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Everything posted by Bugged

  1. Oh, don't feel badly. Afterall, he asked us all to "bring it on". Said it would take 20 of us to stand up to him. Then he brought in his wife to help! I believe Seanachai called that one a few months back, if I'm not mistaken. And I'm not.
  2. I have no doubt about it. I'm glad that he got you off the streets of Reno, at any rate.
  3. Say, you're not playing the proverbial 'race card', are you? I wonder if your hubby is just as insulted at my intimation that he's a construction worker. Nevermind that he's posted umpteen photos of himself constructing wooden things or that he's also posted about your heritage before. Obviously I'm way off.
  4. Yeah, she's a real spit-fire, she is. Being told to 'get my own house in order' before insinuating that she's native indian really cuts to the bone. Uh, ouch...?
  5. It all depends how hard he throws it at you. Of course, with him PMS-ing the way he is, he'll prolly throw like a girl. So no worries.
  6. Look, you made a mistake. No big deal. But for next time, we all know that Abbott's the one on the left and his wife is the one on the right. *wink*
  7. Oh no! Quick, call the whaaambulance. Abbott's lashing out all over. His feelings must be hurt REAL BAD. It's [sERIOUS]!!!!!
  8. Lump it or leave it, hypocrite. You dish it out all the time but you can't take it? Quit whining and grow a pair. Or get a sense of humour.
  9. Brilliant. They surveyed people who were getting their tattoos removed and the results were that those people regretted getting a tattoo? What a smart survey. Twenty percent are dissatisfied but it's that 6 percent who are the "bitter" ones. I wonder what percentage of tattoos are the name or image of an ex-lover (6%, maybe?). *remembers Angelina's "Billy Bob" tattoo*
  10. But the concentrated salt would eat through the board wax in seconds so it's probably not worth the effort. Vanilla junket? Junket? Well that sounds appetizing, doesn't it? This will sound like the beginning of a bad joke... but what's the difference between pudding and junket? Or are they pretty much interchangeable words, like 'bathroom' and 'washroom'?
  11. The people featured in the article aren't trolls. They're cyber-bullies, at best, cyber-terrorists, at worst. They get their kicks by making other people's lives difficult. The article doesn't offer insight into the pyschology of these people, it just confirms everything we already know about them; they're immature, angry, vengeful, petty people who equate having internet skilz with having power. And they use this power to ruin the day, week, life of someone whom they feel deserves it. Even the journalist who wrote the article was subjected to bullying. Taking a picture of someone's bank card? Emailing someone with their Social Insurance Number? These are threats. I doubt that the journalist wasn't affected by these acts while typing out the story. Unbiased journalism? Not likely. Offering insight? Not at all.
  12. Ha. That's what I wondered when I saw the video. A quick look on the web revealed that one is only required to wear a helmet in England when riding a two-wheeled vehicle. Unless I was reading from an out-of-date site. *shrug* Would be fun to ride that bike while dressed like Red Baron Snoopy...
  13. My dentist's office has one but I won't go near it because I don't know how often it gets cleaned. I use a Tassimo machine (same idea as the Keurig) at home and I love it. Super convenient and easy to clean! I only drink the lattes, cappuccinos or hot chocolates, though, because I don't really like the taste of the other Tassimo beverages that I've had. They just recently introduced Starbucks-brand discs here but I'm not interested in trying them.
  14. Whazzuuuuup? (testing... testing... 1, 2, 3)
  15. Oh, Lars, I'm so, so sorry. Pets enrich our lives and losing one can be completely devastating. My heart goes out to Shary and you.
  16. And coming from you, this mean... well... quite little. Sorry, I brought the whole thing up, actually. Why is it that whenever I picture you, Seanachai and Lars together, I get this mental image of ZZ Top? But without the good grooming? </font>
  17. Nice twist. (get it? panties... twist...) I grew tired of the "panties" quote long ago but I leave it in my sig for Abbott's sake since, from what little I can recollect, it evoked some sort of reaction from him when I first used it. Maybe it's time for a change now. Maybe tomorrow is better. Pluh.
  18. Tell us more about Papa Khann. He sounds like a really decent chap.
  19. You do realize that this makes NO sense whatever right? Joe </font>
  20. I hope he's not supplying the gift wrap and greeting card, too. That would just be sad.
  21. Gee, I dunno. Your "warm glow" kinda sends a cold shiver down my spine. Your look is a little too reminiscent of the time I spent in the Principal's office as a child.
  22. That's cuz Stuka is being kept busy with waxing dalem's back. There are only so many hours in the day.
  23. And? So? Were there muffins, or what?!
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