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Everything posted by sburke

  1. No thank you. You, Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard can spew your Russian dis information to someone else. I don't care to waste time reading that garbage.
  2. that is exactly why it was ruled out. All the vehicles would need work. Animations may be able to be ported over but the vehicles need hotspots etc.
  3. I was gonna make a joke but it would have been in really poor taste.
  4. 1 NV is unnecessary when you have that many burning vehicles. 2 Interesting that there is nothing left of a Russian presence, or this driver is crazy.
  5. those guys shelling Mariupol and dropping bombs on Kharkov know they are hitting civilian areas.
  6. yeah regardless of what you might have been told, there is a moment where you fire your weapon, drop that bomb, fire that rocket where you KNOW you are hitting a non combatant. At that moment if you haven't realized you have committed a war crime, someone needs to point it out to you. Hopefully permanently.
  7. I'm sorry all this talk of chickens makes me think of this Game of Thrones - The Hound Funniest Moment (Chicken Scene) - YouTube
  8. I expect made in China is going to be more prolific than it is even here. China will gladly provide them with crap knock offs for oil/gas/nickel. You know like sheetrock that turns out to be poisonous and the like.
  9. oh I'm sorry. let me read your post again....hmm nope I don't see a SINGLE source much less a reputable source. Swing and a miss! Are you spending time on infowars or some other Qanon site? Don't. It is bad for your mental health. A debunked conspiracy theory about US bio-weapons laboratories in Ukraine was seized on by Russian and Chinese media outlets (msn.com)
  10. More than 13,000 anti-war protesters arrested in Russia (msn.com) And they tell 2 friends, and they tell 2 friends...
  11. Ironically they seem to be stuck on that same laser focus the German high command had on Stalingrad.
  12. I am just waiting for Zelensky to post a request for tires for all those Russian vehicles they are capturing. C'mon Goodyear, step up and make your contribution to the effort!
  13. a few of those shot down with stingers might be more effective.
  14. lol exactly. Maybe he should have checked first with Zelensky on how quickly Kiev would fall.
  15. there are some signs of that already. Part of the censorship push is probably motivated by this. It will slow the response but eventually it will percolate through. It isn't just that they are casualties, but that they even had a shooting war. As with so many things about this war Russia did not prepare its population, in fact they lied as much to them as everyone else.
  16. 'Sent as cannon fodder:' Video appears to show a Siberian governor being confronted by relatives of a Russian riot police unit sent into Ukraine (msn.com) some small cracks
  17. here you go. it is long, but it pretty much covers everything Ukraine, US Biolabs, and an Ongoing Russian Disinformation Campaign | Snopes.com
  18. this is getting kind of old now. You recall something about Javelins? $350 million in weapons and supplies delivered in less than a week? Any supplies the US has been giving for a couple years now? Massive sanctions beyond anything with the possible exception of those against Iraq when it invaded Kuwait? The West is doing a balancing act. We are giving as much equipment as we can without providing Putin with any pretext to widen the war which frankly would play well for him at home and give him an out better than having to say the UKR kicked his ass. We appreciate you'd like us to just go all in and crush the Russian military. That isn't going to happen. Poland jumped the gun here and likely made a hash of the plan.
  19. 1 it isn't a US lab. It is a UKR lab. And having a biological research lab is something any country should have. It is not a bio weapons lab as far as anyone has said. 2. No idea, research concerns and Russian access to pathogens? The clip just doesn't have any hard info. Stanford Univ has a Collider I used to drive over every day. That doesn't make Stanford a Nuclear power.
  20. restore its combat capability with what? It will be interesting to see if stuff pops up from Russian social media if these guys start talking about why they got the snot kicked out of them. Hard to call it UKR propaganda when these boys come back with the stories they will have.
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