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Everything posted by sburke

  1. yeah I understand. I think we are sidetracking the thread a bit too much at this point. Back to the original point if in fact that was just a ploy on Russian TV I think it has made squat difference to western reaction.
  2. hey I get that. I think not long back Steve gave a response after I posted about war crimes trials for those guys. But we aren't talking about even the soldiers. We are talking about Russian civilians back in Moscow. Americans did some awful things in Vietnam including dropping a chemical agent all over the country including on our own troops. But that didn't make every American a sub human incapable of higher reasoning.
  3. How would your average Russian soldier know to suddenly stop using the phrase? What now the godless Russian horde is linked by a skynet like Comms set up? c'mon man. You have spent quite a bit of time on this thread talking about the essentially subhuman Russian people on here. It permeates every post you make about Russians.
  4. yeah I don't think Assad would want to see those guys leaving Syria. he isn't that secure.
  5. I don't see any of that. there are a few folks who voted against the sanctions even before that clip, but I haven't seen anything to indicate there is any change of heart just because of that. I think you are letting your hatred of Russia color everything you see. Not good to be that unobjective.
  6. that doesn't make any sense. It doesn't remove Ukraine from front pages, it only makes the West see Putin as more of the problem if that is even possible, it makes us think the world opposition is having effect in Russia so.. pile on more. Is it fake? maybe. But if so like all else in Russia's playbook it failed at whatever it may have been intended to do.
  7. Anonymous strikes again 20 terabytes: Anonymous Germany hijacks data from Rosneft Germany - Anonleaks
  8. no I think the requirement would be two hours service which would be met by participation in the local Ukrainian community victory parade.
  9. it is Al Jazeera so here have a lick of this salt rock.
  10. it is a little complicated, but right now I think any western country that tried to prosecute its citizens for going to Ukraine would face a severe public backlash. Ukraine’s foreign legion joins the battle against Russia (msn.com) Although officials from Canada, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Latvia and other countries have openly or tacitly encouraged their citizens to join the Ukrainian army in its fight against Russia, there have also been questions about the legality of such an undertaking. Countries like the UK and Canada have laws banning their citizens from participating in military action against a country they are not at war with.
  11. not surprising. They can't not do it. Without those aircraft internal travel in Russia would come to a grinding halt. I don't think anyone in the kremlin is thinking long term right now. Too busy fighting all the fires they have already.
  12. and now we have Patch grogs... I love this place
  13. Putin: "send a message to the west!" Sycophant: "yes sir! Putin: "did they get it?" Sycophant: "yes sir!" Putin: "so what did they say?" Sycophant: ".....that you are desperate" Former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, U.S. response (yahoo.com)
  14. That might actually be longer than the line in Moscow for McDonald's... Hmm that would make a pretty funny meme.
  15. I think there are sources though we aren't getting to hear them unless someone decides for various reasons to leak it Cases in point That FSB guy reporting on the death of a general The recent conversation after that convoy got hit near Melitopol. Stuff straight from the horses..(bear's?) mouth as it were. Estonia and Ukraine are both apparently spam calling Russians with info. They should play those recordings a few times as well.
  16. okay so maybe they didn't shoot down 2 IL 76s. I can still wish it were true... Either way they didn't land at their destinations and that is what really mattered.
  17. guys keep it up and we are going to have to discuss if Dragoons carry a purse like mine. That is critical info to know.
  18. It is hard not to be if you are at all rational. Facts 1 The whole invasion is a load of crap 2 The Russian army has performed miserably 3 The Ukrainian army has performed beyond anyone's expectations even when those expectations were high 4 Putin said 3 days to give himself a buffer. it has been 18 days now and for the past week Russia doesn't seem to have moved the lines enough to matter and in some cases has lost ground I don't know what a non anti Russian echo chamber would sound like but it would either sound a lot like us (if it were working off real facts) or be totally fictional. There have been postings of Ukrainians losses, Steve was pretty critical of the lack of a good defense line to prevent the Russian offensive from Crimea. Beyond that there simply aren't that many Russian victories to tally and they are coming at an awful price.
  19. so what does this mean for Opposition Bloc? I would expect that entire organization would now face arrest in Ukraine.
  20. This is bound to get under Putin's skin. Vladimir Putin's Daughter's House Raided by Activist Holding Ukraine Flag (msn.com)
  21. Italy is running away with the prize for most Oligarch yachts. Italian Police Seize Russian Oligarch Andrey Melnichenko’s 468-Foot ‘Sailing Yacht A’ (msn.com)
  22. insubordination yes. I would hope though that they aren't too incompetent or corrupt. We have already done enough over the years cleaning up Russia's nuclear mess. Submarine Dismantlement Assistance - The Nuclear Threat Initiative (nti.org)
  23. given the world supply chain issues with chips to the point my buddy has been waiting for a year for the pickup he ordered I'd say the likelihood of Russia turning out masses of electronics hungry vehicles is low. I am curious even how that impacts everyone but a Jav or NLAW needs a lot less than an armored vehicle/SAM unit/EW unit etc. Steve you forgot all those guys from the VDV who came in on aircraft.. and those couple downed transport aircraft. I'd be curious to see how the more highly trained units have suffered. Throwing in poorly trained conscripts to replace their more highly trained units is.. well not a good plan.
  24. sorry to hear that. Neighbor two houses over just got a friend's mother out of Odessa. She just crossed the border into Poland today enroute to another friend's place in France.
  25. or satan, but who the f cares, it's beer!
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