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Everything posted by SlapHappy

  1. I've noticed that if greeny troops have a treeline to spread out around they will tend to do that rather than advance over dead ground. They simply don't have the hutzpah to do that. They make little probes, take a couple of casualties, and seep back into cover. Very cool. Your biggest problem with these guys is having enough ammo to shoot them with. It's really kind of pathetic
  2. Yup. Had battle size set to random. It must have come up 'Huge'.
  3. I guess I'm inching my way towards a question here.... If I have a Syrian squad which is Crack and a Marine squad which is Crack, are there any differences besides hardware capabilities? Is it apples to apples as far as troop qualities go in the game, or is there still a variation based on troop nationality or branch of service?
  4. Wow I just got hit by ~1700 Syrian Light Infantry conscripts in a quick battle. They were coming out of treelines until I shot them up pretty good and took all the fight out of em. I was given some anti-tank/scout units and a very little infantry. Most of my troops were wrapped up in TOW infantry. I inflicted about 1000 casualties - dead, wounded, and missing. The remaining 500+ troops basically drew back into the woods and called it a day. The game ended after almost an entire hour of "overtime" play. I had ten killed out of 68 men. Most of those were from the 3-4 vehicles I had hit by RPG rocket fire. The conscripts were just no match for a small unit of hardcore Marines.
  5. Thanks Webwing - Crossroads was great and I'm sure this remake will be too.
  6. It would be very cool to have some demonstration scenarios which show the effects of all these morale and leadership variables in real life game situations. The problem is the unintentional bias when utilizing hotseat that can be introduced by the player. Also, the map layout is going to influence the outcome unless it is effectively a pool table It would be great if both sides could be scripted for AI instead of just the computer player.
  7. I'll probably take a stab with some of the CMSF modules (already have marines). However, with the OPFOR being Syria in any event, how much will a couple different Euro nations packs add to the variability of the game? If I match up my new UK soldiers against the Syrians, am I just seeing the same cakewalk with different vehicles and soldier models? Within the scale and context of CMSF, what else will change besides graphics to give the game a different feel than vanilla (US Army) CMSF?
  8. Basically a standard LAW with a warhead designed to take down buildings. My question is will we see this type of behavior with this weapon in the game? Right now, it seems like none of the light anti-armor weapons model this behavior - That is penetrating a structure and then detonating inside for anti-personnel effect. Will this piece of hardware be significantly different from what we have seen so far? Oh, also apparently the 51 mm "knee" mortar is being discontinued for a fairly standard type 60 mm model. At least according to the British military's website.
  9. I can verify the lengthy loading halt at 77%. I have not tried to save a game, though I suspect I would encounter the same problems mentioned above as everything else checks out as mentioned.
  10. I find it difficult to believe that CM's attention to realism doesn't attract more military attention. Not saying it isn't so - I just find it hard to believe.
  11. I was really pulling for this feature. In a way, it makes Blue's job easier and harder at the same time. You can definitely use it to your advantage, if you take the time to position a "kill watch" out the back of the targeted building.
  12. Well, I own the first Theatre of War, if that tells you anything. "If the gameplay takes into account proper infantry tactics and their ability to gain some cover at least even in apparently open areas then they should not end up dead five minutes into the game." Well, guess what, in the first game this was not the case. Let's hope Volume II does a better job. Of course, there was supposed to be an add-on for the original TOW, but that didn't happen, either.
  13. This is a REAL problem. It has been around since V. 1.08. The sooner the problem is isolated and dealt with the sooner some of us can play and enjoy QB's. Thanks for your attention BFC.
  14. You've accidentally installed the Black Velvet Painting terrain mod for CMSF. Don't feel too bad - Some other victims of this mod only get still screens of dogs playing cards and Elvis in Las Vegas when they boot the game.
  15. I just bumped the old thread back from when 1.08 patch came out and I experienced this problem for the first time. Thanks
  16. Time to bump this. At Battlefront's suggestion. I didn't see the point in starting a new thread when this illustrates the problem so much better. With v. 1.11 and Marines installed STILL having problems with QB's switching sides. It's weird. Out of ten battles I tried with the same settings, only one time did it not switch to the opposing side when I clicked start.
  17. After some more attempts using same settings - I had one map load which did not trigger side switch. Mark did such a good job providing us with QB maps it's hard to get the same one twice! I'm going to keep trying with same settings to see if this is being caused by the map being selected - or if it is entirely random.
  18. Try again. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3089/3132838182_4912eb87d9_o.jpg
  19. Mark I'm having trouble with QB's switching sides again. I moved all the old QB maps and reinstalled the patch and verified the new maps...still no luck. It lets me setup the troops for the side I chose, but the minute I hit the START button it switches me over to control of the opposing army. WTH? I had this problem before, does anyone know what causes it. It's happened on all the quick battles I've tried so far.
  20. A few years ago they also introduced a plugin-joystick where the entire console was the base of the joystick. It had ten of the most popular Atari games built-in.
  21. Yeh, that was my biggest hangup regarding WEGO as it was originally implemented.
  22. Great! That's another off my pet peeves list. That one will change the whole complexion of the game, IMO.
  23. Any behavioral improvements in close quarters combat? Especially inside buildings?
  24. Here you go http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_(arcade_game)
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