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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. Actually, they put blinking icons in 1.2 for that very reason.
  2. Which is probably the most useful thing they could give them, really. The conventional types have a half life measured in seconds.
  3. The people who start a thread titled "whats wrong with snipers?"
  4. I didn't say the results they expect are realistic. That said, there must be quite a few snipers in the U.S./British forces with multiple tours. And all of them are right the top of my list of people to never offend.
  5. I seem to recall Steve saying something about adjusting the spotting ability of recon Humvee's in the last month or so. I am not recognizing such in the change log. Just curious?
  6. Scenario designers need to make sniper teams crack/elite for people to get the results they seem to expect. The guys in the first couple of scenarios in the marines module are killing machines.
  7. Martyr and Pvt Ryan have resorted to power tools for this "probing operation"
  8. I tried that about eight pages ago, worked about as well as charging a ridge-line with 10 or 15 Kornet launchers on it.
  9. I quite like this idea, and it sounds simpler than most of the ideas I like. So either its outstanding or I'm thinking about it wrong.
  10. Truly Pooh calls for a B1's entire bomb load in order to be flushed properly. Great scenario though.
  11. The wait for the Brits is driving all of us MAD, asin mutual assured destruction MAD, as even a brief review of this weeks post would surely prove.
  12. Now if the AI could just get them to scurry all the way across thee street into the next building over in a sane manner things would be really rolling right along.
  13. It has changed my tactics completely. Now the entire focus of my MOUT tactics are to get a LOF to the back of a building before I try to take it. Which jives nicely with several detailed AARs I read about Fallujah, and gives great confidence BFC is getting the bigger picture right. It is a beautiful thing to watch a red squad scurry out the back into the LOF of a crack sniper team.
  14. Personally, I love watching Marine squads blow the fronts off buildings. It warms the cockles of my dear little heart.
  15. Any chance on cluing us in on the hold up? The manual has been out for a week plus.
  16. There was something like triple cross posting happening here.
  17. Considering my own complete failure in that regard here lately, I might have some idea! The even more interesting question is if the engine would produce those result NOW with WW2 weapons? Almost all of which have some combination of lower ROF, and lower accuracy.
  18. Well, the way they are doing it now does have the benefit of conserving processing power for troops that are still in the fight. Also would a bad routing animation/pathfinding be worse than none? Finally they have to sort our everything related to units exiting the board. Which I do hope is on the list.
  19. The picture link in my next post above was supposed to go in the refresh thread. Just so you know.
  20. http://wwwdelivery.superstock.com/WI/223/1555/PreviewComp/SuperStock_1555R-139096.jpg From a game standpoint aren't those replacements as opposed to healed troopers? I realize it doesn't matter if you just want a filled out squad.
  21. I admit that I hadn't thought thru the ability to shoot thru your own side in regards to formation mattering less. It is a significant point in the discussion.
  22. I love your stuff, as long as your motivated to keep it coming I'm happy! And I can be wrong a tremendous percentage of the time. Just ask my wife.
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