great, and since 1.11 a lot harder it seems! I hope you'll be able to fix it!

  12. On my new pc this problem still occurs. Before I though perhaps my 256 MB vram were not enough.

    However now I have a 4870x2 with 2gb ddr5 so I guess that should be enough :D

    Ive noticed a few strange things. For example, I have a view of a fairly large map (in the Road to Dinas campaign). I move the camera on top of the hill and I can see plains in the distance without any trees or orchards (altough I know they are there). Now if I move the camera up, all the scenery 'loads'. Then, if I lower the camera without moving it back, the 'extra' scenery remains visible even if I scroll the camera back down.

    Testing some settings also affected results, so I'm not really sure when / if this happens. It seems draw distance is better without 'Open GL triple buffering'. However I noticed that at times the draw distance is better then other times, without any reason I can think of.

    My system should handle CMSF well on both visual and cpu intensive tasks (Cori7 920 2,66, 6GB ddr3 1600, 4870x2). Generally it does this very well, even on large maps in RT I have very playable framerates. However the draw distance sometimes is cluttering, and i feel that that shouldn't be necessary, even if the game only uses 1 of the 4870's it still has 1024MB vram.

    Anyone else has full draw distance in larger maps (1,5x1,5+) ?

  13. James Crowley, sounds like a nice idea. Perhaps it is possible to have an 'uber-iron' mode that would make it impossible to give orders to squads outside c2. That way only those who want to experience this, will have to.

    One point though; If you would be playing the RED side, this is almost impossible. Especially for unconventional forces and to a lesser extent reserve/infantry. RED is supposed to fight without command, it would be a bit dull to look at an empty map, wait for 60 minutes and then see 'total defeat'. ;)

    Perhaps a compromise would be possible; units are visible but orders cannot be given? This still would be a problem for red Unconventional units though, but they could be simulated having mobile phone c2 with standard delay.

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