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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. Yep, we found this bug:) Will be fixed in patch.
  2. Try to download and install latest ATI drivers for your mobile video chipset. Early Vista video drivers had poor OpenGL support and TOW uses OpenGL. Hopefully this will fix this issue. It's also better to run TOW_1.4.exe instead of default one if you have an ATI videocard.
  3. Patch will be released when Battlefront will approve it. If you want to beta-test it, you may try to ask Madmatt.
  4. Selecting a squad with one click ================================ Squads in addon will be selectable in such a way and, moreover, soldiers of squad will try to stay relatively close to each other and act as a whole. This system is in early stages of development and i can't be more specific. Camera movement by WASD ================================ You can map any keys you want for camera control in game options. Vista support ================================ Vista is not officially supported, and mission editor doesn't work on Vista. Game itself is working. If you experience heavy slowdowns in Vista, try to set the game to use one CPU in game configuration program. Running down trees ================================ In fact, there were two movement types in the game - normal and aggressive. In normal mode vehicles drive around trees, walls, etc., while in aggressive they travel in straight line and crush obstacles in their path to save time. Normal mode was used during MOVE command, while for ASSAULT agressive mode was used. But after release there were many complaints about vehicles taking too much time to move around the obstacles and thus aggressive mode was set for MOVE command. Not all vehicles can crush obsacles - wheeled vehicles can't (with the exception of Sdkfz 232 8-rad). I can't tell you when new patch for English version will be released - ask Battlefront (Madmatt or Moon). [ September 28, 2007, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Sneaksie ]
  5. tom3d Of course, please send the log to dina@1c.ru What exe did you use, default or TOW1.4? Is there folder cppcrash in main game folder? So far it seems that it's some weird driver problem.
  6. BTW, in this July i've played through CC2 with my friend. I've played the Allies and he as Germans, i was capable to achieve only minor victory (XXX corps met remains of airborne at blown Arnhem rail bridge) We would love to implement such thing of course (simultaneous missions in various places that affect how campaign progresses), but i don't think we'll be able to do it in time for addon; i hope we'll make such a system some day.
  7. You can take photos in Kubinka for free, but the permission is needed for using professional grade photographic equipment such as lights, etc. Here's some photos made by one of us in Kubinka: http://picasaweb.google.com/vbulannikov/Kubinka
  8. C++ 2005 runtime is not required. But since we still have no further advices for you aside from trying the game on other PC (it should work), or reinstalling your OS on present PC. OS reinstall solves most problems, even if you have no idea what caused these problems;) Sorry, you're the first to run into this 'statics loading' problem and we have no solution in the moment nor the understanding why it happens:(
  9. You don't usually need to pursue tanks with AT grenade in hand, let them come to your trench For example, most missions in Battle for Moscow are impossible to win without heavy use of AT grenades by infantry in trenches.
  10. ColonelBlimp We want to model all aspects of tactical ww2 combat, but now i have nothing to say to you about this particular question. In future - maybe. For now, infantry use AT grenades for close assault.
  11. There is no known (reported) bugs in the game which can cause complete system freeze. It is difficult to hang XP, BTW, so i think it is a hardware problem. Did you try other resourse-demanding games? Your system freeze is likely to be caused by overheating of RAM or CPU (videocard may be the culprit too, but TOW heavily uses CPU and RAM). I'll advise you to run special system stability tests also known as 'burn-in' tests. Even running 3DMark 2005 in a cycle for an hour or so without stops will do to check your system stability in stressful conditions.
  12. Yes, Wespe and such mobile artillery in the game can fire only if have LOS. They can't do artillery barrage because their minimal ballistic shoot distance is much larger than 2km (maximum map size). Jmayer, i hope you and everyone here will enjoy new MP maps, force compositions and modes. Mission designers now are finishing new MP maps.
  13. Send infantry forward to see PaKs on the hills, or use ground attack on location where you see smoke after gun fires. Fire at PaK locations from several of your tanks at once to maximize chances of knocking them out quickly. Use air support, but germans have a couple of AA.
  14. Hmmm. We have not determined the problem so far, in theory maybe 3dobjects.sfs is corrupted. If you have spare time, try to unlicense, uninstall the game, delete the game folder. Then install the game into new directory and try to run this mission in vanilla game without patch at first and then with patch. Do you use download version or dvd for installation?
  15. Does it launch with patch installed? When it refused to launch, did it show any error messages or just nothing happened? Also try 'Run as Administrator' option for TOW executable in Vista.
  16. First value determines distance at which soldiers begin to scatter from any moving vehicle, and second is the distance at which crew abandon guns and HMGs in the presence of moving enemy vehicle. If you set them to 0, infantry will stand still and face their terrible fate.
  17. ColonelBlimp Enemy infantry gets squashed when it intersects with invisible square of vehicle pathfinding (if the vehicle is moving). The size of this square is determined by model length. If we reduce the square to size of, say, tank width, then infantry to the side of it will not be squashed, but then tanks will start partly moving into each other, houses, etc., with a number of graphical glitches. Obvious idea would be to use rectangle instead of square, but there is no known usable algorithm for pathfinding using rectangles:) Improvement of collision modelling between infantry and vehicles is planned (maybe checking when infantry intersects with model itself, but this routine will be processor-hungry), but it is unclear when it will be done at the moment.
  18. Yes, we have them. Looks like incompatibility between your notebook hardware and TOW. We'll inform you as soon we find the solution.
  19. There is some problem while loading statics. Did you modify any maps in builder (added or replaced any statics like houses, trees)? Do you have any mods installed? Try to rename or move to another place entire 'maps' directory (there are temporary files and builder editor saves in it), then try to load missions which crushed or hang the game. Another question: what exe file you've used while the log file you send to us was generated - standard or TOW_1.4?
  20. Strategic map currently is beyound the scope of the game, but of course it does not mean that it is a bad idea. We just try to improve tactical simulation to it's fullest and then spend time on other things:)
  21. Thank you:) I think one good word spoken by member of wargame community means more than tons of generic advertisements. BTW, i'm from 1C, Battlefront is TOW worldwide publisher (outside countries of former USSR).
  22. Currently grass offer no concealment. In the one of the next patches for TOW there will be new LOS system (regarding trees and bushes), but grass concealment will be in addon. We'll try to patch this into original TOW after addon release (we plan to support original as long as possible along with addon containing new systems).
  23. Unfortunately, all seems ok in your log file. Please do the following: 1) Tell us exact version number of the game (in upper right corner of main menu). 2) Create new profile and run some missions from it. 3) If it still crashes, add the following into ww.ini (backup this file first) to make it record everything: [JavaLog] SYSTEM=ERROR AI=ERROR CHARS=ERROR DAMAGE=ERROR SCRIPT=ERROR GUI=ERROR MUSIC=ERROR NAV=ERROR PFS=ERROR RATING=ERROR TRIGGER=ERROR VIS=ERROR WEAPON=ERROR ANIM=ERROR SECTFILE=ERROR CAMERA=ERROR LOAD=ERROR SOUND=ERROR DLL=ERROR XML=ERROR SKILLS=ERROR NET=ERROR DISPOSITION=ERROR MP=ERROR INGAMESTAT=ERROR [core] console= bLog=true,bLogTime=false,bPause=true,bUseStartLog=true,bWrap=true,history=128,historyCmd=128,logFile=log.lst,page=20). After that, launch the game and try to load some missions. If it crashes, send this new log file to us before next launch of the game (it gets overwrited each time). 4) If there is cppcrash folder in main game dir, zip it and send it to us too.
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