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Everything posted by Bugged

  1. From urban dictionary: "keener (Canadian slang, noun) Individual eager to demonstrate knowledge or participate enthusiastically in school, church, seminars, etc." http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=keener In this case, I meant that the boy seemed extremely enthusiastic to be doing what he was doing.
  2. What a little keener that kid is. And his tiny uniform outfit is so cute.
  3. After witnessing the hard time that the Aussies are given in this thread, I suspect that Mace didn't want to disappoint anyone by using proper punctuation in his post. He's considerate that way.
  4. So you concede that he's right then, you did forget the children...?
  5. Wow, baby photographers will do anything to keep their subjects from crying during photo shoots nowadays. I feel sorry for the mom who has to feed a baby with a wicked case of the munchies - ouch.
  6. Pffft...that's just crazy talk. I would never do that on my birthday. Not until I'm 60 or so, anyway.
  7. Food offerings all around. It's like they know me or something.
  8. Nope. It was yesterday, though. That's two days ago in Oz. But still, thanks for the birthday wish. Tee-hee.
  9. Hey, maybe you're practically related to her.
  10. Size 11.5 mens = size 13 womens. You're buying women's sneakers. The lilac coloured stripes down the sides should have been the first clue.
  11. I hope you have the decency to wear only your newest, cleanest, bestest underpants whenever you go there to play the game. Like this young man does...
  12. Don't you mean the first resort of the unimaginative? Or, the last resort of the imaginative. Or, I'm disappointed, although not surprised, by your lack of imagination...? Something along those lines, yes?
  13. There's some chit-chat about healthcare in a thread at Gyrene's place... http://dosomefink.com/phpbb2/index.php?topic=3209.0 Besides the US, posters include folk from such communist countries as Canada and Australia.
  14. Well if that doesn't get Lars to sign up, then nothing will.
  15. You might think it's sweet, but beware, there may be strings attached. Like, he may ask you to post overly complimentary things on his wall as some weird kind of jumping-in Facebook friendship ceremony or somefink.
  16. Go on, drink the kool-aid. It can't be any worse than the myriad of other potentially life-threatening stuff you've ingested over the years, can it?
  17. It isn't an age thing, though. For example, my mom's on Facebook and just this year she was reacquainted with a neighbour friend whom she hasn't seen since the mid-1970s. And I've caught up with some long-lost friends from high school. But now they ignore me. Just like in high school. Just like in here. Seriously, though, it's an okay way to share photos and see what everyone's up to - if one is inclined to take the time to look, that is.
  18. Facebook... now there's a strange concept, eh. Makes it so much easier to overtly ignore (and be ignored by) 99.99% of your listed friends, 99.99% of the time. What a blast! =P Just for fun, I typed 'Stuka' and 'Babra' into the search list and got multiple hits. I only got one hit on 'OGSF' - but still, who'd've thought. Heh.
  19. Hmm, strange. I'm not sure how you could completely misinterpret my post to conclude that, rather than hating children, I actually somehow want them.
  20. There in lies the irony. The man (Bush) who has made it possible for the journalist to "express his anger" without fear of death is the man who is now being subjected to it. To expect a dialogue is wishing for too much, but throwing shoes at someone constitutes assault, and it's illegal here - I would think it's illegal there, too. I don't generally condone assault. First off, how can we be sure he didn't plan it? Secondly, if it wasn't planned, then at best that makes the journalist a hot-headed spaz who is incapable of controlling himself. I've seen 5 year olds behave in this manner, and nobody has ever praised them for throwing a temper tantrum. How is this man's behaviour any different? ~~~~ And as for whatever motivated him - whether it's the death of civilians or not - really isn't an issue for me, so don't expect me to argue this moot point. I don't give a sht what motivated him, his actions were illegal. He's no hero. He's just another a-hole with an uncontrollable temper.
  21. Because they grow up to be adults. Forward thinkers like Tero are just nipping the problem in the bud. Or perhaps I'm projecting.
  22. What's the civilian death count at the hands of Saddam Hussein? If that journalist had thrown a shoe a Saddam, he would have done so knowing that he'd be tortured and killed for making his "statement" - THAT would take some balls. But then again, the public would have never learned of it.
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