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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. Sneaksie

    new video

    There are 2x2 missions where one side attacks and other defends. Of course you also can play DM maps 4x4.
  2. What map objects? Statics? You'll need to create them like units, in 3ds Max. There is no way to insert new models into the game without converting them to .msh format. You can modify textures of existing models with relative ease however.
  3. Do you have log.lst file and maybe a cppcrash folder in game dir? If yes, please send them to dina@1c.ru
  4. Did you run setup program? Demo may not start if you didn't specify resolution in it.
  5. Smoke Lobby is in the works now, this patch will be released without it (but with new MP and other features as said in patch announcement thread). TAM255 What video? Promotional one with pre-rendered graphics?
  6. What do you mean by 'several groups'? Each player in MP usually controls several vehicles and a couple infantry squads.
  7. Looks like problem with user rights... maybe your OS is Vista? Try to copy this file to your My documents folder or right click on it and select "Run as Administrator" from context menu.
  8. List of files each map folder contains: forest\ <folder> Roads\ <folder> actors.static actors.static$ common.tga Deformations.xml farHF.raw farmaintex.tga FarTreeTypeMap.bin GameTypeMapIndex.tga load.ini MainTex.tga minimap.mat minimap.tga nearHF.raw NoiseConfig.xml Roads.xml TreeTypeMap.bin TypesAI.tga VerticalGrassTypesDefinition.txt
  9. Dr. Jones tool extracts only files which are described in text file which comes with his unpacker, because of that these extra files were not unpacked. Try to add their names to that file and unpack again.
  10. "entire wintermap_9 folder" These additional files are generated during first loading of the map.
  11. They unpacked maps.sfs into maps folder using Dr. Jones tool, then copied entire folder with wintermap_9 and saved it as new folder wintermap_9_a.
  12. It's old one, it should be already fixed in the new patch.
  13. There will be separate patches for German and other localized versions shortly after English patch release.
  14. In near future (several months) maps will keep their physical size, but increasing texture resolution by several times is planned for new maps in future releases.
  15. Yes, you can edit height map and "terrain type" map (grass, culture grass, flowers, soil, etc.). There will be changelog posted of course along with the patch release.
  16. Health is a health... gun and other equipment is disabled or destroyed if it's health reaches zero. For example, ammo rack in the tank have a chance of detonation when it's health becomes zero, engine and fuel tanks may catch fire, etc. Some parts in the new patch are set to damage threshold type (this means they are destroyed only if receive damage higher than their health).
  17. Pz4C can be a nightmare for T-34s because of its HEAT shells. Entire crew can be wiped out by hit of such munition, aim at the body instead of turret.
  18. There is a new Builder in this patch which can edit landscape, roads, etc.
  19. In vehicles best specialists automatically assigned to gunner and driver positions, but gun crews don't switch positions by themselves.
  20. Patch for English version will be released in near future, and patches for other versions will follow.
  21. Try to open TOW.exe file properties and set it to "Run as Administrator". This is because Vista doesn't allow the game to access it's directory by default.
  22. Open TOW.exe file properties and set it to "Run as Administrator".
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