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Everything posted by Freeboy

  1. ok, back oin track, There was a commetn re the map editor, and only allowing repositionaing or adding of items. The ability to add maps would GREATLY enhance the ability to create new campaigns, which if you want this to be more than a really good game, like a really GREAT game, is my goal. I would envision several smaller time frame mini campaigns.. France 40, Bulge both sides, Korson pocket... pick any favorite time frame! This is just my opinion and I do appreciate , although o not always agree , that this game exists and the design choices that have been made. One of the absolute great things was the second and third generaation skins and scenarios made for cmbb, and one reason I did not like a very improved cmak was its lack of ability to use all the cmbb database... my point is not to bring in cm in anything other than a case in point.. namely that if you give me more, I will be a happier camper, I do not mind paying for updates or upgrades, like a map edoitor/ scenario editor game pack expansion in the future. Thanks again.. keep up the good work.. and did I ask for the ability to mod data? hehe
  2. I found one I think was refered to but I cannot follow the above link due to java qeeur errors
  3. the angle of attack, pennetration and slope do seem to be in, I would like 1c to coment though
  4. ok, I still don't get the over 1000 data.. seems anectdotal that the german 88's, of all verieties performed well over 1500meters. Putting tigers in a knife fight against shermans is one thing, but better optics alone would acount for the many observed, in real life, kills of over 1500 meters.. "tip your hat to the tiger" That graphic too would be a nice add on as the 34 had a habit of lossing their turrets to penetrating tiger shots that presumably ignited the internal rounds. thanks for the info, \
  5. What other thread? The thread I read showed data that had twice the pennetration rating from the aberdeen pg after the war? link?
  6. Can I edit the gun penetration values?
  7. This sounds like GREAT knews.. I may have to actually learn this stuff and make my own campeign!
  8. use you anti tank guns at max range, be aware of amo type. Learn how to select weapons, and learnb how to order stop.. that is silly but these inf have a death wish!
  9. ok, try to crawl slowly forward in lines.. find the enemy at bateries, shell them hold your tanks back if possible to coutnterattack use the second wave troops top push forward.. I alway try to shell the trenches with my tanks and use their machine guns if possible, playing the German campeign.
  10. timed mission wouldend thjis nonsence, and Almost all the wins I get come after tracking down some lone enemy soilder, kinda silly
  11. to my prior post, add gun penetration values critically injured troops not able to rush forward, they now can.
  12. One more for the patch I think
  13. considering these same guys killed off the t34's! It was one of those surreal moments! Like whatching the Red Sox win the World series.. fyi for non American nonbaseball readers, The redsox had not won the WS in modern times, until VERY recently.. ? Do you remember where u where when the Mets easy out dribbled through the legs? LOL!
  14. nope, I understand los and lif, no issue for me at all, I see my guns go BOOM and my tanks go BOOM and it was so comical after the first twenty to forty rounds when the smart IA decided it was invincable and started chasing down my infantry and my tanks where chasing this one tank, it was too comical.. like I said, Isaw a ton of hits, both ap acr and he hit and NO PENETRATIONS in the close up mode!
  15. FIRST GERAMIN TRAIN STATION BATTLE and I was playing on the middle level Note, this is the only time I have seen this, and on the next round, as I saved the game prior to this, the tanks all died without incident, so it was isolated. For anyone interested in small scale tank warfare, Two very enthusiastic thumbs up, I like this game although like others feel it could be so much more.
  16. OK, for those who do not know, this tank is a lemon, not bad by 1939 standards, but still, in 41 42 it is outclassed by almost everything. What makes it a lol, in the first train station German battle, about the tenth time trying to win, the last tank the enemy had was a lone BT7. I had two pac 40 75mm at guns and about 4 or 5 tanks, 25 men and all I did was pound this guy.. even my armor peircing shells bouncing off, I did not see one penetrating round, and after about 30 hits I stopped counting. I wonder if there is some "uber" code, as I have played probably 25hours and never seen anything like this, that causes one tank to become an alien devi ce sent back through time and space to change the course of gaming destiny!
  17. one other thing, open hatch commanders drivers with better ability and risk of getting shot vs buttoned up annd luimited visibilty etc... what does the mob think of that?
  18. Warts and I love this , I play this type of game, as oposed to other games, as a solitairee. I have thousands, I know no life, of hours in cm series, and it never compared to this for IA performance. It does shine in ares, BUT TOW is really an amazing game. What I love? A. the ia can kick grog ass. B. the game can be moded and edited, not by me yet. C. I do liek the graphics... I thought M2TW was good guess I am not spoiled by any other uber graphics! D. I like the anti tank roll the guns play. E. did I mention this has unlimited expandibility? is that even a word? Before anyone accuses me of sellout or fanboyism, this game needs LOTS opf tweeking. My wish list: A. Easy editor interface along with ability to ustomise maps. B.Morters. even if they are off board and on call. C. German 88's D. Foxholes E. Buildings in the game as apposed to being eye candy. F. **** Knowing the triggers before the battle! at least for your side. G. other?
  19. ok, how do I turn on ansd off the fire arc red dash display? ok, I found it, one of the hotkeys [ April 27, 2007, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: Freeboy ]
  20. One lock up and many hours of fun running amd fx60 on dual core setting, I started out at the single core and changed it to check runs great. If I can help let me know
  21. I played this, LOST, but did have anti armor granades
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