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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. I too was once of the opinion that if CM1 had it CM2 should too. Now I consider fire a lower priority than say, expanded fortification/trench/machine gun nest types, and of course having everything tweaked right to have as realistic combat as possible as mentioned above. Also just having more scenarios with unusual weapons such as the Sturmtigers and flame tanks and mine-flail tanks would be a priority over fire.
  2. That's all right, I deserved the jest. Anyway to clarify, for example back in my day (late '70s), the Redeye guys were a battalion level asset in our heavy artillery battalion. I never once saw any of them go out with our battery on maneuvers. Probably because they would have nothing to do. I'm asking in 2008, the CMSF timeframe, had they been further integrated down the chain of command to company or even platoon level and in which armies ? I don't think they'd be like Javelins and just carried along in the APC for anyone to use as in US Army (but not USMC) usage. Interestingly, IIRC the Redeye guys I talked to said they had only fired a Redeye once or twice in training. The rest was all simulator training.
  3. Note I know no "additional" features will be added to CMSF other than what engine 4.0 brings intrinsically. Nor to my knowledge has BFC has hinted at any Manpad inclusion into the updated game. This is just a general informational query. Thanks.
  4. Sgt S.- Well as I'm sure you know modules and packs are always designed for only one family. In the CMFI forums, Steve himself expresses the desire for an elite forces pack for that family. So an elite forces pack need not be limited to just one family but they would always be separate packs. Here's a really long shot for an addition to an Normandy pack- the Tetrarch Tank.
  5. Will the US Army truck still be part of the British Forces module?
  6. I know some will accuse us of being fan boys, but doing something such as updating a game that came out 10 years ago initially is almost unheard of.
  7. Well we're talking about CMBN here. I don't know what of any operations they did in that campaign.
  8. In the General discussion forum, the desire for an elite forces pack was expressed by a few for CMBN. IIRC Battlefront once mentioned an elite forces pack as a possibility for CMFI. Here I wanted to focus however on a Normandy pack and what it might consist of. Of course we already have the allied airborne forces. Most German airborne forces by this time iirc were no longer elite. Obvious additions are US Rangers and British Commandos. I believe both British Army and Marine Commandos were identically organized. Are there any other force types that would qualify for an elite forces pack?
  9. In other news, I seem to recall a statement that Battlefront was once entertaining the thought of micro-expansions. In other words using the downloadable content model many other games have for say, a certain vehicle or feature. Did I hallucinate that statement and if not is this still a possibility or has it been decided against?
  10. I know. You don't even put in non-fantasy stuff if it just wasn't there. I'm sure you recall the CMBN Nashorn story.
  11. Hi yes, but I thought I should see a separate listing for 3.0 only and I should have to select only that. I am understanding you to say I should select all and download.
  12. +1 thumbs up for a CMBN "Elite Forces Pack". The work done on the US Rangers in CMFI gives battlefront a head start I would think. As for a "fantasy pack" I would always prefer something or some country/force that really saw action in the war.
  13. Hi, I'm installing my CMBN on a new computer. I have all the modules except the Battlepack and never got 4.0 . I am following the steps in the link below. I have gotten to step 7. However when I go through my account to get to 3.0 a bunch of other downloads are available but not 3.0. Is this a website problem or are these instructions obsolete or am I the problem? Thanks https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/help/article/127908
  14. Steve and Charles (and the rest of New England and Eastern Canada), I hope you guys don't lose power in this storm. Best of luck.
  15. Happy New Year everyone. I've always wanted to see assault boats so we could play the 82nds crossing of the Waal at Nijmegen.
  16. Understood, but would it be a desirable feature for other families to get "bridge demo capability" is my and I think RepsolCBR's question.
  17. And now the inevitable question. Will/should bridge blowing be extended to other Families?
  18. Well the bridge got blown by an IED but Mord referred to that right away. Is that what you mean?
  19. IIRC CMSF supposes a united non-Assad led Syria, which is a "perfect-storm" political situation created only to allow a game where the Syrian Army can put up the best fight possible against the NATO invasion. Everyone now knows of course Syria is and was far from united. I don't know enough about Syrian politics and don't want to turn this thread into a discussion of such but I wonder if a united Syria was at all possible in the scenario presented where it is Syria that provokes the West with some dirty bombs.
  20. @Combatintman Okay I did my homework. I'm betting these have been fixed as they were, I believe, well know issues. The first is referenced in this thread: The second scenario I refer to is I believe in the USMC campaign Afternoon Delight mission, where if the US takes one casualty the Syrians get a huge amounts of Victory Points. Hope that helps.
  21. I bet they have addressed these, but if not I thought it worth mentioning, I remember there was on mission in the Base Game campaign that was unlaunchable by most people and another where if the US took one casualty they would lose the scenario as the Victory points applied had a bug to it. Are more details needed or are these already taken care of?
  22. Just say you're withdrawing from the agreement. It'll be sort of like Brexit. Boy do I have to explain everything to manipulate a bone from you?
  23. Fix that and post a picture yourself. I promise you won't get any flak from Steve and Charles.
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