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Everything posted by Hammer-n-Sickle

  1. Demo very nice, gonna be a great game. Now, lets talk about pre-ordering Combat mission strike force
  2. Just like the first year of a new car model.. We are all beta testers
  3. Snags eh, hmmmm, Well if the results are a better product the so be it.
  4. Are all these suggestions going to postpone the release date I wonder
  5. Any administrators want to comment on the release date for preorders?
  6. I appologize if this has already been answered. Do I understand that correctly, no quickbattles no random maps?
  7. Michael, Jason. You two aren't by any chance a couple are you? You sure argue like a couple.
  8. Hey Michael Kenny, I just wanna ask you. What other forums are you apart of. I might want to check one or two of them out. Your reply would be appreciated. Thanks
  9. I second that. You might some challenges on Manstein's attempt to bail out six army at stallingrad in "Stallingrad the faitful seige" as well
  10. But weren't they known as the Wehrmacht in 1933 which is supposedly encompassed in the book
  11. I haven't seen the book but I would have thought the title would have been about how the Germans helped industrialize Russia during the 20's
  12. I'm in the middle of a game right now. Opponent opend up with 1200 round of 81MM motor in target wide. Pretty cool to watch but not to terribly destructive in the trees.
  13. I know I've come as close as 75 meters before but sometimes the AFV doesn't always hit the mark. Death by friendly fire is only natural
  14. Hey JasonC, A friend of mine is a big fan of yours. He is constantly sending me your posts..
  15. I'm thinking HE or AP it really didn't matter what shell you were lobbing out of the front of that 76.2 Compared to what the Germans brought with them into russia. (38T's Panzer 2's and some 3's) I would say that A KV's worst enemy was its own crew.
  16. My understanding is yes, it could only be a professional army since consription wasn't allowed under the Versailles treaty but all the elements were still there with exception of the airforce..officially. I'm sure germany was already finding ways to circumvent the treaty. Hitler just flaunted it.
  17. If I could add to the question. How accurate is the location of a sound contact.. 20..50 meters? Can it be measured?
  18. Perhaps I should have said something along the lines of the Reichswehr being renamed to the Wehrmacht. Not created by ol Papa Adolph
  19. I believe that German Armed forces were around before Hitler or the rize of the nazi party.
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