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  1. Hope you don't mind me using your diagram to illustrate the type of model we were taught some 35-40 years ago. Definitions are changing. Nobody announces these polar shifts, they just kind of show up and the masses run with it. Many Conservatives are confused they are considered right wing now. The opposite of Liberalism was Conservatism. Socialism was a response to capitalism. Heck I remember Liberal and Conservative Democrats
  2. Yes, number 3 guy you can see the involuntary reflex of his foot as he is shot, and the debris in front of his knee from possible bullet ricochet on ground. So yeah AK bullet to popliteal artery, time is limited.
  3. CNN reported a group of Russian prisoners being knee capped which pretty much means they'll die of their wounds. Russians will probably have higher incentive to fight to death rather than surrender now that this is out. (7) Ukraine promises "immediate investigation" after video surfaces of soldiers shooting Russian prisoners (cnn.com) Sadly I shutter to think conditions are as bad or worse for Ukrainian prisoners. This is another ugly side to this war.
  4. In the game context I was also thinking in terms of motivation and leadership. Both soft factors for units. In keeping with the OP, would these be higher during cold war era because of political officers? I guess I got onto this kick after watching Hunt for Red October (also read it way back) and the problem Captain 2R Ivan Putin presented to Ramius because he was always looking for subversive behavior.
  5. I don't think political commissars were some paragon of virtue either. Who would right? Rather I'm inquiring if they (political officers, party observers) did provide a separate layer of oversight the military chain of command had no control over. During the cold war this may have resulted in military units being equipped better and trained compared to current day.
  6. I have to wonder with the presence of political commissars in 80's if some of the modern Russian military shortfalls due to corruption, training, or inept practices would have been prevented, or at least mitigated.
  7. I followed Panzer Pajamas youtube channel. He had a unique way of applying post production editing. It made the combat mission battles look more like an animated movie. Very entertaining. Unfortunately his channel disappeared. I mention this, perhaps someone knows if the content still exists somewhere.
  8. Might be filtered by language. If you change reviews to all languages you'll see all written reviews. 43 now. Only 6 are negative. Some kind of lag in reporting. More important to have an active and constructive forum.
  9. Its forced obsolescence to people with 5 year old i7 systems, during a period of unprecedented integrated circuit manufacturing shortfalls.
  10. Bad timing from what i understand. Windows 11 is quite beast and will only add to the processor manufacturing shortfalls if you think its a good time to get a new PC. You'll get less bang for the buck.
  11. I'm going to ask because I don't know. Haven't been able to find a reference for this period. But, did the soviets practice using one tank as an IR spotter, with other forward tanks firing at the painted targets. It seems to me with all this IR gear, a survivable tactic would be paint and scoot, letting a silent mate fire before before the enemy does. I might be way off but was curious.
  12. AT guy looks like an apparition. Reminds me of those Weird War comics I used read.
  13. Recall wayback Close Combat, the Russian one? Forget, haven't played for years. But had this Pz III earn 5 stars and all the medals all through the campaign, they were ace. At some point they bought the farm, that was a sad day. I miss that. Back to topic, I see at least one T64 scratched.
  14. CM2 is tank centric and excels at this. Pacific theater would be light on tanks, especially for the Japanese. Maybe Korean War would be more suitable?
  15. Thanks, wish listed this. Been playing Aeronautica for dog fights which leaves a lot to be desired.
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