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Everything posted by Fußball

  1. The only complaint I have about the captured T34s is that they do not contain a radio when they should. I am geussing that maybe BFC used the same data sheet for the captured T34 as the Russian T34 maybe? Tschüß! Erich
  2. You must not know how to read. As I have stated already once before. The only claim to historical accuracy I made was concerning the PzGr40. ( panzergranate40 ) The tungsten APCR round and that it was readily available during 1941. I never asked you to tell me how many PaK38s there were in a division. If I were citing how many PzGr40 shells were produced during 1941 and I were incorrect maybe then you could have corrected me. I really do not want to repeat myself a third time. So please, while you are thinking of ways to make me look foolish, learn how to read. Now stop making yourself look like a fool on the internet and cease your senseless arguement. Tschüß! Erich
  3. You seem to not understand very well what I am saying. You can compare and contrast on combat reports all day and read accounts of men and the like as much as you want. But no matter how much information you have compiled you still do not know what indeed did happen at that particular moment in time. Maybe just maybe you have formed a good hypothesis or a good idea of what happened. But you do not know because you were never there. It is not so much that I would not believe JasonC because he is analytical. It is more because I would not believe JasonC because he is a bigot. Give me someone who will analyze the matter in question, not someone who will write it off as incorrect because it differs from his own thoughts or beliefs. Tschüß! Erich
  4. Need it be? I was just adressing ways to counter the KW-I in a situation involving the PaK38. There was no need to state how many PaK38s were alotted to each division in response to my post. The focus of my post was not about historical accuracy save the comment of PzGr40 being readily available in 1941. Your comment, however correct it may be, was not needed as a response to my own. Tschüß! Erich
  5. I was pointing out ways to use the PaK38 against the KW-I if need be. It is not as if I was stating that the PaK38 was the most numerous antitank cannon in service during 1941. Unless somehow you misconstrued me stating that,"Historically in 1941 there were enough Tungsten, PzGr40, rounds to go around." as me saying historically there were plenty of PaK38s to go around. Which I was not. Tschüß! Erich
  6. The point to these arguements being that you either believe one side's reports or another's. Or maybe even a mix of both. It is really up to the reader to choose. You could stay indifferent and be skeptical or you could believe either or. I highly doubt anyone on these forums has actually crewed a Tiger or a T34. In JasonC's case he probably daydreams of T34/85 drives and tea time with Pappa Stalin. If you want information from a Russian biased point of view go to him for your information. He has plenty of it. If you want information from a German stand point there are many excellent sources. Tigers in Combat I & II are two very great books. They are exactly what you need if you need combat reports and/or specific Tiger unit information. Written by Oberst Wolfgang Schneider. These two books give very detailed combat information on the units that deployed the Tiger I and Tiger II. Do remember that ultimately it is up to the reader to decide whether or not he believes the author's words are truth or lies. The only true way to have known what happened was to have been there and experienced it firsthand. And I personally would believe Otto Carius over JasonC anyday. Whether Otto Carius or Mikhail Gregorievich Reznikov exaggerated, lied, or told the truth we will never truly know because we are neither of the aforementioned persons. Tschüß! Erich
  7. PaK38s will clean KW-I tanks up nicely as long as you have them within 300m. Historically in 1941 there were enough Tungsten, PzGr40, rounds to go around. So with the PzGr40 you have a much needed punch to keep KW-I tanks out to distances in excess of 600m. Just keep these factors in mind when you face KWs again. Also note that while you may not be able to KO enemy KWs; you can, however, scare the inexperienced crews into abandoning their tank. Enough partial penitrations and the crew will bail. More often than not shelling the tank enough will shake up an inexperienced crew to the point of bailing. Tschüß! Erich
  8. Of course when the landsers on the front get the stielgranate 41, close engagements with the PaK36 get risky! Tschüß! Erich
  9. Don't forget to roll in with 3,7 PaK36 and make short work of them! Of course T26s will be good against infantry with no real AT capabilities. Obsolete tanks are just so fun to use. It is like the underdog in a one-sided fight! Tschüß! Erich
  10. Nice WIP on the M3 Mikey. Have fun on your vacation, well deserved I should say. You know how we have to butter you up ya' know. Tschüß! Erich
  11. I would never do that/touch that with a 3 meter pole you pitiful excuse of a living human being. :mad: :mad: :mad: Eat rectum slime, scumbag! :mad: :mad: :mad: Tschüß! Erich
  12. My, what trash we have here today. It is too bad no game wants to take the realistic route anymore. All games have nowadays is the new-fangled graphics and sh*tty gameplay. O well, does not matter. I have CM! Tschüß! Erich
  13. O really? Looks like when I get the chance I will have to take a gander at these pretties. I already seen the photos. I was referring to MikeyD making a Brummbär mod. Thanks anyway though. Tschüß! Erich
  14. I am guessing by "some open topped german crap vehicle" it was a Marder. At least lets hope it was not a Nashorn... It does not help your situation any if the Marder crew had higher experience than your T34 crew. And also the Marder's ableit narrow optics are somewhat superior to the average Soviet optics. Depending on the situation the Marder crew would have seen your T34 before your T34 crew seen the Marder. As previously stated hiding may have helped. Since a vehicle "hiding" simulates something more along the lines of turning the engine off and keeping things quiet. So if your T34 had been "hidden" it may have made a vehicle? or more detailed contact and then you could have reacted. Tschüß! Erich
  15. Speaking of buildings. I have torn through cmmods.com only to find no Italian building mods, shack, light or even small heavy buildings. Has anyone by chance made any *non* Normandy Italian building mods but have not uploaded them/has them stored elsewhere? Thanks in advance. Tschüß! Erich
  16. I will send you side shots myself of the M24 Chaffee as long as you get one out! For some reason the vanilla M24 Chaffee is a golden color. I have never bothered making a scenario with the M24 because of just that. It would turn off my CM mood quite easily watching my tanks chase a golden M24 around the map...if not a bit humorous. Brummbär? Where? Tschüß! Erich
  17. Play during early late 1942 or early 1943 with a Tiger and see if you can lose. Tschüß! Erich
  18. 5cm PaK38 will also do the trick at close ranges. Also if you are playing versus the computer that is even more testament to why the KW-I is a monster. The computer cannot simulate any effective tactics to counteract your monster unless the opponent's tank just so happens to be within effective range to penitrate your KW-I. In any situation where the computer cannot penitrate your tank's armor it will reverse/use smoke and reverse. Tschüß! Erich
  19. It is always humorous when enemy soldiers surrender and then decide,"Maybe this is not such a good idea?" and unsurrender. I have had one particular MG surrender to one of my squads firing at it, then unsurrender only to have my squad resume firing at the MG and then the MG surrendered again but getting mowed down by fire from my squad. Tschüß! Erich
  20. Very nice work on the M3. Not many mods for American equipment sadly. M24 Chaffee anyone? I cannot wait until more Panther mods come out. There is a startlingly low seclection on the Ausf. A & G models in both CMBB and CMAK at the moment. Hopefully we can get MikeyD to do something about this.... Tschüß! Erich
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