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Posts posted by umlaut

  1. Will the first module really include the whole last period of the war until May 1945? I am sorry, if this question has been answered before :)

    It has been answered before - but I can´t find the answer, so here´s how I understand things (but bear in mind I might remember wrong):

    There will be 4 east front families - each of those will then have several modules. Each family will cover approximately one year, from summer to summer. They will be released in this order:

    1944-1945 (Bagration)




  2. I agree with your suggestion, Jack Ration.

    It would be nice to have the option to toggle of the user interface, but also for instance the floating icons, landmarks, objectives and so on - all in one bundle.

    In CM1 we had a button called "Hide Play Aids" (if I remember correctly). With one click it toggled off unit bases, icons, hit texts and probably more. It would be nice to have something like this introduced into CM2 as well, though I´d like to take it a step further:

    Why not make a customizable "Hide Play Aids" function - ie one where you can add your own toggles.

    An example: When I am in the orders phase I like to have most play aids on, like for instance floating icons and objectives. I also have trees set to "Show Nearby Trunks Only" (brilliant and very useful invention, by the way).

    But in the replay phase - and when I record videos of course - I toggle all of these things of: No floating icons, no objectives or landmarks and Show Trees On. Thus, right now it takes me three or four clicks to change from my preferred view in the orders phase to my preferred view in the replay phase - and that get to be a bit of a hassle.

    If we had a customizable "Hide Play Aids" then I would be able to turn all these functions - including the user interface - on or off with just one click. And everybody else would be able to do the same - with their own pet functions.

    Hope you´re listening, BFC ;)

    Oh, and while we´re talking about improvements that would assist in game video production, I´ll paste in one of my other pet wishes:

    I would really like a option for having a close up view of a unit when you "view lock" unto it. At the moment if you lock your view to a unit at level 1 then the camera is about 20 metres away from it. One of the problems this causes is that if you´re locked unto a unit moving in an urban area, then the camera will most of the time travel through the houses next to the streets - or even the backyards - and you wont actually see the unit/vehicle itself.

    Some might say that you can just use the zoom function to get closer to the unit, but I do not consider this a solution. The zoom works much like real camera zoom which means that the perspective and background gets distorted when using it.

    I enjoy capturing footage of my battles and sometimes make little movies out of it. Unfortunately, the lack of a close up view lock function prevents the capturing of many of the shots that I´d consider the most interesting.

    A tiny niche request, I know. But probably not one that would be very complicated to implement.

  3. One of my great hopes for improvements is that at least campaigns saved between individual battles could somehow be loaded with no trouble. I can live with a saved game that is unplayable because of an upgrade, but having to start a campaign over from scratch is sort of a nuisance. I´ve had to do this twice with The Scottish Corridor (Yes, I know: I am a slow player).

    I have no idea if it is possible technically, but if we somehow could at least could get uncorrupted saves when loading between-battle saves in campaigns, I would be happy.

    The entertainment value can be great, though :D:



    Just tried to play a single turn of this scenario to see what would happen - and most of the troops refused to run and got exhausted within the first minute. Seems like they haven´t just got wrong graphics for the guns - the weigth seems to be the same as well :D

  4. This is my chance to air one my own - slightly related - pet wishes when regarding viewpoints:

    I would really like a option for having a close up view of a unit when you "view lock" unto it. At the moment if you lock your view to a unit at level 1 then the camera is about 20 metres away from it. One of the problems this causes is that if you´re locked unto a unit moving in an urban area, then the camera will most of the time travel through the houses next to the streets - or even the backyards - and you wont actually see the unit/vehicle itself.

    Some might say that you can just use the zoom function to get closer to the unit, but I do not consider this a solution. The zoom works much like real camera zoom which means that the perspective and background gets distorted when using it.

    I enjoy capturing footage of my battles and sometimes make little movies out of it. Unfortunately, the lack of a close up view lock function prevents the capturing of many of the shots that I´d consider the most interesting.

    A tiny niche request, I know. But probably not one that would be very complicated to implement.

  5. Very nice umlaut. I'll go post on the repository, but I have to admit I played the initial 30 minutes 3x before bothering to move on just cause it was so much fun sneaking through the back yards and alleys avoiding patrols. :D Love the map. Now I gotta go actually seize the objectives. As I noted on the comment, would love to see more scenarios on this map. It is just far too cool to only have one.

    By the way, nice re enactment on that last pic. I think that is about as close as one is going to get in CM to that shot. Trying to remember, was the original from St Lo?

    Thanks a lot - not least for your comment and rating in repository. :)

    I really don´t know where the original photo was taken, I just tried to reenact it based on the one in the Force Specific Backgrounds.

    I have actually made another scenario on this map, but whether I´m going to upload it really depends on the amount of feedback I´ll get from this scenario.

  6. Hi LF

    I think there are instructions on how to upload in the repository. In my experience the main thing to remember is to put the btt in a zip folder before uploading.

    And remember to upload it to the proper section, eg: to the Market Garden section if it is a Market Garden scenario (it is helpful to put a "MG" in the beginning of the title - so that would make it: "MG No Country for Tanks")

  7. Hi George

    Thanks for the scenario. I had lots of fun playing it - here´s a very short AAR:




    I don´t know whether your scenarios suit my playing style really well or whether I´ve simply been plain lucky when playing them: No matter what, I always seem to win relatively large margin (Maybe it is just because I always play against the AI)

    This time was no exception: I won a total victory, when the british surrendered with 54 minutes left. I had lost 1 Tiger and 17 men.

    This time the relatively easy victory could be because I didn´t try to play out the historical engagement:

    I set up all my Tigers except Wittmanns around the northern end of the road where the britsh tanks were spotted.

    Wittmann was placed in an ambush position in an orchard halfway towards Villers-Bocage, in order to deal with enemy tanks approaching by the road from the south.

    The Tigers supported by the infantry moved slowly in on the british tanks and knocked them all out with only a few infantry losses.

    When I was certain there were no more enemy tanks left in the north, I sent my Tigers south along the road towards Villers Bocage. Here the Tigers killed all armor pretty quickly. The only mishap was a british infantry squad that managed to immobilize Wittmanns Tiger with a hand grenade.

    Just after this I noticed a group of tanks and carriers (reinforcements?) in an orchard in the southeastern end of the map - just east of the railway. These were probably the hardest oppostion to deal with, due to the poor visibility in the orchards. Especially one carrier proved very hard to catch and I was glad I had just received Aufklärungs reinforcements.

    I then began moving my Tigers and infantry into defensive positions along the sourthern edge of the map - in anticipation of more allied reinforcements arriving from the south. Unfortunately for me, the reinforcements arrived just then - and this is when I lost a Tiger to a Firefly.

    Meanwhile, in the southwestern edge of the map one Tiger and a couple of handfuls of infantry managed to keep the Queen´s Rifles busy until more infantry and the Pz IV´s could arrive to deal with them. I had planned to get an infantry HQ to order a mortar strike on the orchard norhtwest of Villers-Bocage where the Rifles were pinned down. But it turned out that this area was out of range for the off map mortars. I guess this must be because the map is so long and the norhern edge of the map is the friendly edge for the axis?

    Anyway, just before my infantry arrived to fight it out with the Queen´s Rifles, the AI decided to call it a day and surrendered.


    Very enjoyable little battle that was perhaps a bit too easy. But as I said, this might be because I didn´t try to play out Wittmann´s historical battle, but used all of my forces from the onset. And it would certainly have been a lot harder I had played it against a human opponent.

    Thanks a lot, GMC. Looking forward to your future wee battles - a 30 sq km version of Prokhorovka, perhaps? ;)

  8. It's all that little junk and stuff that really spices up a map, in my opinion. Clutter = life. If CMX2 could use anything graphics wise I think it's more flavor objects and some more terrain options. Well, besides HIT DECALS AND FIRE!!!

    Seems like we agree on most issues, Mord.

    yeah this is the one thing that has me screaming and running for cover on the new map sizes coming with 3.0. Getting a map to look good is in the details and 30 sq km of detail is ... well a lot.

    It sure is.

    This map is less than 1 sq km - and it took me ages to make. I dread to think of the work lying ahead of the poor fellow that gets the task of making the Stalingrad master map. He better get started soon.

    This is a fun one I will be playing it again.

    Thanks umlaut

    Great. And thank you for helping me test the thing.


    Merry Christmas

  9. fe6u.jpg

    At long last I´m ready to release a scenario to go with the large urban map - "Ciembienne" - that I released earlier this year.

    The scenario is called Seizing Ciembienne

    Allies vs AI only


    Size: Medium

    Map: Large city

    Length: 1:30

    You can get it here: http://cmmods.greenasjade.net/mods/5101/details

    - and later at the Repository


    The story - in short:

    Elements of a british Recce Regiment are tasked with seizing the small - and relatively lightly defended - town of Ciembienne. Unfortunately, a platoon of Jagdpanzers have just arrived to bolster the defenses. They´ll have to be eliminated before the main attack.

    Thus, a small "commando" force with PIATs is sent into town ahead of the main force. They must sneak in unseen and knock out the Jagdpanzers at a workshop - before they leave to take up defensive positions.

    When the Jagdpanzers - hopefully - have been neutralized the main force will arrive. And the real battle begins.


    - and please leave comments, AAR ´s and such in this thread. That will be highly appreciated.


    I am very grateful to the following players for helping me test this scenario:

    Philip "PhilM" Maynard


    Jaeger Jonzo

    Tim "General Lee Irked" Nieuwdorp

    Bob "British Tommy" Millard

    Thanks for the comments and suggestions, guys.



  10. If you want them all to show up in game make sure that they have sequential numbers (helmet 1, helmet 2, helmet 3 and so on). If one number in the sequence (for instance number 7) is missing, then none of the mods with a number above that will show up (ie: number 6 will be the last)

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