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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. At least none of the American voices in CMSF has a Southern drawl like in CMAK so if they do re-use the Yanks it won't be as noticeable. On the other hand if they want to record Canadians swearing they could call up Dorosh, that will get them some choice stuff.
  2. I am sorry for starting this thread. Had I known it would lead to discussing Celion Dion I would never have started it. But I am glad to know the Canadians and Dutch are in. Stoffel are you still around? Did you read that?
  3. Since it won't be too long (we hope) until the release of the British Module I decided to search for info on the following module tentatively called the NATO module. It's expected this module would include the Germans, but I was looking for direct quotes from Battlefront as to who else might be in it if anyone. I found this quote from Steve dated Oct 2005 shortly after the CMSF announcement. Quote "So what kinds of Modules would be applicable to CM:SF? Adding NATO forces and the US Marines to the same exact setting is what we're planning on doing. Which ones and who goes first? We've yet to decide. The NATO forces will not be done all in one Module, that is for sure. What we probably will do is release them grouped by equipment. For example, the Dutch and Danes use a mix of US and German equipment for the most part. If we added the Bundeswehr we could get the Danes and Dutch in with little difficulty since most of their needs would already be met (US stuff in the Title release, German stuff along with the Bundeswehr). But adding the Bundeswehr and the British in one Module is not likely since they both have totally different equipment. But again, it all comes down to how much work it would take for us to put this stuff in." Unquote I have read other comments that the Canadians would be included with the Germans for the same reasons as the Dutch and/or Danes being easy to do, plus you wouldn't even have to do new voice files-though I haven't found a quote about it yet. Battlefront certainly has the right to change thier minds after 3 and 1/2 years. Now that they have a much better idea of how much work it takes to go into a module, I was wondering if they can tell us if the module after the Brits will be Germans only, or will we see one or more of these other countries?
  4. I still can't get it to work in the game after coping the renamed "background day combat.wav" file to my z folder. The original files can be found in the Mod tools/version 200 folder in the CMSF folder.
  5. Are we going to get assault boats/rafts like in CMX1?
  6. Okay I renamed it "background day combat.wav" (no quotes) in the version 200 folder inside the data folder but I still get the arty background. Any suggestions? Thanks
  7. I followed the instructions and renamed the file background.wav and copied the version 200 file into the data folder but I still hear arty in the background.
  8. Is it possible we'll get steel girder bridges in addition to the stone bridges we got in CMX1?
  9. Everything they've said so far has been yes to water and bridges (at least bridges over water) in the WWII game.
  10. No I never played that scenario, do you remember the name? I want to give it a try.
  11. Just a reminder, CMBO had less of a breakdown between tanks (i.e early/mid/late) no Brummbars, Pz III's or Elefants (which I don't think fought in France anyway).
  12. Just for Kicks I pulled up a speadsheet I had that listed all CMAK vehicles. In the Summer of '44 we have for the U.S. : M5 Stuart M5A1 Stuart M4 Sherman (early) M4 Sherman M4(105) Sherman M4A1 Sherman (early) M4A1 Sherman M4A1(76)W Sherman M4A3 Sherman M4A3(75)W Sherman M4A3(76)W Sherman M4A3(105) Sherman M7 Priest M7B1 Priest M8 HMC M10 And that's not counting halftracks, armored cars, trucks or jeeps. For the Germans: (and this is for Italy so no King Tigers on the list) Lynx (Pz II L) Wespe Marder II Marder III ® Marder III H Marder III M Grille (sIG 33 auf Pz38t) Grille (sIG 33/1 auf Pz38t) Hetzer (JgPz 38t) Panzer III M (late) Panzer III N Panzer III N (late) Sturmgeschütz III F Sturmgeschütz III F (late) Sturmgeschütz III F/8 Sturmgeschütz III G (early) Sturmgeschütz III G (early mid) Sturmgeschütz III G (mid) Sturmgeschütz III G (late mid) Sturmgeschütz III G (late) Sturmgeschütz IV Sturmgeschütz IV (late) Sturmhaubitze StuH 42 (early) Sturmhaubitze StuH 42 (mid) Sturmhaubitze StuH 42 (late) Panzer IV F2 Panzer IV G (early) Panzer IV G Panzer IV G (late) Panzer IV H Panzer IV J Jagdpanzer IV (early) Jagdpanzer IV Brummbär (Sturmpanzer IV, early) Brummbär (Sturmpanzer IV, mid) Brummbär (Sturmpanzer IV, late) Nashorn Hummel Wirbelwind Panther (Pz V D) Panther (Pz V D late) Panther (Pz V A early) Panther (Pz V A) Panther (Pz V G) Jagdpanther (JPz V , early) Tiger (Pz VI E early) Tiger (Pz VI E) Tiger (Pz VI E late) Elefant (PzJg Tiger) again this doesn't count halftracks ,armored cars, trucks or light vehicles. I really expect some of the German vehicles to wait until at least the Commenwealth module .(but there was some talk of a Porsch turrent King Tiger to battle with the Brits right?)
  13. It's a trick by the Witch to lure the Tigers across the field so that the crews will fall asleep.
  14. I could be dead wrong, but I have a hunch we'll see more vehicles per initial release/module for WWII then we did/will for CMSF. Perhaps they'll charge more to cover the cost. End ungrounded speculation.
  15. I want to see a U-boat. There was one instance of a Stuart exchanging fire with a U-boat.
  16. Well there was talk about a module to the France Summer of '44 game ( I hesitate to call it Normandy as I understand it will cover more than just that) that will add Market-Garden and September so maybe the M-36 will come along with it.
  17. Try Here: http://www.combatmission.com/ You can see pre-views of most of the Mods.
  18. The surprise: A six fingered Syrian!
  19. Well they told us to expect some surprises with the Marines, so it's not like the Spanish Inquisition which, of course, no one expects.....
  20. So will we be getting any surprises with the Brits? I know you love to keep us in suspense.
  21. This does make me wonder if it would be worth it to Battlefront to eventually add the French and Poles to CM Normandy like they did to CMBO. Correct me if I'm wrong but the Poles would use the same TO & E as Commomwealth forces and the French would be the same as the US Army. All they would really need is new voices and small changes to the skins. Doing the voices wouldn't be a small task but would it be enough to justify a module that would sell?
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