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Agent Smith

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Everything posted by Agent Smith

  1. Thanks Quetzalquoitl. (just wanted to see if I could type that!) Sure as hell can't pronounce it!
  2. Fantomas, commendable work. Simplifying the map must have taken considerable time. But the units still do not reflect tech level differences. The attack strength/ movement marker is really only decoration. In SC1 unit mods overcame this with increasing a small square marker on the different units. My unit mod used the brigade/regiment/corps/army descriptors as a means of designating tech levels. I think you need to address this issue, before your mod is treated as little more than a curiosity.
  3. ...and having just read some of the hype regarding the last 'anzac cpx' from the mailing lists... Okay I may be regarded as a newbie Neanderthal riding around with a bunch of tanks, "wielding them like clubs"; but having watched the replay files. My Tanks in the northern woods, kicked some serious OPFOR arse!! SO BRING IT ON!
  4. Yes available longer for this one
  5. Sounds good Rat. count me in on the next one. (time zone permitting).
  6. Enjoyed CPX, look forward to the next one. (More than available march 10 or 11) same time longer game. [ February 24, 2007, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: Agent Smith ]
  7. Please confirm 7023 or 7024. You cite both in this tread.
  8. Thanks for the conversion Major G. How many teams, etc? Do we need to chat before-hand?
  9. 9:30am Australia Time (+10 GMT) Is good for me.
  10. I like the way your thinking here Major G. My time's limited, and if I get the CPX bug, I'd probably be prepared to play more and for longer. I set up mirc to use comms.tacopshq.com. Nobody there, (obviously). So I guess I'm ready, although rusty. Which scenario were your planning on using, I'd like to get in some training....
  11. Given how all the pre-planning coordination of who has what can take some time, and also my cpx newbie status; I'm quite happy to have my units predetermined/ imposed for me. (at least for the first go!)So John feel free to dictate terms. -just a couple of things. I use skype, very straightforward. But with mirc there appear to be very few servers around with which to connect from the default list. Is there any server/ channel I can drop into to test the system? I have tried searching around the battlefront forums for the combat mission server, but couldn't find the details... I have played one tcp/ip tacops game and used the chat system built into the game. Seemed quite good, so why the need for mirc? Is it because ALL players can see the discussion, and can not be separated by teams? regards Smith - in reply to your email: Sunday is better than Saturday for me. [ February 15, 2007, 05:20 PM: Message edited by: Agent Smith ]
  12. sorry to breakup the 'love-in' gentlemen. I'm new to this cpx'n stuff. so what happens now? -oh yeah, an' roses to my partner, for keeping the children at arms length for the 25th. (although I could still be handed a paint brush for the house if she reads this thread.)
  13. okay, okay. I saw this over at SZO as well! after all my bitch'n and moaning about timezones I guess I'm a conscript. (very newbie!, never done a cpx, so please assign me a bit-part) email:blurdesign_at_optusnet_dot_com_dot_au for info on what happens next...
  14. Fant, look a little closer, I use the NATO symbols for regiment, brigade, corps, army etc at the top of the counter to indicate the strength of the unit. In SC1 some mods placed small squares on the side of the units. I think, the closer the unit style to 'classic' games, the easier it is for me to take the 3d view a little more seriously. Agent S. Look forward to the beta!
  15. 9:00pm-1:00am Eastern Australia Time (+10 GMT approx) Most nights okay-ish (ie:not single; young kids and a spouse who would rather I read a book!)
  16. The one 'issue' with your unit mods fantomas, is that there is no distinguishing the unit strength of the tanks, fighters and bombers. Is this a deliberate FOW thing?
  17. Rattler Poll; point M. M) I would like to play CPX multiplayer but they seem to be at inconvinient times always. -nuff said!
  18. What time John? 16:00 where? If we are talking 4:00pm Eastern AUSTRALIAN time. cool! ...else :-(
  19. Fantomas, As you can see here, unfortunately, I do not believe the actual unit strength number colour can be altered. This is only problematic for Germany. (My preference here would be all black units with white text). All I did was stretch the unit at the bottom and trim the tops. Original unit counters are too thick in my opinion, and the shading is unnecessary. The screen grab here is slightly distorted, as the units look square when I play. As for terrain mod, that is still a work in progress, but will probably adapt graphics from toaw as an initial generator. Hope this is what you wanted to know. oh yeah, I think your mod work is really cool. regards (hope the picture stays, (teething errors with google/picasa) Agent S. [ February 09, 2007, 02:34 AM: Message edited by: Agent Smith ]
  20. Mine are posted at cmmods.com I have an update that I have not posted, that removes the indented effect of the strength value on the unit, making it look much more like a board game counter. If you want that just reply here.... As for how to implement, I generally just rename the file I am about to replace from unit.bmp to unit.old and keep it in the directory.
  21. (East Coast of Australia +10GMT.) I'm quite prepared to play 2200-0200. How long do they run before connections break? also; VERY small duties please. Perhaps driving the ambulance! also; I'd be interested to know how many +10's lurk about.
  22. Rattler, Biggest problem I have to playing cpx's is time zone. The last one started 2am Eastern Australia Time. I play a rare tcp/ip with others, but my games are for the most part solitaire. Hence looking forward to the V5 scenario editor. Although taking a solitary position, I thoroughly enjoy the nxport mail thread, allows me to listen in on the active members. Answers: A, J, K, M, N, O possibly Q. regards A.
  23. For what it's worth, I have uploaded my tile mod to cmmods for anyone interested. sample below. Thanks Fantomas, I adapted your naval pics. ...I'm going to have a go at the 2D Map!
  24. Question: how are you able to get your naval units so wide? What is the maximum pixel size of a unit?
  25. Outstanding sir, I hope you do not mind, but I have incorporated some of your work here into a unit mod that I will post here shortly. Would you consider working on a terrain mod? ie. Forest, mountains and cities, viewed from above as map icons rather than little pictures... The problem I have with SC2 is the 'iso' view. If the 3dimensionality can be made more 2D, (much like your hex mod), then the game would be more map like, (instead of pushing miniatures on a table).
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