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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. That young man is what you are going to have to learn. :-) Seriously Intel is a huge part of the game, scouts only reflect one way of doing that. Maybe we can convince Bil to do a review of that for CMBS on his lessons site. It would be really useful for new players and folks like me who still struggle with it.
  2. The most accurate statement on the thread. Lol While you can create defensive works through various methods in the editor, there are other issues that will likely negate their effectiveness. Any vehicle that gets lased is going to react, there is no separate TAC AI for dug in vehicles. They are going to pop smoke and backup. The effort of creating those positions will likely be wasted. There are real world issues some of which were highlighted here. Most of those don't really matter as you can always create a story line for why your have them, really who cares. The whole point of an editor is to be able to have fun trying stuff. Then there are game world issues and that is what really decides if it is worth doing. In this case I think you will find defensive works are a mixed bag. You really have to see what will work as you expect and what won't.
  3. Lol yeah had to throw that out there, but I agree with the others. This is a frontline combat game, even the time frame isn't right for those guys. I am not sure they would even move in a 4 hour period. They definitely aren't gonna flit around the battlefield like a CM player is gonna do. And don't write off your units yet. Wait till you actually have the game before you decide what you can and can't do. The AAR is only telling you so much. I am testing one where most of your objective is to get eyes on locations and call in other assets. It is definitely possible. Keep in mind though what CM is and isn't. You give your orders and hopefully the guys will follow your intent, but you can't get so granular as to expect them to cut some branches and hide behind them like Arte Johnson.
  4. He is in there, he is just so well camouflaged the game can't find him.
  5. under armored infantry, i can select it as individual vehicle in the editor, could be something wrong for QB selection.
  6. i have used slow movement into position in buildings and then hidden there for most of a scenario spotting, yes you can do it. I used to use hunt, but it has it's own issues in that it cancels all subsequent commands. I can have a Target arc so they won't reveal themselves, but they likely won't be where I want them. In woods terrain, I am finding in CMBS, concealment does not work quite as well as it did in previous titles, the enemy has better spotting capabilities. Buildings still seem to be pretty good.
  7. Onions... LOL My favorite Shrek moment Shrek: For your information, there's a lot more to ogres than people think. Donkey: Example? Shrek: Example... uh... ogres are like onions! [holds up an onion, which Donkey sniffs] Donkey: They stink? Shrek: Yes... No! Donkey: Oh, they make you cry? Shrek: No! Donkey: Oh, you leave 'em out in the sun, they get all brown, start sproutin' little white hairs... Shrek: [peels an onion] NO! Layers. Onions have layers. Ogres have layers... You get it? We both have layers. [walks off] Donkey: Oh, you both have LAYERS. Oh. You know, not everybody like onions. CAKE! Everybody loves cake! Cakes have layers! Shrek: I don't care what everyone likes! Ogres are not like cakes. Donkey: You know what ELSE everybody likes? Parfaits! Have you ever met a person, you say, "Let's get some parfait," they say, "Hell no, I don't like no parfait."? Parfaits are delicious! Shrek: NO! You dense, irritating, miniature beast of burden! Ogres are like onions! End of story! Bye-bye! See ya later. Donkey: Parfait's gotta be the most delicious thing on the whole damn planet!
  8. Well some quick numbers Steve for one I think anyone would consider a hit Skyrim Over 20 million in sales generating over 1 and a quarter billion dollars. Advertising costs, 85 million. 320,000 concurrent players on steam. Those figures are a year old. Stop drooling. LOL. http://www.statisticbrain.com/skyrim-the-elder-scrolls-v-statistics/
  9. It is an interesting phenomena. I think largely driven by China's aggressive stance regarding natural resources in the area. China has a need for a whole host of social and political not to mention economic security needs to secure as much access to resources as it can. This is leading it into a confrontation with almost every single one of it's neighbors. It will be interesting to see how this plays out in it's relationship to Russia as well. This trend towards higher military budgets is bound to continue. The alliances that will be formed will also be quite interesting. The U.S. relationship with Vietnam being just one example.
  10. Thanks, who knows but that infantry aspect would likely kill it for me. If anyone hasn't noticed from my AAR posts, the infantry aspect of CM is where I spend most of my time. However that has nothing to do with definitions regarding the genre, it is just an aspect that makes CM special for me. Oh and sorry for the C&C reference. I was struggling to come up with an example. I admit that is a really poor one.
  11. Whew, where to start? First off forget most of CMSF. Yes you had Abrams there etc, but the environment, unit capabilities, technology are all vastly different. If anything the battlefield has gotten deadlier for everyone. Routing rules are based around the newer games like CMBN where units will surrender, when and under what conditions depends on the attributes assigned to the unit. There is no air to air. The presence of aircraft support is defined by options of either the scenario designer or QB selection. There is a electronic warfare setting that can affect your ability to call in those units. Air to air is strictly out of the scope for the direction BF is taking CM. As to LOS and particular capabilities of units, can't speak to that discussion. Maybe you could join Chris on his twitch program and ask, he would be in a better position to provide information.
  12. We are kind of diverging here on definitions, but heck they do help focus the discussion. I'd consider European escalation to be a war game in the same sense I would consider command and conquer to be a war game (albeit from what I can see European escalation being far more detailed). The difference for me is when I start hearing things like "unlocking units". That is where I start drawing a line between hardcore war game and wider community wargame.
  13. It is a decent example and certainly a figure I think BF wouldn't mind seeing, but in comparison Skyrim sold 3.5 million in it's first 48 hours Black alpha, I am not a big fan of RTS games. Heck if CM was rt only I doubt I would play it anywhere near as much as I do. That is just my thing, for other folks that isn't an issue. Anything that is limited to RTS or single player only pretty much means I would struggle to purchase it.
  14. Smash hit? Can you define that cause even I didn't buy that one.
  15. Let's see you are the guy who tossed out fanboy, you are one of the people who wanted Steve here and wanted those of us not sold on your argument to not participate. See here is the thing, the thread is there. We can all read it, we can all see what you have said versus what you are trying to claim now and we all pretty much know BS when we see it. You have not been subjected to any more insulting language than you have dished out and continue to use. The martyr robes do not fit you well We also have the previous thread to see exactly how this went six months ago. The OP has not been insulted, I have even gone so far as to make sure he understood my frustration had nothing to do with his original post, but rather with the continued obstinacy of those who think they know BFs business better than Steve does. You guys despite repeated requests have provided nothing but supposition period. Repetition is not an argument, well not an adult argument anyway. You guys have dismissed every attempt I have made to work with you to quantify what you claim is a large untapped market and you guys simply dismissed that as irrelevant. When I want good lumber to build something for my house I don't go to the big box store. It is just a hodge podge of crap I have to sort through and hopefully find something decent. Instead I go to a specialty lumber store and Lo and behold they have what I want. If I want a war game, I go to war gamer sites. If I go to steam I get bombarded with sales crap of their top sellers. Finding even command modern naval air I have to be looking for a war game. I'd have been better off googling and finding matrix itself.
  16. Odds would certainly be better than they are with him wasting his time on people who only ever particate on this forum to push steam. Maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't but it couldn't hurt How does that pie thing work you guys like so much. Steve has x amount of time, he spends y amount responding to steamie-krishnas. The pie is now smaller, hey if it works for a Steam sales argument with even less validity, why the hell not.
  17. They were probably there to convince him to sell salvation on Steam.
  18. See this is what really sucks, instead of Steve coming here and throwing a bone for the new year we instead have to listen as he defends his company's business strategy to a handful of people who have zero, zilch, nada experience running a tactical war gaming company on the semi annual steam thread. F**k, what a god damn waste of time I would so much rather hear some possible thoughts on CMSF2 and what some of the considerations are. Sorry, rant over My apologies to the OP, it isn't your fault. Please don't take this to mean you.
  19. True, but what other factors does it possibly influence? Specifically the crew. Fatigue has got to be a huge issue. Just reading articles on the thunder run into Baghdad makes me appreciate just how exhausting managing an AFV is. I would expect the Russian tanks are going to have significantly worse characteristics over the Abrams. Crew fatigue means dead tankers when that first spot is all important.
  20. I thought a Finn knee deep in snow was how you learned to walk as a toddler. What is this knee deep in snow as difficult nonsense? Anyone want to check his IP and verify we have a real Finn here?
  21. Or the insulting arrogance thrown at Steve. Just in case anyone was missing that the steam martyrs parade is quite capable of that over and over and over. Ps thanks for the fanboy comment, I almost missed that however for future reference I think fanboi is preferred. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-bdzOdPTZ34
  22. It has come up in another thread. Yor average civilian laser is not at all like military grade and the systems can differentiate laser type by frequency. Could you create a system to fool them and create an uncomfortable situation, yes. Could you do it with off the shelf stuff you screw with our cat with, no.
  23. And now ladies and gentlemen, a little ode with credits to T Bone Walker. Ahem, hit it Mord. January 5th - They call it Steamy Monday But Tuesday's just as bad. They call it Steamy Monday But Tuesday's just as bad. Lord, and Wednesday's worse And Thursday's all so sad. The Steamer flies on Friday, Saturday I go out to play. The Steamer flies on Friday, Saturday I go out to play. Sunday I go to church, Gonna kneel down and pray. Steam have mercy, Steam have mercy on me. Steam have mercy, Steam have mercy on me. Though I'm tryin' and tryin' to find my Steamy, Won't someone please send her home to me. And just cause it is so damn good
  24. Yeah we expected that. Another unsatisfied customer eh? Poor performance is responsible for 75% of all returns. The other 25% comes for products that make too much noise.
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