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Posts posted by DesertFox

  1. 43 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    We'll never know for sure, will we? 😀

    Yes, and we can consider ourselves to be very lucky that we were never forced to find out the hard way.



    Quote from: https://jmss.org/article/download/58117/43734/158257

    The American general (Colin Powell) was convinced that his forces would manage to accomplish the mission of holding one of the key areas to NATO defense in Central Europe – but in the worst case, this would come at a high price. During an exercise, his Chief of Staff made the following remark on this situation: “(…) our last defensible position is the Vogelsberg range, and at that time it may be necessary to ask for release of nukes (…)

    In his memoires, Colin Powell wrote that it had been this exercise in particular that had brought home to him how fast they would have reached the point of considering the use of nuclear weapons. For German military leaders, it was hard to foresee when the American allies would actually employ nuclear weapons in the Fulda Gap.



  2. 18 minutes ago, Da_General said:

    I suppose that’s where the superior numbers come into play for the Soviets. They could afford the huge losses as long as they gained ground. 

    Terrain objectives should always be worth much more to the Soviet side than unit objectives. That would be fairly easy to model in game.

    It is exactly that. Nobody really knows what would have been left of NATO defence forces once the 2nd echelon would have been rolling across the border. If lucky they would have been delayed 12-24 hours to reach the Weser.


    The spearheads of the enemy attack could reach the Weser-Line after 9 to 14 hours if launched after only a short preparation phase, and after 15 to 25 hours after a more deliberate preparation. Elements of the Second Guards Tank Army or of the Twentieth Guards Army with a total of 11 divisions were projected as the second echelon.

    from: https://jmss.org/article/download/58117/43734/158257

  3. 2 minutes ago, Yskonyn said:

    According to several news outlets this is correct.
    Aparently the German Government did not agree and therefore Ollongren cannot push through. Now dutch minister of defense Ollongren has stated that we will buy over 100 Leo 1's (together with Germany as far as I understand) for Ukraine use.

    Most reports are quite short and without extensive explanation however.

    EDIT: Aragorn2002 calls BS on the report. Perhaps he can elaborate?
    BNR news reported it to be correct. Seems like a reliable source?

    Thanks. I´m pretty sure that the truth will see the light here sooner or later.

  4. Maybe some of our friends from the netherlands can confirm this or shed some light what´s going on here?

    Doch jetzt werfen niederländische Medienberichte ein anderes Licht auf die Situation! Verteidigungsministerin Kajsa Ollongren (55) hatte dem Parlament am Donnerstag mitgeteilt, dass 18 Leopard-2-Panzer, die die Niederlande von Deutschland leasen, der Ukraine NICHT zur Verfügung gestellt würden. Begründung: ein Nein der Bundesregierung!

    Translation: But now Dutch media reports shed a different light on the situation! Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren (55) told parliament on Thursday that 18 Leopard 2 tanks leased by the Netherlands from Germany would NOT be made available to Ukraine. Reason: a no from the federal government!

    Blockiert der Kanzler wieder Panzer-Lieferungen? | Politik | BILD.de

  5. 4 hours ago, Da_General said:

    Those later T-80 and T-72 models with all of the ERA bricks look so good. Not to mention Challenger and Leo if they decide to include Germany. 

    Agreed, but it really will be some kind of seal clobbing. Create a test scen dated 1982, put an Abrams Coy against advancing T-80s or T-64s and you see what I mean. Beef that up with M901, if you like. They wipe the floor 4000m and beyond. Introducing smoothbore 120mm Leo 2s, 120mm Abrams and rifled 120mm Challengers into the mix doesn´t make it any easier for WarPac in the 80s-90s.

  6. 1 minute ago, dan/california said:

    The A10s apparently need SEAD support than they are likely to get in this war. I am not saying they wouldn't be of some use, but they couldn't be used aggressively enough to REALLY change the balance. If we are going to give the Medvedev an embolism, ATACMS is the the thing that could be going boom on Monday morning.

    This. Without SEAD it wont work. Regardless which western jet you favour.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Zeleban said:

    I don't know if it's true

    It is. With the usual caveat though:

    "Wir sind daher bereit, auch in der Ukraine ein Werk für die Fertigung des Panther zu errichten", sagte Papperger - vorausgesetzt, der Krieg sei beendet und die nötigen Genehmigungen der Bundesregierung lägen vor.

    "We are therefore prepared to set up a plant for the production of the Panther in the Ukraine as well," said Papperger - provided the war was over and the necessary permits from the federal government were in place.

    Rheinmetall in Talks to Supply Ukraine With Panther Battle Tanks (ETR:RHM) - Bloomberg

    Panther: Rheinmetall will modernsten Panzer an Ukraine exportieren (handelsblatt.com)

    Fertigung in Ukraine möglich: Rheinmetall will Kiew Kampfpanzer Panther liefern - n-tv.de

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