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Everything posted by waffelmann

  1. Aah....thank you! I was confused, because they could not be found as single vehicles (only one type!)
  2. I don't find the panzer IIIs in the editor...what I have to adjust (region, year, month)???
  3. Probably your aris mod has several options for one texture. So they mix up with the withe-washed. In other words: for every option of one texture in the mod there have to be one withe-washed texture!
  4. Ok...I did my daily duties...I would be ready (again)!!!
  5. I didn't mean because it was a short time. I meant because this 5 hours would have spent in the past too and F&R would have come 5 hours later too...in either way....achjeh, I am so bad in explaining/expressing in english... But it would be better, it would be released now...then I wouldn't participate on such discussions...
  6. To be honest, it was not held up! There is no difference in correct it now or in correct it in the past (for the release of F&R) because the same resources where blocked the same amount of time... But I would like too dedicated bug-threads for better observing what is known...at least for the graphics, because there is mostly no need for dicussion....
  7. Alert! Now we need the second "very"!
  8. I'll miss all of this when the module is out. Fortunately, you're always waiting for something here!
  9. Thanks for your opinion! I will re-consider (and I am not the fastest in deciding so this will take time....)...
  10. This is good to know! Thanks! On the negativ side is, that now I have to scan the whole forum 24X7 for the words "very" from elvis....in a short frequence...
  11. This waiting is obviously driving me crazy. Now I check my emails every few minutes if nobody posts anything here for a long time, because then I think everyone is already playing ...
  12. Thanks! But I have time and be trained to wait!
  13. I think the release of F&R is accompanied of the release of a patch. So you download the patch or the (new) fullversion which include F&R, but no extra-specfic software for the module... So I understand the process...
  14. Oh please not here! You know how it will ends! And I will never get my answer from benbark...
  15. That is ok. An additional question: I can see soviet cavalry troopers (blue trousers) on one of the screenshots of the gallery. Are these a selectable uniform-option in the "appaerance-menue" or is it a scenario with the tag [cavalry}?
  16. @benpark Is the M44 uniform only for the wehrmacht available?
  17. It's been a long time since anyone said I had good eyes ...
  18. Like it...but I see the left ammo pouch of the sturmgewehr vanishing in the body...
  19. Thanks! Interesting! And now the new german uniforms (M44?)!
  20. I only thought, that then the people don't have to choose... And yes...sometimes I like the tag-system too. I switched one time the german paratroopers in CMFB to parka. Looked good, but I think they would need theier own camouflage...
  21. Why not add the snow-tag to the winter-tag to the white uniforms?
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