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Everything posted by sburke

  1. oops..... I just checked my beta tester card and it is flashing EXPIRED.
  2. I sympathize. I walked outside to take a break, planted a potato vine, came back in to 30+ posts. My suggestion would be to go to the profiles of the following and follow them. I think that will allow you to focus more on the posts that will interest you (notice I'm not there, I try but as source I'm not really providing much ) Haiduk Kraze desertfox the capt and probably a couple more I apologize for not including - it is a quick list of suggestions.
  3. Zelensky's view is already on the end game and Putin's demands aren't part of his equation. Zelensky Says Russian Forces Are 'Tired' and 'Demoralized' (businessinsider.com)
  4. we aren't. We are simply asking he either catch up on the conversation then participate or at least read what is being posted while he is posting. Instead, he's reading through 80 f'n pages and posting randomly. and legend is a stretch. I start every morning anywhere from 30-80 posts behind. I read through them before I consider commenting. it is basic courtesy and allows me to participate in a conversation instead of barging in randomly.
  5. that was posted SINCE you started posting 8 hours ago.. Not 80 pages back. You may want to be PART of the conversation and pay particular attention to haiduk's posts BEFORE posting. It isn't inevitable.
  6. Haiduk posted this 3 hours and two pages ago. Stop already.
  7. While I'd hope for a greater response from Russian citizens, there are signs of people willing to risk the response of Putin's goons. More than 4,500 antiwar protesters arrested in one day in Russia, group says (msn.com)
  8. Anonymous Hackers Reportedly Take Over Multiple Russian TV Channels to Broadcast Messages Opposing Ukrainian Invasion (msn.com)
  9. lol yeah was wondering about that. Dinner interrupted my plans to check if the 5th means anything at all in Russia. This was the closest I got. Plead The 5th Imperial Stout is a Stout - Russian Imperial style beer
  10. This comment "At this point I would be expecting the Ukrainians to use a captured BREM-1 to tow this newly captured T-90" was gold.
  11. lately I have been having visions of the French miracle in WW1 with the taxis. Vastly over rated for the Battle of the Marne but still useful and a great memory for France. Somehow I think the Russian version is gonna fall far short.
  12. From what I have read the Russians are pretty much f'd on comms so I don't think it would take a whole lot. Didn't somebody post something a while back on a UKR guy crashing in on Russian comms and getting into an insult match?
  13. yeah I think that was the bellingcat post. I woke up this morning hoping like hell to see some mass surrenders happening. yeah way too optimistic, but I still wanted it to be true.
  14. this just reeks of desperation to control the narrative. Moscow police are stopping people and demanding to read their text messages, reporter says (msn.com)
  15. I get a lot of spam texts and calls on my phone, but heh I think this is several orders of magnitude greater, Putin’s Henchmen Rage About Getting Trolled With ‘Endless Photos’ of Dead Russian Troops (msn.com)
  16. Protests across Russia see thousands detained (msn.com) Not all Russians are racing to Ikea. There are some brave folks yet. 'We will blow it up': Last bridge to Kyiv stalls Russian advance (msn.com)
  17. Battlefront needs to allow us more upvotes. Consider this an upvote.
  18. I think Battlefront has clearly taken a stand and for years on this forum has been much better than western media regarding highlighting Russian actions and intentions. As to a financial position. I don't think they really are in a position to donate sales however that doesn't preclude you from doing so. You are free to send $50 to the Ukraine red cross. My wife and I are planning on making a substantial donation that would make my purchase of CMBS look small. Товариство Червоного Хреста України – Ukrainian Red Cross Society
  19. No I don't think so. I think it is more it is Day 10 and we are looking to see what is Russia's next move as right now nothing seems to be working for them. Between their military getting humiliated and western sanctions hammering the economy... when do the cracks start to appear? The questions of why now for the invasion, how long before the collapse of Russian army logistics etc aren't ones we can do more than guess yet.
  20. I agree. I think Ukraine joining the EU or NATO is also not going to proceed all that quickly either. The point is more that Putin has managed to make alliance with the west an even more enticing move than previously. A lot of folks (myself included) figured after 1991 that the threat from Russia was not much of a threat anymore. Even the war already committed on Ukraine seemed a more limited scope and not really requiring a force agreement on the size of NATO. Putin flushed that all down the toilet. Peace with Russia seems to require a big f'n stick. Those countries not formally in NATO need to develop more extensive treaties and arms programs so that further Russia thoughts of military action invoke a reminder of the pain that can be brought to bear. It also becomes a message to China. Enough of this sh1t. This also means we need to start addressing this move towards authoritarian leaders. The EU need to seriously address the issue of Orban in Hungary for example. What exactly does the EU stand for? When this war is finally done, the west should invest heavily in rebuilding Ukraine. F'n Russia can go begging at China's door until we see a fundamental change in perspective.
  21. The convention doesn't restrict itself to "war". I went and read some yesterday out of curiosity. It also covers a number of types of conflict. I think however they may need to revisit some aspects of the convention. Russia is way over the top violating everything in the convention and is a signatory. The videos etc are an attempt to break through the Russian media lies in the hopes of getting information to the Russian people on the reality and stopping the war. The Geneva convention may need to adapt to the reality of social media. Regarding the crimes committed by Russian troops an argument could be made that as Russia has not declared war, Ukraine is free to try these criminals in their own courts.
  22. The holdouts right now seem to be a lot of fast food companies. McDonalds in particular is under pressure, but I think Starbucks is in there as well.
  23. the second point was my military/political feeling. I think he is in too deep to sell that as a strategic win. He's cratered the economy, been embarrassed by Ukrainian resistance and his repeatedly stated goal was to eliminate the fascists. He has given a strong impetus to EU to admit Ukraine. Moldava and Georgia have now applied for membership while Finland and Sweden have considered NATO membership. He might be able to sell some of that to the general pop, but those at the top know he has taken a beating. As all these soldiers go home he has 160,000+ folks telling all their friends and neighbors how bad this actually was and what they saw.
  24. I think the Ukrainians can tell him you get back your X number of POWs assuming..... and then whatever terms the Ukrainians set. Meanwhile the sanctions stay in place. Okay that was just my pissed off response at Russia. The reality is I don't think Putin could sell that as a strategic win. I'm not even sure he could withdrawal that northern column without it abandoning all its heavy weapons. Personally, I feel like Putin is that guy at the Vegas table who just couldn't stand to lose and went all in with a pair of twos.
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