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Posts posted by JoMac

  1. 30 minutes ago, sburke said:

    You should see my wish list. It is no better than anyone else’s in regards to making on BFs list. I want gun barrels on tanks to not be able to poke though buildings. I want flavor items to act like regular objects so a traffic barrier is essentially the same as a wall.  I want,....I want...  the moon. 

    Ah, Yes, also wanted Armor not to shoot directly through each other, especially shooting through Dead Vehicles (that aren't burning)...But, as you say, it would be difficult for the AI.

  2. 2 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Yes it was a long time ago :)  Since we're already down memory lane, a month or so ago I was in Halifax reminiscing with someone about watching Creature Double Feature on Chanel 56 and the Bruins on Chanel 38.  We had a Millennial at the table and we found ourselves having to explain UHF.  Ah, life was so much simpler back then when a bit of tinfoil was all one needed to fix a signal problem.  Then again, I get to watch all those Creature Double Feature movies WITH inspired commentary on Netflix's recently rebooted MST3K, so there is that.


    Shh, and just to name a few...I use to watch 'Creature Feature', 'Space 1999', 'Godzilla vs. whatever', 'Ultraman', 'Johnny Sokko and some flying Robot', 'Thunderbrats', and something called 'Stuff-n-Puff'...Please, and don't make fun of 'Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, and Bob Ross as Mom & Dad made me watch them (something about being edumacational).

  3. 3 hours ago, Combatintman said:

    Not really disagreeing with you for the purposes of game play because I'm happy with 3 action spots per section/squad, but in real life standard spacing between individuals when moving tactically should be a minimum of 10 metres which, depending on the size of the section/squad, would be a frontage of 80-100m or 10-13 action spots.

    Yeah, my Gaming Miniatures on Bases came to mind on this one...But, as you say, the spacing between individuals is more spread out.

  4. I know BF increased Troop distances a bit in previous Upgrade due to Players demands...However, I still think Squads should stay within say 3x Action Spots max (1x Action-Spot per Team), and not spread out half-dozen Action Spots when moving (not to mention that some troops stay behind until next turn before finally moving again...If at all).

    For me, at least, It also just seems Troops have a greater risk of becoming a casualty when Spread-out too far (as it takes longer to reach it's destination when under fire).


  5. I don't think this is the case now (for all CM Titles), but when Units start to loose Ammo it will start to slow down its firing...

    Example; Units will fire normally when Ammo is Full, then when it looses half its Ammo it will start to slow down its ROF a bit, and when it looses three quarters of its Ammo, then it will slow down its ROF even more so (maybe ROF reduced in half)...Anyways, something along those lines.

  6. 7 minutes ago, sburke said:

    I thin you are mis-reading this.  Clicking on a dead vehicle IS the same as clicking just anywhere on the map.  it is essentially the same as not clicking a unit.  It does not "see" and is not passing C2.  You are essentially not selecting a unit.

    Ok, and that's what I figured (and therefore nothing is wrong) and just thought that CanukeGamer had a problem with it for some reason...So, apparently he is referring to something else then.

  7. 30 minutes ago, kinophile said:

    Ahh - do you mean "dead vehicle sees all units spotted by player's entire force, even if the dead vehicle could not actually see those units itself"? 

    Yes, the Dead Vehicle is basically no different then clicking anywhere on map...That Vehicle can see everything that all your Combined Units can already see.

    Next time your Vehicle is destroyed click on it and you should see all enemy units that have already been spotted...Thou, you still wont see every enemy unit on Map. 

  8. 9 hours ago, IanL said:

    ?? @CanuckGamer I have not seen that behaviour. Do you have a save?

    @JoMc67 what I have seen is if you have a vehicle selected as it dies there is a point where you see the battle field as if nothing is selected. Given that shows the sum total of the battlefield lintel you can be left with the feeling that the KO'ed vehicle sees that stuff.

    Could that explain what you are seeing?

    Ok, after re-running more Game Turns I see what, Canuck, is saying and Dead Vehicles (and it's Crew) continue to spot all Enemy Units on the Battlefield as if clicking on empty spot on map (you see the sum of all enemy units).

    So, as IanL, mentioned we are just seeing the total sum of all Units on the Battlefield (Dead Vehicles is no different then clicking empty spot on Map) and it seems to be intentional and I'm fine with it.

  9. Ok, guys...I'm with MAC on this one.

    Basically, put yourself in a Units shoes, you shouldn't know more then they know. You get a rough idea of what the Terrain type is, and what Cover & Concealment it may likely offer, etc (also, using the LOS tool helps)...This, and the lack of info for how much Armor or Gun Penetration, etc, all helps with the Immersion that CM provides.

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