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Everything posted by Vinnart

  1. Thanks Mike. I got it to work by right clicking on the image at photoshop and selecting "copy image location", then pasting it into the box provided here when selecting "image" . Odd selecting the image url provided by photobucket no longer works like it did in the old forum.
  2. Excellent! Now watch it use air burst when you do the real thing , but it sounds like you should be good to go. Happy wall busting!
  3. I'm pretty sure 30mm fires air burst too when area firing. The only way to do it in CMBS will be with something that does not have air burts ammo with enough power to destroy a wall. I'm surprised Russians do not get at least a singe squad of engineers considering there are mines on the map.
  4. I just tried a Photobucket test, and got an error message "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community". I copied and pasted the image url from photobucket. It will not let me post it.
  5. What is the best way to post screen shots in the new forum? I notice mine from photobucket show as links in the thread rather than the screen shot.
  6. I am pretty sure I have targeted walls at least in ww2. by area firing at the ground at the base of the wall not targeting the wall it self, but the action square it is in. In the case of CMBS it appears it chooses air burst for area fire vs HE used in ww2 which is why it probably won't work in CMBS the same way. So, yes it has nothing to do with programming as I originally stated. I forgot I used to target the ground, not the wall to do it because of the different ammo used in the two games. In this case it makes more sense for the AI to choose air burst for area fire when targeting ground since it assumes the main use will be to kill infantry. Edit: Since it is something I don't do every day, or often I ran a test. You can destroy walls as I described, but probably not in CMBS using air burst.
  7. That sounds like a programming bug. The tanks should be selecting HE against buildings and walls. Air burst against infantry in the open only.
  8. Yeah 4k would be awsome to check out! I wonder if the game supports it to that resolution?
  9. Thanks for showing Mikey. That probably looks even better with the thinner tv frames thes days. If I had the cash to burn, and the room I would definitly try that out.
  10. I like the addition of the videos! They realy do improve getting a feel for the action in an AAR. Next best thing to being able to one day observe a CM real time battle from inside the game. Nice screenies too pzrldr, your new rig looks sweet!
  11. I have a 37" tv I use as a monitor, and CM definitly looks better on it. As far as two monitors I would buy a big tv and use that instead as your monitor.
  12. After the intitial contact of entry by pnzrldr I don't think Bil will have much choice, but to go static with the guys on the hill as they are cut off with nowhere really to go. I don't know if pnzrldr gets UAV or not, but if Bil decides to take up reverse slope positions, which IMO he has no other real choice, all he will have to do is put it up to see there and then bring arty down on them. If it were ww2 he would have a much better chance fighting from that position. One thing I don't understand is why Bil hasn't tried any real moves toward the pocket right after his arty barrage?
  13. The turn where Scott's tanks enter the map will be the "turns of turns" with enough action for both to write a short novel (well, literally in Scott's case . If Bil can get established on those hills to meet the tanks he will get the first shots off. How much damage, and panic he will do to the Abrams remains to be seen, but shooting first is always a good thing. After the initial ambush he can pull back next turn to the reverse slope, which should be a tough position for Scott to dislodge unless he can get fire on it perhaps from "the pocket".
  14. My thoughts on the color scheme after seeing it for awhile, and also on my phone is that I would have no problem sticking with the old tan/kahki color scheme, but with the new features. It was easier on the eyes, wasn't broken, and would give the forum some of a familiar look. The white is especially blinding on the phone.
  15. As far as the color scheme goes, it would be cool if each person could set personal preferences like say ATT email has. This way those who like a white background could keep it while others could set to whatever they want. Also, like some others, I will be in big trouble without firefox spell check
  16. Yes, you should have held on to them. I still have my books, and am glad I do. My 500 book collection is worth about $3,000 now. I had one "Our Army at War" (The first Rock title in the 60's) worth $400 that I paid $5 for when I was 12yrs old. I kept them nice as a kid; In bags w/boards, boxes. I hadn't looked at them in years and years, Then maybe about 5 yrs ago I started researching some values and was astonished on the value of some. I ended up grading, and uploadong to a site that keeps track of the values. It took me almost 2 yrs doing it here and there, but worth it to see how the investment I made as a kid is worth now. Ironicly Sgt. Rock wasn't worth much back in the day, but now they have some of the highest values of the collection.
  17. It was due for a face lift, and it looks very nice. I'm digging the avatars! Mine is my favorite comic book cover when I was a kid of Sgt. Rock by artist Joe Kubert. Kubert was the first artist to inspire me as a boy, and it is cool to show his work off to those who may apreciate such things. Just look at the emotion and grit in the face or Rock. I love it! Some how I knew Burke would choose Alfred E. Newman
  18. Thanks Marco. I updated the file in the repository so it should be up soon.
  19. Thanks Marco. Please email the files so I can upload to replace the out of date ones.
  20. Again, I still have not updated to the latest CMBN version so do not have the file. I'll check with Marco to see where he is at. If neither of has updated to get to the file we might need someone to send the "strings" text file to update. Who knew there would be so many games, with so many updates when this mod was first put out? Kind of hard to keep track sometimes.
  21. I think the biggest feature to attract a younger crowd would be if CM had CoOp multiplayer. They would better relate to something a bit faster, and more team orientated.
  22. Bil, like the "Blood Board". That should keep the grass growing green! Tank Hunter, awesome Photoshop of Putin. Very clever!
  23. Most definitely. Coming under fire right out the gate would give Bil a psychological advantage too I feel. I know it would throw me off a bit for sure.
  24. So far I like Bil's plan. I think the way he is going about things is a bit unexpected, and throwing Panzrldr off balance a bit moving at him so aggressively. Being engaged rather immediately when arriving on map can certainly do that. That of course could all fall to pieces rather quickly once the Abrams arrive. Certainly too early to say how this will go. Modern warfare is just so deadly things can shift very quickly.
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