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Everything posted by Secondbrooks

  1. Iäm not same person, but what a heck i reply anyways: Well joint of thumb remains in grip, while rest of fingers are streched to safety switch (kind of)... Then again skillful rifle handler (gone tru basic training) can throw saftey down while rising the rifle. Then again thumb switches i've used are slightly more faster and nicer to use, there are situations where it's nice to be able to switch safety off with small move of thumb. However i've learnd to use AK-type weapon so i'm sure that i dont' handle use of thumb safety switch as someone who has learned use of it therally. I'd say that your average AK user is more recultant to keep weapon on safety while moving in danger situations (as guide books tells you to do) than AR-users. I believe with RK-95 you dont' have to do even that as safety switch has been modified little bit, to that one needs to rise just forefinger while rest remains in grip... But i'm not sure. About reload: I think it's easy to just take full mag, and then unlock empty mag with same hand holding full mag and let the empty one fall, then insert full mag in weapon. I don't know how fast you can do that compared to AR-family. I believe it's bit slower, and optics on top of rifle can cause more problems. Also i have to agree that it seems that most "applicative reservist shootings"-events in Finland are ruled by AR-family kind weapons, 5.56x45 more general. Top shooter seems to favor AR in contenst situations, sure AK types has some success but AR seesm to be main weapon in top of rankings. To be honest, and what many contenstents agrees is that: Situations usually are out of reality, focusing on taking down alot of targets as fast as possible, and where seconds and less are what counts (and weapon hasnt' spent weeks or months in field conditions). I'm not taking sides... Overall i don't even care. Just wished to share my bit of "understandment".
  2. That is one problem, also blowing stuff inside mask in another.
  3. I wear glasses too so that is reason why i'm having such problems with it. I use dishwashingstuff which some divers and plenty of paintballers are using, but it doesn't last long under wet conditions. For few hours lasting matches it's good but for several days complitely in field conditions it's not, expacely when terrain is very wet. Sadly we doesnt' seem to have good anti-fog substance corrently in markets, that dishwashingstuff (don't know appropriate english name) is best. Maybe i should order from somewhere else, i've heard that gels are best for that porpuse and atleast US military issues gel to keep goggles from getting into fog. I have project which consists cellphones battery and processor's fan, by that i can create quite nice airflow under mask. Havent' tested it in practice and to be honest i don't know is it very good idea to take it into wet conditions. If that battery blows to my face i'm not going to be very pleased
  4. Thomm didnt' have problem with steam or fog forming on mask's lens, i presume. That is difference between enjoyable and not enjoyable paintball (or airsoft for that matter). I mostly had bad exeriences with steam, which is reson why i don't like too much about paintball (altough i have one annual event in which i take part). It's damned stupid that after long night of infaltrating thru wet marsh i end up in fight at hazy morning, pull mask to face and... surprise-surprise i'm seeing just fog! That is something which is driving me nuts every time it happens, it's like fruit of my work has been spoiled or new toy taken away from child. All i can do is to keep my head and butt down and try to make sure that in case that we need to start withdrawing i atleast wouldn't end up running into wrong direction. Even worse if i'm leader or radio-operator or something, who actually should know what is happening around him, to his team or to his opponent... Or just shoot myself to foot to save me all that trouble. Airsoft with it's mask with gritting is much better, altough during dark times it's darkerns surroundings abit.
  5. Oh. Damn, well ofcourse it needs some modifications (additional parts) if it should be able to be fired from inside a tank :mad: EDIT: NSV is NSV when it's on AA-mount. NSVT is specially Tank inserted MG, with ability to fire from inside tank. This is what i gather.
  6. Well MG bounched in his hands quite a deal after each shot. Rate of fire was pretty small as he needed his time to swing barrel back to his general front direction, so recoil indeed was there It clearly was done for humor not to be taken seriously.
  7. Sorry. I'm ignorant dork and post this without reading topic, but it's has been stated that bullet proof vest is big factor, i think it was Moon stating so. I dont' know how much scopes adds effectivity, but one instructor said that basically scope (aimpoint and scope both) adds effectivity of soldier's fire about twice. I never myself handled aimpoint, but i've read that even to 400 meters with good quality sight it's easy to hit targets. Even better than iron sights (and under some rare occation even better than scope). But i havent' seen confirmation from BFC how this effects to unit's firepower.
  8. Hmmmm... Are you sure about NSV becoming NSVT? I understand that 'T' comming if it's specially vehicle modificated weapon. I'm not sure if NSV has that kind model... There is wicked video of KORD in "action", as huge looking soldier (ukrainian?) walks thru smoke while firing it from hip... While wearing blue beret :cool: Now there we have terminator.
  9. Yes. Like i said, It shouldn't do things it does in CMSF. I havent' fired TOW myself, only one per squad (=one ATGM-system) during training and that was spared ofcourse for designated gunner of squad. It sure sucks to hear that some else can fire multiple of them in single day. I hate it that i'm supposed to lead squad but dont' have first hand experience of this vital job of what it is to fly real missile into it's target, sure i nailed armored suckers with simualtor but... Well it awesome to read what SgtMuhammed has to say.
  10. I think TOW and other not top-hitting missiles still makes "small" (quite high actually) curve up to sky before going down to line-of-aim in CMx2... which they should not (not atleast AT-4 and TOW). But does it matter anything? Most likely no.
  11. Can't help it but to also me this seems to be bit pervert. It seems that game-devs are intrested very much in overdone smoke and flame effects. CMx2 aint' onyl one to do this. Then again i tend to overuse farthumor when in closed spaces.
  12. About Bad moon rising: I just told Marine M1s to get in line and advance in hastly manner.They remained some time in lower hull-down position in Huntarr's picture. Not a single casuality for my side (few broken optics and such), enemy wiped out totally. But main thing why result was so nice for me was that i ordered them to move fast: I bet half of T-90s were taken out by flank hits. And when i got closer i got few flank shots to stationary T-90s (mobility kills probably) But yeah. T-90s ability to harm M1s from front seemed to be indeed minmal. I bet my tranks took more hits than T-90s. I quess almost half of my company would have been lost immediatly at first contact if T-90s could damage/destroy my tanks from front, as they managed to send few accurate and dealdy looking volleys for missiles and sabot at my advancing tanks. I was impressed how well they saw, or then it was movement of my tanks which made them bit blilnd...
  13. I have become more intrested of mechanics behind of tactics and what makes them workable in general. Maybe that is reason why i personally like RT: As if it could give me more proper picture of commander's job with it's traps and demandments. To find that proper level of leadership and be able to keep there. I dont' know, needs sleep.
  14. I'm relatively stupid, but i'd say you need to relax. When i was at my best beak in CMSF (while playing it's campaign thru), i was ice. I didn't do this each time i heard sounds of gunfire: -panic -pause -forget my masterplan. Instead i did this: -Keep focuesed on manuver. Didnt' swet for minor gunfire. -Try to not use Pause too often, basically when issuing orders to large formations. -Only if unit(s) in stationary element (not manuvering) are about to be slaughtered i might broke my focus from manuver. -keep large picture of action. So no zooming to look what kind niiice kit Marine/sOLDIER has and has beard been shaved. -If seeing that there is trackers flying, it's better to play cool and ignore than start to play goose-mommy (which is synomyme in our language for overprotective behaviour). It might be reasonable to be quickly checking what they are up against and is there heavy casualities. Then again this might push me to micromanaging: "i just save these 4 innocent blokes"... while my manuvering platoon gets killed. Close Combat was first game to teach me this: Do one manuver at time. Because you can focus only on one at time... Well as i said i'm stupid, so maybe normal smart guy can keep track of even two assaults or manuvers at time, but i can't. Another usually ends up in slaugther or atleat it's result is not optimal outcome (dependant of enemy resistance). On Marines campaign i wasn't ice but goose-mommy and all i need to do now it to open my veins and let Syrians come to pick me up. Softness is sickness, as wisemen says. So there. Ps. My post seems to be bit like vomit of sunday morning. So i try to cut loose out of it: Main suggestion of mine would be to limit pausing to minimum. And plan and execute so that you can do this, too much is just too much... I'd say managing platoon as manuvering element is pretty much best force size in size/effectivity axis when it comes to command and control manuvering unit under fire. Rest of units should just consentrate on shooting and overwatching.
  15. Well yeah. What is long distance? Is it distance in time or space or combination of both and something else too? We carried 40-50 kilograms daily but only for few kilometers per day (get out of vehicle, carry missile to position and so on). Only on special situation (like march-training) we had to march long distances like 10-20 kilometers with that. I'd say we got easy daily routine. We didnt' need to rush or anything just carry bit of a weight while moving peacefully in squad sized formation (so no curses of long rubberband columns). Those long marches were exhausting experiences, but we weren't used to those as march-training in my mind was undervalued. For special op. troops i would specualte that they use about 2 days in week to move with heavy backpacks (average 50-70 kg?) for several tens of kilometers, rest 4-6 days they go on with small rucksacks while being at objective. However these guys are in better physical condition than usuall blokes. Our ww2 LRRP-guys are told to have had physical fitness almost at level of olympicathlets. They moved about 18 kilometers per summer day (when saving strenght), and i believe they carried something between 40-50 kilograms. This for several weeks even. However my memory isnt' best when it comes to small details (expacely in numbers) so... I believe Romans moved something between 10-20 kilometers per day (when saving strenght, i believe), then digging alot and other daily routines. And they did this daily for what? weeks, months, years?
  16. I haven't ever carried that amount of weight (~100 pounds would be)... Sounds alot, i believe it also weights alot. Ps. Doh! "laser distance counter" = "laser range finder" :mad: Steve: Intresting to see am i aware of weight distribution anymore. I'm heading for my first actuall hike in a month, and because i'm not bright i'm doing it alone.
  17. I remember first time i wore 20 kilograms of weight. It felt like i'm going to die during those 20 minutes we moved by marching Few months later I regularry was hauling about 40 kilograms of stuff, 50 kilograms was something to be called heavy. Well that army-thing was about 10 years ago, 20-30 kilograms feels nowdays again way too heavy. Getting used to different weights is always, eh, "funny". Sure that Javelin is packed badly. I can think he feels he is carrying something like 60 kilograms when it's like that. One of our instructor said to us, when presenting laser distance counter, something like this: "This things weights about 2 kilograms, when it hangs and swings in your necks in long starp it feels like it weights 20 kilograms" I did that mistake once.
  18. Thank you. :cool: Pretty much like that was my toughts as well. Scenario designer is best one to think abotu these things, that way we can make opponents without zero will to react or then some duracell-bunnies who do mad-flag-rushes instantly. CMx2 community has proven in my mind it's ability in desigining good AI plans for specific missions. Paper Tiger: Yes. The way CMSF has AI plans has proven to be very good idea, much better than forexaple waypoints in other games has. I'm not against it, just wishing that some reactivity can be added into it. My computer hasn't work ever well with CMx1s so i dont' have great understandment on it's AI, but yeah i remeber seeing some truly dumb choises.
  19. Biggest problem in current StratAI is it's inability to react to anything. This is what CMx1 AI did better (maybe i sucked at playing, but it gave me supprise or two with it's counterattacks) That makes it bad-bad defender. All CMSF missions with AI as defender are static bughunt (doesn't anyone see? am i the Oracle? Do i have the Sixth sense?). They sit in their holes and suck it. Reserves are just those troops who suck in their holes bit farter away in Setup. It's far too passive, if it loses objective right under it's nose it just sits in it's hole and suck it. If there is break thru in south, it's T-90s/M1A2s are staying nothern side of hill from where one isn't comming (well... airstrike is!). So i think somekind reaction plan should be inside AI plan (or something). -What objectives is vital to keep -what units are primary reserves, which are not to leave their positions under any condition. -more... Sure it must take quite much time to push this into code. But... Problems with CMSF seems to return to this point. This is bigger of two most gamebreaking thinges to me. Let's keep in mind boys and girls: No plan lasts with first contact with enemy. That is why i always run on amok without plan
  20. I dont' know about US or other countries using professional armies trains so my point of view in that sense is short sighted. We have consription which has given military traning for all able bodied men. Not just small amount but 90% in past and 80% in current, so basically all men have understnadment of militry traning. But still military training has been watered down. It doesnt' have effect what dads and moms think at home, military training has been "watered down" by the reality of how things should be done to keep boys (and girls) in training. Current young generation, well i thínk it started to be such already in 90s, isn't so much bind down by oblication, duty and nation's norms. If they think training sucks -> they leave more easily. This simply is reason why training has to be made more tender. One big new reason is also lack of physical condition of current yougsters, you cant' give them harsh physical traning without risking that some will break... Which quite frankly is The Problem in resevist-based army, military bakes them in condition but they should stay in fighting fit for years, 10 years in average.
  21. Yeah. It's bad thing that half of guys sleeps in ambush, and NCO's zippo just blew to his face I remeber that WHY?-picture GJK posted from some music-tape's papers (or CD's)... Metallica?
  22. No-no. Major victory did let me to proceed to next one. Did i spell it wrong earlier? Minor victory by my experience isn't enough, but i'm not too sure (not clear memory).
  23. Major victory should be enough for that fecking 'pooh' mission. Costed me far too much, i bet my advancement in campaign is done. Mission's designer should deserve a kick for planning so well. I was impressed (altough i'm pissed) how well Syrian positions took count buildings and terrain and formed hard-to-break defencepositions.
  24. This far i would have give about 6-7 points to marines, as i've been playing only campaign and it literally is making me to go first gray and then bald + mad. expacely 5th mission with objective pooh and tigger (was it Eagle route?) is making me to think about ceasing whole campaign. It's pure hardcore micromanagement-porn. I could enjoy this in platoon or two size. Not in about two company size.
  25. Manual says platoon of AAVs is used to move marine-company.
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