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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. So you can say with absolute certainty how you would perform under those conditions? Tell me what are the traumatic challenges you have faced that give you such certainty. Get sent to bed without dinner, find out you are short a few bucks and can't pre order CM:RT?
  2. Nope, sorry not getting sucked into this. It is a no win. It is a war zone. To say there were never any incidents would absolutely be rubbish. No question about it. You have hundred of thousands of allied combatants there alone. That is hundreds of thousands of people armed to the teeth. To think that all of those hundreds of thousands are going to be able to function in an absolutely insane environment with no repercussions would be stupid. However I refuse to be a part of painting all of those soldiers with a broad brush as seems to be where this is headed. War sucks. What it does to any human involved is unspeakable. However sometimes the alternatives are worse and society has to expose some of it's young men and women to an environment none of us would wish our children, friends or neighbors to experience. I can not in good conscience denigrate them without wondering how I'd behave under those conditions and not having been truly tested that way, I can not say. I would like to think I am a decent person who would stand by my moral convictions, but until one has actually faced those conditions I don't think any of us truly know. And just to say it, I have been faced with the choice of giving up my own freedom in defence of others and can say I did actually follow my convictions and spent a fair amount of time in a US Federal prison. As far as I am concerned that was a cake walk compared to what our troops there face. No one was shooting at me and setting off IEDs, I didn't have to worry if some kid was pointing me out as a target or if that guy with the cell phone was using it as a detonator. I didn't watch my friends get maimed or killed trying to help restore civil affairs to a country falling apart at the seams. While our code of conduct requires we prosecute those who have violated the law, I will not judge those who faced those conditions and lost their way. We asked too much and must own the failure belongs to all of us. That is a whole different subject than what this thread started with which was a state sponsored level of genocide and folks willingness to be an active part of it (a la Saddam Hussein). This was a bad idea for a thread to begin with and it has only gotten worse.
  3. I am not going to get sucked any further into this as war is never a good thing. Period. However Ashez I think you do need to be able to differentiate between tragedies and atrocities. In a war largely fought in built up urban areas with an adversary that doesn't just try to hide amongst the civilian population but deliberately creates the conditions to drag them into the line of fire (when they aren't just deliberately blowing them up themselves) this is difficult in the extreme to avoid. To then extropolate that out as atrocities committed by the coalition forces is a disservice to those men and women and to the search for the truth. Sure you can search the web and find stuff that you believe will bolster your view, but beware as the internet is a great highway for diseminating BS just as much as truth. It is still beholden on the viewer to sift though it and verify what it is really saying. Otherwise you are no better than Fox News. As for Agusto's links, the couple I looked at are all serving time for their crimes. Time.. as in jail.... Yeah I think I saw an article where Bin Laden locked up one of his guys for killing an innocent bystander, and uh yeah Hitler and Stalin too. Uh yeah right. To be honest all these links tell me is folks are looking for examples of situations which you will absolutely find in any war. However the examples themselves are more showing they are the exceptions rather than the rule. Frankly, that is about as good as you will ever get in a war zone.
  4. No, Occupational Combat Distraction- reading these threads at work.
  5. Despite having opposed the US invasion of Iraq, I have to agree with Sgt Joch - With the exception of a very few idiot morons, the Coalition forces performed with admirable restraint in a completely untenable situation. I may not think much of Bush, Cheney and the Neocons, but I am extremely proud of the standards of behavior of my country's men and women in uniform. I only wish our politicians held themselves to the same standards.
  6. Figures GaJ could one up that clock LOL Rock on GaJ! Oh and that is a pretty serious flaw Jon. That clock would be simply useless if the Earth stops spinning according to the footnote. Is there an upgrade or patch being worked on.
  7. This keeps up and we are gonna need to form a support group for victims of the Hardenberger juggernaut.
  8. meh I am hooked on CMs 3 D action and 1:1 representation. Not really in need of a computerized ASL however if I get stuck on an extended work trip maybe as it doesn't look to require as much oomph as CM. It doesn't look like it as an editor function, though that may simply not be explicitly stated.
  9. Ahh still avoiding it eh? Well I'll have you know cartoon network isn't about just video anymore. They have games, and those games are PERFECT. I thought for sure you'd be all over that. Unless of course you are trying to be coy and pretend that isn't where you spend your time. C'mon, admit it. You LOVE cartoon network. It is why you brought it up. That is what all this is really about, I get it. You don't need to be a closet cartoon network guy. Step out, step proud!
  10. Not from anything I have seen. When I tried to duplicate a similar situation that @lofty12 had all I ended up with was dozens of flaming Shermans. It was almost as horrific as ChrisND firing up a couiple platoons of Infantry with Flamethrowers.
  11. Interesting cause you'd never guess that from your sig. IntruderPl Junior Member Join Date: Aug 2007 Location: Poland Posts: 18 ______________ CM with it's unsolved problems is an example how to turn gold into a copper. The whole passive aggressive thing doesn't really fly too well here.
  12. I see you have completely dodged the question of the cartoon network. HA!
  13. Yeah I imagine that sudden declaration that the bed size had somehow changed and you'd need to sleep on the couch was also an interesting example on how two people could see the same object and draw completely different conclusions on it's dimensions etc. And I'll bet you saw none of this coming whereas she clearly saw a string of apparently unrelated events coming in sequence. So how was the couch?
  14. You can also have them within your own lines while not having to place your FO with LOS. Particularly useful if defending in wooded terrain. Nothing like a good ole mortar stonk to ruin your opponents day if they are coming at you from what they think is a covered approach.
  15. Time to send in these guys!!! That'll show em!
  16. What's wrong with the Cartoon Network? Big whoop, are we supposed to be impressed? Length of time means nothing other than maybe after all these years you still don't know how to play the game. There is another that seemed to throw around his "credentials" like you and look how far that got him. Hopefully your writing skills while doing those reviews were better than what you have displayed here. You've been on the CMFI forum a whole couple of days ranting about how bad the game has been. Assuming you are Brett from the IDG review, you have been pretty much doing the same thing for 7 years. You are entitled to your opinion. It just so happens that the number of folks who share you opinion here is maybe 3. And in a word just in case you haven't understood yet - NO not interested in your saves. You've wasted enough of our time. If you are so convinced the game sucks etc etc just go away and play something else. Or watch the cartoon network.
  17. Not sure I entirely agree. I do think you are correct that he is over rated. Found this to be a good read on the subject. Patton At Bay: The Lorraine Campaign, 1944 John Nelson Rickard My personal feeling is Patton was a good guy for the moment. He was in his element in a wide open pursuit. Given the state of the Germany Army when he was unleashed, it was the perfect situation for one of his temperament. Once the situation changed, he did not adapt so well. His attitude about his flanks was entirely correct as the breakout was launched. Not sure very many other commanders would have gone so hell bent for leather.
  18. so the thought was - I wonder if movement has anything to do with spotting and can I exploit a possible relationship - yeah I wanted to see if I could pull off something gamey I set up 5 lanes duplicating your set up and then recreated the scenario conditions- approx. 7am, Aug 1st 1944. I ran it multiple times for different movement speeds etc. It didn't end well for the Shermans. I could not re create your events at all. That doesn't bode well for responses from the powers that be, if I can't recreate it then it is by definition an extreme outlier. I am sure that isn't helping you much and it probably only further adds to the misery of the Puma going up as well. Yeah I saw that Bad day for the Reich.
  19. gawd I just watched it. I am not sure if I'd have just stared at my screen slack jawed at how poorly that StuG crew performed or whether I'd have immediately started cursing them. The only thing I can say about it is having two units approach at knife fighting distance is probably going to produce more of these simply because a second or two difference in spotting is all it takes. That is not saying being 100 meters back would necessarily change things, but I expect you'd see it more rarely. I checked lighting conditions, hearing those crickets made me wonder how dark it is supposed to be, but LOS extends out to at least 200 meters. It did give me a thought on something I do want to check, but at the moment it is just a thought. I'll pass it on to the powers that be, but just to set expectations - despite everything you hear about the jetsetting life of beta testers cavorting about the globe on BF funded junkets visiting various battlefields with personalized guides, exotic food and great err companions or is that great food and exotic companions.. never mind not important. It is all true, HOWEVER that does not mean we can speak to the brain in the jar. Hell I am convinced Steve made him up so he can blame him for all the unpopular decisions. Like this Steve has lately spent quite a bit of time discussing LOS concerns, spotting, action squares and processing power. The short of it is increasing spotting cycles which at first glance SEEMS like it might have made a difference here is not in the cards. However there may be other things at work here in how the cycles relate that perhaps could be looked at. Either way it is beyond my pay grade. I'll pass it on and maybe something can be done or maybe Steve will come back and say that "Charles and Phil said no." All in fun Steve, don't make me do that spotting test please. Oh and when do we start the junket trips to the Ardennes. I could use some good beer.
  20. rotflmao. dang this is a tough crowd
  21. well I for one do not try and spend every waking moment collecting saves from people that may or may not actually prove anything. I try and help out when I have time and I usually respond to folks who seem to genuinely respect the game and BF, have stuff that could potentially be helpful to the development team and look like they have done at least some checking to remove the obvious issues. I have one I just got today and will check out later this evening. I can't speak for any of the other beta testers, but when someone comes to this forum with such an explicitly hostile attitude as you have in your 14 posts (which started on post 1 with trashing BF) do you REALLY expect any of us are going to waste our time? You do not seem to be able to differentiate between bugs, possible bad planning or just generally being made to pay for poor play. You've ranted about how screwed up it is that BF included something that many players did want and BF deemed within the scope of what they could include this version. It seems as if you are the decider of all that is good and necessary for the game. BF works on eliminating genuine bugs as they can. When it comes to the TAC AI that gets very very tricky as Steve has pointed out on this very forum within the last couple days. Continuing to work on those is not mutually exclusive to adding more content and developing new features. By your plan BF would already be bankrupt. So they don't sticky threads on issues. OMFG what are we gonna do?!! ...oh wait we can already create threads if we want. Hell isn't half this forum already based on that- so we should sticky half the threads? Christ I'd have to go to page 2 just to read an AAR from Kuderian when it is the most current item? Dude you are just chock full of ideas, only they are all bad.
  22. Haven't played that in a while, but note on spotting. The tool is looking for a particular level in the spot you are looking at. It could be you would be able to see something in that location, but not the ground level itself. Give it a little bit, you may see something yet.
  23. how did they know it was me in the dark? Dang I bet it was Blstk and his NSA buddies again.
  24. while I for one would also love to see less jagged roads, I am not sure just adding one additional angle will significantly alter things. It can also complicate them. For example now you need buildings, fences and hedges to also allow the same alignment. Then you have fields that only have squares to create them etc etc Been working on a large map of Veghel (4x4km) and the RR and road just are not going to match up using the overlay. Where I have started going instead is using a terrain type for the road to give me a little more flexibility. So far not too bad. It can also avoid some of the odd behavior a road can occasionally induce.
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