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Agent Smith

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Everything posted by Agent Smith

  1. Kuniworth, you must be really bored waiting for SC2 to come out, because ALL your replies in recent times, have been little more than poorly veiled attempts to create an argument. It's tiresome!
  2. There has been discussions within Tacops of being able to link adjoining maps by importing OOB's or exporting movements from one scenario to another. Would such a notion be possible in SC2? to overcome any perceived mapping limitations.
  3. Before extolling the virtues of Bush's America 1. Read "The politics of Good and Evil" by Peter Singer. 2. Objectively watch "bowling for colombine" and compare the statistics of gun related murders of the U.S to Canada; and. Then try and convince all the non-US citizens on this board just how superior you really are. I live in Australia, and I am disgusted with the way our culture has capitulated to that of George Dubbya's. This topic has become a 'political' topic. Nothing wrong with that, but in my opinion it's a shame that so many rednecks play wargames.... As a U.S. refusnik, I'd like all the flag waving propaganda left to the low brows in the general forums.
  4. I'd be happy enough with just the unit bitmap!!! Surely that would get the scenario modders salivating
  5. Dude, I am a long time newbie when it comes to this program, but before you get 'avalanched' by the big guns that lurk on this forum... you need to understand that every unit can be altered and endless combinations can be played out within the a.i structure. I am not sure about the ability to mod the demo. But without doubt, Tacops is worth every cent. Even with 'scenario editor limitations' Tacops is the one game that I return to again and again to play. Other games have been loaded and removed; Tacops remains. Simple graphics, easily played, and I always get my butt kicked. High challenge value!
  6. I am not suggesting to be able to play Tacops on the ipod as a stand-alone system, (although being able to do so would be cool!). But only with iPod being a usb external drive. As my computer crashed the other day and I wondered what files I needed to run tacops from the pod, and the smallest possible file structure... apologies for any confusion here.
  7. Wow! So all the bitmaps are superfluous. Thankyou once again for your prompt reply. Appreciated.
  8. Is it possible to run tacops from my ipod (as external hard-drive)...and what would be the smallest possible footprint to do so? What are the essential files?
  9. Big Duke 6 where are you? 'western'(ie. U.S. west coast) hemisphere timezones suck.
  10. Dan I've updated my profile so the email address should now be visible. I'll run OPFOR.
  11. Which scenario for starters dan? I've got to say I agree with post re hellfire, the net files I've seen would suggest mounted on heavy wheeled vehicle would kick arse!
  12. RG, it depends what "several things" you're trying to change. Your graphic mods are restricted to altering bitmaps...and there are enough .bmps to keep you going along time. Just remember not to alter the resolutions as this causes all sorts of grief. But seamonkey is correct on the point re editor. All I can suggest is that you keep playing SC1 on max AI settings and hold your breath for the arrival of SC2. (I look forward to seeing your mod posted here!)
  13. RG, it depends what "several things" you're trying to change. Your graphic mods are restricted to altering bitmaps...and there are enough .bmps to keep you going along time. Just remember not to alter the resolutions as this causes all sorts of grief. But seamonkey is correct on the point re editor. All I can suggest is that you keep playing SC1 on max AI settings and hold your breath for the arrival of SC2. (I look forward to seeing your mod posted here!)
  14. Hey Big Duke 6, I live in Melbourne, would be up for a pbem or maybe even online, although have little experience on both. I find the biggest problem with the cpx's and online side here is that most of the active players seem to be northern hemisphere, and shocking time zones. Zap a reply here if your interested. My knowledge of the game is limited, but I'd like to try some custom scenarios that use all those amazing alternative maps... any suggestions.
  15. Perhaps Hubert could now put the unit bitmap up on site for a download to keep the mod squad happy. Personally, when I heard that Tactics II is being tested, I was happy enough. I had a toaw version, but SC2 AI should be better than mine. As for custom scenarios, my goal has been a large scale recreation of the WWI ANZAC campaign of the Gallipoli peninsula, or a global interface mod. (whichever is the more exhausting). Good Thread b.t.w.
  16. Friendly, Please post one my way I'm intrigued! regards Agent S. *blur@mc2.vicnet.net.au p.s. please remove the * infront of 'blur' otherwise I wont get it. Thanks
  17. When I first visited this site, I was frankly amazed at the number of posts, some members had contributed. There insight and enthusiasm, was one of the reasons why I chose to purchase, SC1. But honestly Mr. K. you are really posting crap at the moment. If you have nothing better to do than keep winding up people, just to increase your post count, I suggest you save your junk for the general forum.
  18. Kuni, I think you jumped down this guy's throat a little too quickly, all he was asking is where do the GRAPHIC mods reside for terrain and resource tiles. There are at least two graphic versions that I'm aware of, the original 'grey' and the later 'green-enhanced graphic/dialog box" version. Knowing where they and other similar mod files reside would be more than welcome...and given that HC encourages legitimate modding, it is a shame that Battlefront do not have some official space that stores said files.
  19. It's getting like you can smell the desperation around here. There are so many intense requests for tweaks mods and wishlists going down, that HC might as well just release the programming code as open source and charge as for the manual! SC2 will clearly disappoint some who requested every possible nuance... but for goodness sake, everyone needs to calm down just a little and wait for the release. And just like the wait for any new arrival, I think we should predict the time, and kudos to the closest prediction. For the record I'm predicting September 11 2005.
  20. Sea Monkey, Please post it to me... (blur@mc2.vicnet.net.au) Given the feedback, this scenario could go down as one of the greats before SC2 dominates the scenario mod scene. ta A.S.
  21. Hey Kurt Are you still using my graphic mods? My machine crashed, so you're the only one in the world with a copy, (I assume). I'm looking forward to bitmapping around in SC2, I'll post when the demo's out! any requests?
  22. Sea Monkey, why not just upload the scenario file at the games depot page of the wargamer. There are some rather aging scenarios there could be dusted off. There are plenty of other sites that hold SC scenario files. Surely that would make life easier for all.
  23. I've been trying to create a scenario variant like a 'black hawk down' or 'behind enemy lines' where sending in special forces to resucue air crew before the civ's with mixed weaponry descend upon the injured. As there are many people here more capable of creating balanced scenario variants, is there somewhere that such saved games files reside? regards Agent
  24. Thanks Coyote, Does that xls file reside somewhere on the tacops website? regards Andrew
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